
Never open the window at night! Ops, I did it!
Hi everyone!
As you can see, I changed the poster! I found this picture of BEAST on Google and thought: I want it in my fic! XD
I just did a few changes on the original, yet I hope you like it!
Now that my vacations ended, I guess updates will be a little slower, but I will do my best!
In this chapter I present you another one of the main girls from this fanfic: the blind girl Park Yuna (although I didn't write her name in this chapter, she is the one talking with Hyunseung ^-^)
The plot will start to unfold as the chapters go on
I hope you enjoy!


*** Hyunseung’s PoV ***

I opened my eyes slowly, not recognizing the place where I was – besides the small bed across the room and an old wardrobe, there weren’t much furniture making a lot easier to walk around this small room. After looking at my surroundings, I glanced at my own state. Although I was lying comfortably on the wood and cold floor, a blanket was covering my entire body – except for my face - and something soft was placed behind my head. It exhaled a sweet fragrance.

Too sweet for me.

Demons, fight, human, blood, light,… girl.

I abruptly lifted my body into a sitting position as soon as memories of what had happened with me before I passed out came back to my mind. So I was still in the bedroom of that unknown human girl.

I quickly glanced to the warm purple blanket that was now covering half of my body and then to the soft white pillow placed behind me. My clothes had dried stains of blood, but I noticed that my shirt had been lifted a little and gauze was wrapped in a rather clumsy way around my wound. I almost laughed at the failed attempt to bandage me. Almost, because in my whole existence I had never been fond of laughing or smiling. Demons weren’t supposed to do that. We were cold, brutal and heartless by nature - one of the many reasons why demons were so superior from humans.

Besides, demons like me had healing powers. We just needed a few minutes of rest to heal our bodies. This bandage was useless.

“Are you feeling better?” The same feminine voice filled the room. By her tone, I could tell she wasn’t as much scared of me as she should be.

It bothered me.

My eyes traveled nonchalantly to her figure. She was slim and quite attractive for human standards. Her simple white dress added a touch of pureness. Her right hand held a plate of food – fruits of all kinds - while the other was being used to guide her throughout the room. Of course, she couldn’t see.

“I brought a plate with food, I wasn’t sure of what you would like to eat so I brought fruits.” Although she lacked the ability to see, her movements were quite impressive. She moved in a good pace through the room, no single stumble. Judging by her actions, she must have been blind for a long time, since she had already memorized everything in her room and knew how to move with certain accuracy. She stopped right in front of me and kneeled on the floor so the plate of fruits was right at reach of my hands.

However, I was incredulous. How could exist such a stupid human!? I hadn’t hidden my wings and considering she bandaged me while I was unconscious, she should have touched my wings at some time. She knew I was a demon.

“Do you know how dangerous it is to be so close to me? I am a demon.” Although my tone was quite, I made sure every word sounded dangerous and piercing. I had never bothered to advise humans before, usually I would just kill them and, if by chance, I liked my victim’s eyes I would take them off and store it in my collection – I had special passion for eyes. They allowed all kinds of feelings to be expressed without a need for words. However hard humans or demons tried to hide their emotions, their eyes reflected all the pain, the sadness or fear they had inside.

Ironic, this girl was blind. She lacked of what I liked the most.

“You are hurt. Even if you are a demon, I can’t let you bleeding by my side. Let me take care of you.” For some reason, her last sentence bothered me. A lot. Then she raised her hand as an attempt to check my healed wound. Quickly, I gripped her slender wrist before she could touch me. My reaction wasn’t very gentle because she winced in pain. However, as soon as I touched her skin, I felt….different. She was so breakable, yet so soft. So…

Hyunseung, what the hell are you thinking?!

I abruptly freed her hand and stood up - my suddenness must have surprised her because she didn’t move as I backed away from her.

“You are lucky, human.” Those were my last words before opening the window of her bedroom with an angry movement of my arms and flying as quickly as I could to get away from her.

She was indeed luck. The very first human who stood without a single scratch after meeting me.


*** Jinah’s PoV ***


His eyes studied every single move I attempted to make. I wanted to say no, curse him, reply, but my voice was lost in my throat. I held tightly on the coat I was wearing – despite the cold breeze of the night, it also protected me from his lustful eyes – as if trying to gather all my courage. I backed away slightly until I felt the cold wall on my back. The door was by my right side. For a brief moment I thought about running away from him. But, suddenly, images of my village being destroyed appeared on my mind. My parents, my friends, everyone dead. It would be my fault. They were all relying on me.

My trembling fingers reached out for the buttons of my coat and slowly I started to them. I was shaking so bad that even this usual simple task was almost impossible for me. During the whole time, I avoided Doojoon’s eyes, trying not to feel the eagerness and desire sparkling on them. I took a long breath as soon as I finished with the last button. Before I could take off the coat by myself though, a strong and supernatural power blew my arms to my back and my coat flew away from me. Horror filled my eyes as I felt his supernatural powers for the first time. I could tell he was getting impatient from my slowness.

"Sorry." I apologized scared, yet he didn't reply.

I gulped as my fingers moved to the zipper of my dress located on my back, but then, they got numb and I simply froze. My fear had increased to a point that I no longer could move. I just couldn’t strip for him. It was impossible.

“I can’t...” lowered my head and prayed that he would pity me and maybe, just maybe, end with this torture. I heard a low chuckle before hearing footsteps getting near me. I was too afraid to look up, but I was sure Doojoon was approaching me. His shadow towered me and I bit my lips to not scream from fear. Was he going to kill me?

My question found its answer when I felt cold hands touching my bare shoulders and I shivered. He traced his fingertips lightly down my arms, before reaching for the zipper of my dress located on my back. Panic reflected on my eyes as I looked at his face and begged him to stop. He decided to ignore me so I tried to push him away. Yet, my hands didn't affect him at all. He ped my dress slowly, his eyes scanning my face, taking my fear as an entertainment for his sick pleasure.

I crossed my arms around my chest, my hands gripping tightly on the front of my dress - preventing it from falling - as it became loose. I shut my eyes, refusing to see Doojoon's flawless handsome face so close to mine, trying not to feel his intruding fingers touching my now . He had successfuly ped my dress and his fingerstips were now travelling on my skin.

“Stop.” I begged in a quiet, weak tone, my lips quivering.

Without a single word he placed both of his hands on my waist and turned me around, pinning me to the cold wall. I couldn’t suppress a gasp when Doojoon pressed his cold yet soft lips against my right shoulder blade. Goose bumps running through my entire body. My eyes shot open.

Then he brushed his lips on the shell of my right ear, his hot breath tingling my sensitive skin.

“You are beautiful, my lovely fiancée.”

With that he backed away from me and exited the room with his hands on his pocket and a smirk on his face. My trembling legs finally gave in and I collapsed on my knees, bursting into tears. I didn’t bother to control them anymore. Humiliated, I gripped tightly on my dress and kept crying inside of that dark room.


*** Heejin’s PoV ***

“I think it’s time to go now, Heejin.” My heart protested as soon as I heard Yoseob’s soft murmur. I didn’t want to go! I didn’t want to let go of his warm and soft embrace, having to wait until tomorrow night to meet him again. It was so unfair, cliché as it sounds, time passed faster when I was with him and slower when we were apart.

He placed me carefully on the balcony and smiled. He knew the effect he had on me. I slowly turned around and touched the key locked on the necklace he had given. I sigh a little before placing the it on the doorknob. With a soft click, it was open.

“You should sleep now. I’ll be back tomorrow.” After he finished his sentence, I turned around sharply. My eyes focused on him. I had to do one thing first.

“Can I do just one more thing?” I asked as my cheeks turned bright pink. His eyes traveled around my face, trying to get hints of what I was going to request. Grinning, he made his guess. “Do you want me to sleep with you.”

What?! My eyes turned wide as I squealed. My cheeks went to a deep shade of red now.

“Just kidding, I adore how you are so innocent Heejin.” He chuckle a little more due to my reaction to his joke before approaching me. He leaned slowly until our faces were just a few inches away. I could feel his hot breath on my face.

“Can I k- kiss you?” Last night, when we shared our first kiss, I was taken by surprise. This time though, I was going to do it by my own will.

No surprises, no doubts, no regrets.

Yoseob smiled at me. “I thought you would never ask.”

Carefully I placed my hands on his neck and eliminated the small distance between our lips. I felt Yoseob’s arms around my waist, bringing me close to his body as he deepened the kiss. I melted in his arms.

At this point, one thing became clear:

I loved Yang Yoseob.

Readers, I have a surprise: today (01/08/2011) (day, month, year) I'll update another chapter with a little more about Junhyung and Dongwoon's revenge, more about Inhee and I will present the last girl of the 6 main girls.
So it's a double update: Chapter 5 - Striptease and Chapter 6 - Kidnapped
Just wait a few more hours ;D
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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 10: i love this TT
aimz_c #2
Chapter 10: cant wait for the next chapter :)
rze_gdrn #4
I really like this fanfic // good job... :D update soon.
FairyNHK #5
Vote for Hyunseung and Yuna...YAY!!!! love it...Update more about this couple soon!!!! Daebak ^_____^
Thanks for the updateee !!!
I really like the couple with Hyunseung because he's really evil but still charismatic, plus the female character is interesting in her own way.
I'm sad for Heejin since she's desperately trying to find her keys :(
..... YAY
FairyNHK #8
Hah!!! Feel relieve to hear that...I can't wait to read that you said,"More about Hyunseung in the next chapter!"