Goin' Hate.

Hello, Summer. ♥

They went to there first destination, the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. The 2 girls are facinated by the view of the volcanoes. They hiked, of course, with Kahi, L and the others, including Hara, who only wants to make out with the hot guys there. On their way, Nana realized someone was following her, a guy, taking photos of them. 

"Lizzy, did you not see the dude who keep taking photos of us?" Nana asked curiously.

"Please missy, everyone is taking photo, not at us." Lizzy replied and laughed.

Nana was still suspecting that the guy was taking photo of her, not the surroundings of the volcano. They soon reach a rest stop. 

"OK everyone, go to the rest rooms if you want. We will meet here again in 15 minutes !" Kahi shouted and smiled.

L saw Nana seating alone, drinking her bottle of water. He stared at Nana until Nana walks away. Nana was going to the rest room until someone dragged her hand to the bush. 

"Ahhhh!" Nana shouted but people can barely even hear her. 

"Shhhhh, its me Nana." Jinyoung (Nana's ex) said.

"Wait, why are you even here ?" Nana said madly. She hated him, since he start to date Hara.

"I came for you, Nana. I realized that I loved you more, not Hara. I'm really sorry for what i did." Jinyoung said and he tried to hug Nana.

He hugged Nana but Nana didn't hug him back, she felt angry and she will never forgive Jinyoung. Just then, Hara walked pass them and she mis-seen that Nana is hugging Jinyoung. 

"This is so going to be d.e.a.d" Hara said to herself.

Nana and Jinyoung's POV.

"I'm sorry Jinyoung, I can't, I just can't." Nana said and pushed Jinyoung away.

"Why?" Jinyoung asked.

"It's too late, I have a new boyfriend already, I am sorry." Nana lied and walked away.

Jinyoung holded Nana's hand before she left. "I'll wait, until you want me back." Jinyoung said.

"I'm sorry." Nana said and let go of Jinyoung's hand.

Nana went to the rest room and she heard Hara, shouting for help. Hara was pretending to be in trouble. She made her new ''boyfriend'' to pretend to push her off the almost high cliff. 

"Ahhhhhh ! Help me!" Hara shouted.

*Isn't that Hara ? Is she in trouble?* Nana thought and quickly wash her hands before leaving to find Hara.

"Ahhhhhh, don't!" Kara shouted. 

"Hara, wait, I'm coming !" Nana shouted, all she want to do is to help Hara, forgetting what Hara did to her.

"Heheh, dumb falling for my evil trick." Hara said to herself and pretend to be in trouble.

"Ahhhh, don't push her down !" Nana said when she found Hara. 

"Fine then, if you're able to untie her then I'll let her go." Daniel Chae, Hara's new boyfriend said. 

Nana did not answer but ran to Hara to untie her. Actually, Hara was not even tied up, Nana ran to her and saw the untied rope. 

"You lied, you're not even tied up." Nana said to Hara.

Hara did not even answer and pushed Nana off the cliff.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Nana shouted.

"Get that ." Hara said and laughed.

The couple walked away without even looking at Nana's condition.

Lulz, I'll do Chapter 5 soon. So STAY CALM AND WAIT.




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That-Pinocchio #1
@missushii OKies, I'll try to write at least 1 chapter a day as long as I got inspired ;)
missushii #2
Yeahhh !! update soon ^^
That-Pinocchio #3
HEY READERS !! <br />
<br />
I'm sorry if I have typos kayh x) <br />
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So, be kind to forgive all my typos.<br />
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That-Pinocchio #4
@abubbuxd Thanks for the advise ;)
Yay! It's nana again! With L! I'll keep my eyes on it!<br />
Btw, why don't u make a tag in nana, infinite fanfics? So, many people can read u'r story. Thx. ;D