You Old Fool


Kibum misses Siwon more than he ever thought possible. They were friends, lovers.. Lovers... They were in love. And, now, all they are is apart.


Little Sibum drabble I decided to come up with to let my mind flow a bit. I've writtena few like it before, but never uploaded them.

If you like this one and would like the others put up, please let me know. Constructive critisism is also welcome, as always.



Dear YunJae readers of mine:

Please don't worry about me starting other short stories like this; they're just to help my creative juices. The final part will be up in due time. Saranghae and thank you for your patience!


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sapphirewing #1
What?! Siwon died?!?
Poor kibummie T.T Alone~ maybe he should buy a new cat named Siwon? ^^
Loved this fic!! Hope you can share more of your SiBum fic >.<