(exo) tao/sehun

[ Drabbles Collection ]

prompt: "taohun playing mario kart. four rounds of frustration~"


If there's one thing that's obvious to Sehun, it's that Tao at Mario Kart.


For a novice, he's fine. But Sehun likes the satisfaction of winning and when he loses to Tao at Koopa Beach, Sehun gets upset, because Tao at all video games and the fact that he has beat Sehun means he must be losing his Mario Kart skills. It doesn't help that Chanyeol prances by, cackling when he sees Princess Peach (Tao's character of choice) beating Toad (Sehun's character of choice).


So he decides to take him out with Rainbow Road. He's not disappointed when Tao falls off the edge multiple times in the span of twenty seconds, earning a shrill shriek from Tao. "I wasn't even anywhere near the edge!" He sputters, pressing down harder of the controller's buttons as if that will fix the mess.


It's round 4 now, and Sehun is completing his last lap on Rainbow Road when Tao earns a Bullet Bill, shooting his to third place and right behind Sehun's trail. Sehun can see the finish line directly ahead, but out of nowhere a banana peel lands right in front of him, sending him spiraling off to the side and down to sixth place. Tao laughs as he cruises by, safely securing second place in Rainbow Road.


"You ," Sehun yells as he shoves Tao aside, ignoring the laughing fit that Tao currently has as he watches the score tally up and he is awarded with the bronze medal. ing Tao gets the silver. Sehun scowls, throwing his controller down and pushing Tao off of him as he stands up. "That banana was on purpose!"


"I need to win too!" Tao retorts, not even bothering to look sorry for his actions.


Sehun frowns, "Fine. Then since you won, I'm sure you can live without for a week."


Tao's face instantly drops, and pleads start to jumble out of his throat.


In the background, Chanyeol cackles more, earning a smack over the head from Kyungsoo.


And yeah, Sehun is a sore loser.

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oh daehyun/baekhyun look cute... I mean, if you don't mind :)
Awe, really sweet ^^ I really like all of your chapter. these kinds of
quiet and simple moments betweencharacters in stories. Good job,author-nim! <3
parvitasari #3
Chapter 1: I guess lay n sehun pairing will be cute..
Chapter 5: Just read lay and suho pairing yet. Sure 14:14:53 will read the others to. This is nice!