
“Umma! Umma!” the boy called running in the house. “I need your help”
“Yah Taemin-ah what did I tell you about running in the house” the older boy answered 
the boy’s call for him. “Now where do you need help for.” he said turning around to l
ook at the boy. 
“I found this little cat in the street. It looks hurt but, I don’t know what to do.”
the boy to show the little kitten to the older. 
“Can you help” he asked with his begging eyes.
“A cat huh I don’t think I can do much for it. Just wait here I get my keys and I bring you to 
the vet.” He said scratching his head waking out of the kitchen to look for his keys.
“thank you Key.” He thanked his hyung. “See I told you he would help” 
he raised the kitten to meet his eyes. 
A few minutes later both boys where waiting at the local vet. After the vet came back they 
walked to her. 
“Your cat is doing fine her paw is hurt pretty badly though so she is gone need a lot of care.”
She said returning the kitten to them. “I want you to come back in two weeks so I can see if 
its heeling well.” 
After the boys made a new appointment they walked out and headed back to their apartment.
“So does this mean we are gone keep her?”
“Taemin you just found her on the streets, we are gone as long as she needs care but, after that she is gone have to go”
“wae, wae can’t we keep her. I want to keep her.”
“alright well will keep her till she is better than we will see if she can stay or not.
Okay? Why don’t you think of a name for her?”
“What about neko-chan?”
“Yeah Japanese for cat right.”
“well that would be Neko but, Neko-chan is cute to.”
“Then its Neko-chan. What do you think of your new name Neco-chan?”
The cat meowed in approval.
now let’s hope the others don’t mind there new roommate.

Sorry it took so long for me to write this 

writing gows slow because I got soem trouble with my boyfriend 

and I don't know if I wanna break up or not 

it takes a lot of my thoughts so its hard to write now 

I hope I can figure this out so I can go back to writing again 


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adelinaribeiro9 #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
corg-key #2
OMG this sound so cute, you should totally write it xD