My name is Yang Yoseob

Never open the window at night! Ops, I did it!
Hi everyone,
I know I'm late with my update, please forgive me! I'm almost finishing the new chapter
I just entered on vacation now so I hope to have more free time to write my fanfics ^^
As I said on the forewords, I decided to update the first chapter as my one-shot
As soon as I finish the new chapter I'll post it here

*** Kim HeeJin's PoV ***

 I’ve never felt so scared before. So demons really existed in this world! An unwanted feeling of regret was kicking me inside. I should have believed in my mother. Is this the price for doubting your parents’ advices? What about Junsu? Had he been attacked by this demon?

“Wh-who are you?!” My voice cracked due to my frighten state. I tried to stay firm, but I was breaking inside from fear. “What did you do to my boyfriend? Did you kill him?” My attempts to demand something from this creature sounded more like pleads. As a response he chuckled.

“I wish I had killed him but the coward you named lover didn’t show up. I’m sure, he is locked inside of his house, trembling under his bed sheets, ashamed from the fact that he is using a girl to discover if demons do exist or not. I swear to kill him someday.” Assuming from the tone of the voice, it belonged to the same male who had whispered in my ear minutes ago.

I don’t know what hurt me the most: realizing that I had started a conversation with a demon who was inside of my bedroom - and could kill me anytime - or discovering that my boyfriend had lied to me, not caring at all about my life.

“Junsu would never do that!” I replied. Junsu was a sweet and cool guy. He would never put me in any situation that could harm me.

“You are too innocent for your own good. This is one of the reasons why you appeal so much to me though.” My eyes didn’t seem to find the strength to look away from the shadow. As soon as he finished his sentence, a bright and strong light started to contour the creature’s figure. The light was so strong that I had to close my eyes and put my hands above them to prevent the shine from blinding me. Seconds later, I released my eyes and gasped in shock. On the place of the strange shadow stood the most handsome man I had ever seen and without doubt would ever see. He was breathtaking, flawless, beyond perfection. Dressed only in black clothes; it gave him a powerful, serious look.

Too perfect to be a human. Too handsome to be a demon.

Besides his looks, one thing reminded me that he wasn’t normal: he had dark wings – they were almost black but had tints of gray and dark silver.

“Are you a demon?” My question sounded stupid but I had always believed that demons were horrendous creatures. The figure I was looking at was far away from being ugly. Far away…

Deep dark eyes scrutinized my face carefully yet intensely. They held amusement, interest and what I feared the most: desire towards me.

“Yes, you could say I’m one.” He replied, at the same time, taking one step in my direction. I backed away a little - as a reflex - trying to keep a distance between us.

“Are you afraid?” His playful tone got me. Was he kidding me?! In my place, who wouldn’t be scared to death? And I literally mean the word death!

“Of – Of course I am, you are a demon!” My shout took him by surprise, but he managed to recompose his steady expression on the next second. “I can understand your fear considering you are a human. A gorgeous one.” I didn’t like the way his luscious lips curved into a smirk nor the movement of his lustful eyes devouring every inch of my body from head to toe.

He continued with his slow steps, approaching me. I kept with mine, trying to stay as far as I could. I didn't know but patiently he was trapping me. I just discovered it when my back hit softly against something hard and cold: the wall. My eyes got watery. I had nowhere to go.

“Ple- Please stay away from me. I don’t want to die.”

I swear if he took one more step in my direction, even the tiniest step, the tears I was so painfully holding would fall from my eyes. He stopped on his track though. His facial expression changed sensing my frightened state.

“I won’t hurt you Kim HeeJin.”

My heart sank when he pronounced my name. How come he knew my name? Horror showed in my face. He noticed it.

“I believe people in this village misunderstand the most important rule about the relation between humans and demons. It’s true that we (demons) can only appear in the night. However, a few of our kind – including me - has power enough to stay invisible and untouchable during the day. Being in this condition, we can’t exactly enjoy the warmth of the sun nor hurt people thus we are not breaking the rule; but we are allowed to see the way humans behave. When the night comes, we have to return to our normal state and stay outside of the houses, away from people - unless they open some kind of entrance for us.” Then he lowered his head a bit, showing some kind of guilty. “I’ve been following you since the day you moved into this village.”   

I gulped and felt dizzy after I heard his words. It wasn’t enough for him to be a demon, he had to be a stalker too?! Still, I ignored my indignation and glared at him. He beckoned me over with his left hand. I retorted with a ‘are you crazy’ look and rooted my feet on my spot. No way my body would fly to him when he wanted to. I wasn’t the kind of girl who would throw herself for a man just because he had the looks - something this demon definitely had. But, to my horror, it was what happened with me. A strong – and supernatural - gust of wind blew my body to him, literally I flew to his arms.

“Don’t…” I put both of my hands against his chest as an attempt to push him away.  Unfortunately, I lacked the necessary strength to do this task. This demon, on the other hand, effortlessly brought me closer to his body, embracing me tightly. His arms secured me against his surprisingly warm body – I’ve always believed that demons would have cold skin, yet this one was warm and comfortable. I kept on struggling though. My head low, afraid to meet his face. I didn’t want to be this close to him.

“You don’t know how much I yearned to be with you. That pathetic leech called Junsu is just using you, waiting until tomorrow morning for his answer. If you appear alive, with no damages at all, it will be the proof he needs to convince people that demons doesn’t exist. He never cherished you in the way you deserve.” One of his hands moved from my back to my head, softly caressing it. His fingers playing with strands of my hair. The other hand stood encircled in my waist.

Was he saying the truth? Although I didn’t know the answer, my body started to give up to his arms. His body exhaled an addictive and damn good fragrance that was filling my noses and intoxicating my body. Too good to resist. My fear had subsided a little by now. Strangely enough, I felt kind of lighter, as if we were flying. My nightgown, balancing slightly from one side to another with the soft breeze surrounding us.

Something wasn’t right.

His hold on me softened and I took this chance to back away slightly, but still in his arms. A playful smile appeared on his lips along with a movement of his head, telling me to look down. I followed his command.


Minutes ago I was so focused on getting away from him that I hadn't noticed his wings swinging softly, making us stay a few feet away from my bedroom’s floor. We were really flying right now.

My body reacted before my brain. My arms quickly wrapped themselves around his neck in a strong grip - stronger than I had ever hugged a person before. Although my head was still looking down, I noticed his smirk as I willing put my body closer to him – I couldn’t help; it was an instinct of survival.

“Close your eyes.” He whispered almost soundless in my right ear. I felt goosebumps running through my body when he lightly nibbled my earlobe. I did what he asked me – even though I was freaking inside. Then his wings made a high sound and I felt adrenaline flowing in my veins as soon as I realized we were flying away from my house. He tightened his grip on my waist, taking excessive care in not letting me fall. Even though he was fully clothed I could feel myself being pressed against his toned chest. His other hand was on the back of my neck, protecting my head from any possible harm. How come he was so concerned about my safety when he was a demon?!

During our little trip to some place I didn't have a clue, strange noises filled my ears and curiosity took me completely. Disobeying him, I opened my eyes just a bit and perked to my left side. I regret doing so. I recognized various deformed bodies with burnt skin, blood, dirty. They were ten thousands worse than the description my mother had told me for years. Were these demons too?

“I told you to close your eyes.” While scolding me, he moved his wings skillfully to his left side. It stood in an angle where I could no longer see those horrendous creatures. His wings working like a barrier. I was touched by his action.

“Are they demons too?” My low voice was still audible for him. “Yes, they are the most common type. Humans fear them yet, they are the weakest. That’s why no demon has touched us while we are flying right now. Demons who have human features are the most dangerous.” He chuckled after I shifted uncomfortably under him. So he was indeed dangerous.

“You do not need to fear me.” He leaned closer and pecked my forehead softly, reassuring me that everything was alright. Wrong as it was, I felt safe in his arms.


“We arrived!” Pretending to not hear my question, he freed the hand that was protecting my head. The other remained in my waist though. “Look at your right side.” My head snapped quickly to the side.

“Oh my God!”

I couldn’t suppress a gasp. My eyes felt watery but this time with tears of joy. Standing in front of me was a privilege view of the bright and peaceful full moon – if it wasn’t by him I think I would never be able to see the moon this big and bright. It was my first time gazing at it. My eyes sparkled with amusement and enchantment. No words seemed fair enough to describe the feelings I had right now.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? One of your highest wishes was to see the moon.” He shot me a smug grin. I replied with hot drops of tears falling from my eyes.

Finally I managed to say what was bothering me this whole night. “Why? Why did you follow me since I moved to this village? Why did you take interest in me? Why did you protect me from other demons? Why care so much about me? Why-“

My puzzled eyes went to wide ones when he placed his hand on the back of my neck in a firm grip, forcing me to face him. Before I could utter a sound of protest, his soft lips were pressed against mine’s. Everything after that became a complete blur - my mind couldn’t think of anything except by this kiss. His lips started with sensual, softy moves towards mine, but soon, turned into something intimate, hot and intense. Desire and lust had overpowered his self control. His tongue skillfully parted my frozen lips and explored every inch of my mouth carefully yet possessively. Tasting, demanding, biting, , , he made everything he could to make me surrender to him. And shamefully I did. Every inner wall, prejudice, mistrust I had against him simply disappeared as soon as my arms wrapped around his neck – bringing our body closer than they already were - and I started to kiss him back with all I had.

After what seemed an eternity our lips parted slightly. He still bit my bottom lip – which was swollen due to his intense kiss – before freeing them completely. I don’t know about him – since he was a demon - but I was lacking of air. I remained with my eyes closed, flushed face, taking deep and long breaths, in a dazed state. Junsu had never kissed me like that. The kiss was so good, it should be inhuman.

Still in my dazed state, I felt lips trailing light kisses on my cheeks, then my jaw and finally on my neck. His nose travelled from my left ear to my neck slowly, taking my scent. He seemed to enjoy the perfume I had put on earlier that night. I gasped and squirmed when he bit my neck softly. It didn’t pierce my skin but, he and probed my sensitive spot just stopping when he was sure that his mark on my neck would stay for a few days.

“Don’t worry I’m not a vampire.” He added with a wink. I blushed. “This mark will protect you from other demons. They won’t dare to approach you while you have this.” His index finger gently traced along the bruised skin of my neck that he had made.

“You are mine.” Each word he whispered in my ear made me shiver. I wasn’t in my normal state though. No one in normal self would feel butterflies in the stomach flying with joy after hearing something like that coming from a demon.

“It’s time to go back.” No one in normal self would feel sad to go back to the safety of their own house.


I didn’t open my mouth in our little ‘trip’ back to my bedroom. I embraced his body and let him lead me. Inside, I was debating with myself whether tonight had been a dream or a nightmare. Tonight, everything I had believed for years was proved wrong – except by those weak demons who were truly horrendous. A demon had entered in my room, kidnapped me for a few hours, kissed the hell of me, claimed me as his and the most outrageous point of it all: I enjoyed it. No, I love it - every single minute with him.

“Here we are.” Carefully, he helped me to get back to the balcony. My feet slowly touched the cold floor and my hands reluctantly let go of his arms – unconsciously I didn’t want him to go. He kept a few meters away from the floor, still flying.

“Now I need to complete a few unfinished business” Judging by the pause he created and the look he put on his face, I knew it wasn’t something good – he was  going to hunt, fight or even kill. Sensing that I had understood what he was implying he added. “And you need to rest, there is still sometime left before dawn. I’ll come tomorrow, if it’s okay for you.” I nodded my head quickly, not being able to conceal my happiness from the fact that soon we would be together again. Then his wings made a sound ready to take fly. When he assured himself that I was safe, he slowly turned his back to me.

“Wait.” I quickly took hold of his arm before he turned his back completely to me. He stopped in his track and curiosity glistened in his perfect eyes.

“Wha- What is your name?” I felt a little stupid to ask such a question but even demons should have a name.

He flashed a bright smile at me - truly happy about my question. I forgot how to breath, my heart thumped so fast as if it was going to explode.

“Yoseob. My name is Yang Yoseob.”

“Good night Hee Jin” He murmured softly before disappearing into the darkness of the night.

“Good-night Yoseob.”


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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 10: i love this TT
aimz_c #2
Chapter 10: cant wait for the next chapter :)
rze_gdrn #4
I really like this fanfic // good job... :D update soon.
FairyNHK #5
Vote for Hyunseung and Yuna...YAY!!!! love it...Update more about this couple soon!!!! Daebak ^_____^
Thanks for the updateee !!!
I really like the couple with Hyunseung because he's really evil but still charismatic, plus the female character is interesting in her own way.
I'm sad for Heejin since she's desperately trying to find her keys :(
..... YAY
FairyNHK #8
Hah!!! Feel relieve to hear that...I can't wait to read that you said,"More about Hyunseung in the next chapter!"