Here Comes The Trouble

High School Is Not That Bad

The next day, there was no note on his locker. Kyuhyun sighed in relief while looking at the metal surface. He allowed himself to enjoy the rest of the day thinking that Hyun Ki had given up his stupid crush on him and that everything would be totally normal again.  


But Kyuhyun didn’t know Hyun Ki. A guy like Hyun Ki got what he wanted or no one could get it.


After the practice with the Math Team, Kyuhyun gathered his stuff and walked out of school. He didn’t come home right away though. Siwon had asked him to come to their favorite coffee shop which was only three blocks away.


The coffee shop was called The Garden. The theme of the place is nature. The tables were wooden and the decoration was mostly orchids. It wasn’t a bright and fun place so not many students wondered around there. Plus, Siwon and Kyuhyun could spend some intimating time without getting caught.


When he got there, he walked straight to a small table in a dimmed corner where someone had been waiting for him. The bored boy who was playing with the ice cubes in his glass of cappuccino looked up when Kyuhyun approached and a sweet smile plastered across his lips. He leaned in to plant a kiss on Kyuhyun’s soft cheek as the younger boy was settling down his bag. Kyuhyun quickly pulled himself away and shot Siwon a look that said ‘How could you do that in public?’ and he got a shrug that said ‘Who cares? You’re my boyfriend’ in return.

Siwon had ordered a hot Cocoa Mocha for Kyuhyun. They sat there and talked. Both of them cherished those moments. After all, they were still high school students. They didn’t need grand places to come to have a date. They just wanted to spend some time next to each other after a tiring working day. These stolen moments were more than enough for them.

Siwon stared into Kyuhyun’s face as the younger boy telling him about his day. Suddenly, a flash from the outside if a window caught his eyes. It was gone right at that instant. Siwon shrugged it away as he thought he might have mistaken. Kyuhyun was in front of him and he didn’t want to waste a second on anything besides his lovely boyfriend.




Later on that evening, while he was working on his laptop, Hyun Ki received an e-mail that he had been expecting. The e-mail contained multiple photos. He smirked as he clicked through all of them.

After being rejected the day before, Hyun Ki had asked one of his friends outside of school to wait and stalk Kyuhyun when the boy getting home to see if the boy would meet up with someone who could possibly be his boyfriend. This guy certainly worked fast since Hyun Ki got the result after just the first day.

Hyun Ki came across one photo in which Siwon was smiling sweetly while wiping the cream on the corner of Kyuhyun’s mouth. He closed the laptop forcefully and then picked up his cell phone. He had had some arrangement to do.




 It was such a nice afternoon. For that reason, the basketball coach decided to let the team practice on the outdoor court. Siwon was feeling especially energetic mostly because his boyfriend didn’t have a math practice that day and was currently sitting on a nearby bench pretending to read a book but secretly watching him.


When the basketball practice ended, the team decided to carry on a friendly fun game even though the coach had left. They stopped during the game to get a drink and catch their breath. Being the strong athlete that he was, Siwon was still running around the court playing one-on-one with his best friend - Hankyung.


Siwon felt something was wrong as he noticed a group of students approaching the basketball court who looked like they weren’t there to play the sport. Siwon and Hankyung stopped playing as the said group strolled closer to them. Two of them pulled Hankyung aside and told him to stay away and this wasn’t his business. While both of them were still confused of what was happening, two bulk guys came behind Siwon and locked his arms. He didn’t react in time. Another guy walked in front of him and started punching him in the face and in the stomach. Yelling and screaming could be heard instantly but no one dared to jump in. They all recognized those students. They worked for Hyun Ki. No one wanted trouble. Of course, except a skinny and pale skinned boy who was running fast toward the ruckus.

Kyuhyun was screaming and pleading as he saw his boyfriend was now down on the hard ground and those scums kept on kicking him. One of them held Kyuhyun back when he was trying to push them away. He kicked his legs in the air and struggled with all of his will trying to break free from the strong arms that were clamping his body. Kyuhyun screamed at the top of his lungs as the abuse on Siwon continued.

He pleaded them to leave Siwon alone but none of those guys seemed to even think about stopping. 

He began to scream louder and curse at them but it was all in vain. 


Luckily, someone shouted out “the securities are coming”, the guy who was holding Kyuhyun instantly let him go and ran away along with the ones that were beating Siwon. 


Siwon was still down on the ground. Bruises were on his face and blood was dripping from his lower lips. Kyuhyun hurriedly got down on his knees and hovered above Siwon.


“Oh no”, his voice cracked as tears streaming down his miserable face. Kyuhyun tried to lever Siwon head up to examine the wounds. He was too aware who was behind this and that he was the cause for all of this mess. Siwon also tried to push himself off of the ground but pain immediately shot through his entire body. He groaned. Seeing Siwon's enduring expressing, more tears escaped Kyuhyun's eyes. His hands were shaky since he didn't know what to do to make Siwon feel bettter. For Siwon, he had no idea what just happened and why those jerks gang up to attack him. All he knew at that moment was that his body was aching like hell and his baby was crying next to him. He needed to stand up and get both of them out of there.


When Siwon was finally sitting up after struggling, something horrifying dawned on both of them.


They looked around and as they expected, all eyes were on them.


Kyuhyun could even hear the whispers among them. They all wondered why a nice guy like Siwon got beaten up by Hyun Ki’s subordinates and mostly they were all questioning Kyuhyun’s sudden care for Siwon.


Everyone who was there witnessed the image of Kyuhyun screaming, kicking and pleading for Siwon. And now he couldn’t stop crying looking at Siwon’s wounded state.


‘Why did he do that?’

‘I thought they can’t stand each other?’

‘What is going on with Kyuhyun?’

‘What is it between them?’


Siwon attempted to push Kyuhyun away and ask the boy to leave. But when he looked into those teary eyes, he saw fear and love and his words were lost. He could feel the trembled hands that were clutching into his shirt so Siwon held them, tightly to let Kyuhyun know that he was okay and everything would be okay.

The members of the basketball team came over to prop Siwon up but Kyuhyun didn’t want to let go of him. He supported Siwon’s body and they limped to the school’s clinic by themselves without saying any word to anyone.


People stopped and stared at them but they couldn’t care less. At least, for now. 


Far from the commotion that had just happened, Hyun Ki was celebrating his successful work. Not only that he got his revenge on Siwon, he also put Kyuhyun and Siwon's relationship at stake. 







So...... I do hope you guys like it! 

Please leave me a comment. You would make my day just by typing a few words ^^ 

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Chapter 1: It is so lovely!
Merettevan #2
Chapter 1: Wow I liked reading this story very much! Even if it's not complete, at least the last chapter finds them together and happy and determined... and even with a fan club lol. It's a very sweet story and I love how they went from rivals to boyfriends. Thank you for the lovely reading!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 7: oh God, I need an update!!!!!
(I'm kawaiimk) Please Update soon authornim! I missed you! I hope you're ok ♡
evil_kyu27 #5
Chapter 7: ,can i join that fanclub too? Teehee !! Need an update soon
Chapter 7: Let that be us. XD Hahahaha!!! Love the story so far. :3
coffeelf #7
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaaahhh its so cute ... How can .. Ahhaha brilliant~
Chapter 7: Oh I want to be a Wonkyu fangirl! I'm Bara :)