A Day At The Cafe

Please Stop Time

『 ¢нαρтєя σиє 』


(Hyun Chan POV)

I walk along the busy streets of Seoul, holding my purse tightly in my right hand. My friend abandoned me to go on some blind date so now, I'm alone. I think of going to the park and just write in my journal, but my stomach grumbles, telling me to eat first.

I sigh and head towards a rather empty café which is usually busy. I step in and am quickly greeted by a worker. "Good evening, miss!" He says cheerfully while cleaning a glass cup, causing a smile to appear on my face. "Good evening," I say back and bow, walking up to the cashier. "Ah, just one moment, miss!" He runs to the kitchen and I laugh a bit. How cute. I look above at the menu which is laced with the names of many delicious sounding sandwiches, drinks, desserts, etc. 

My stomach grumbles more, saying that if I don't eat anything in five minutes, there will be a 'grumble outburst'. The worker comes running back, smiling softly to me. "Okay, what would you like to order, miss?" He asks, wiping his hands with a red towel. "Hm," I scan the menu. "A turkey and american cheese sub and a melon soda, please. And for the sub, can you change it to swiss cheese rather than american cheese?" I order my food. 

"I'm not suppose to... But for a pretty girl, of course I can." He smiles widely, his eyes becoming crescent moons. I blush a bit and laugh. "Haha, thank you," I glance at his name tag to get his name. "Junsu." I nod. The name suits him. I don't know. It just does, haha. 

"No problem, miss. Hm, that will be...$6.38 please!" I reach in my wallet and pull out the money precisely. Handing it over to him, curiousity gets the best of me. "Um, excuse me? May I ask a question?" I say, puffing my cheeks. "Heh, you just did." He laughs. "Just kidding, of course you can! Go ahead." He smiles and nods. "Ah, well, I noticed there is a piano in here," I point at the piano I saw upon entering. 

"Would you mind if I hung out here and played around on it after eating?" I smile sheepishly at my request. I must sound like a child. He laughs a cute laugh. It reminds me of 'Eu kyang kyang'. "Of course you can! I don't mind at all. There is basically only me and a few other customers here anyways. Go crazy, haha." He grants my permission and I smile brightly. "Really? Thank you!" "No problem, miss". We smile at each other and I look around to find a seat which is actually really easy since there is almost no one here. 

I take out a green Keroro journal and Hello Kitty pen from my bag and set the journal on the desk, flipping it to the last page I had been working on. I read over what I had been writing awhile back and sigh at how stupid it sounds once put together. I cross it out and begin rewriting it until I finally find something I'm happy with. "Ooh, what are you writing?" Someone pokes my shoulders and I jump a little bit from shock. I turn to see the cashier, Junsu, standing behind me while holding my plates.

I laugh and take my plates. "Just... something." I giggle when he pouts. "Well, that's very specific." We both laugh. "You never said anything about being specific, just saying." I grin cheekily. "Hm, true, true. Well, if you need anything more, feel free to order!" He bows 90 degrees and walks back to his position at the cash register, that large smile still on his cute angel face.

I smile and begin eating, humming to a small melody. I smile happily at the fact he really changed the cheese for me. It's a small action, but I'm still happy for it. I soon finish my food and drink and stretch my arms before putting my things back in my bag and walking to the piano I pointed out earlier. I sit down on the plush sat of the piano bench, cracking my fingers. I stare at the keys for a moment, not sure of what to do. 

I sigh and place my fingers on the keys carefully as if I will break it if I'm not careful. I take a deep breath and let my mind fall into a trance as I let my hands run all over the piano's keys, creating a melody calming to the ears. I play close attention mainly on my posture and hand movements. I was told by my father, before he somehow disappeared, that a piano player isn't a truly good piano player without the right posture. Although it hurts a bit to be in such a position where your back is straight up like a plank and your wrists can't rest, it helps improve the flow of your music it seems.

What seems like dozens of hours is only one when I finally stop and look around, seeing that the place is practically empty now. I look at the clock hanging on the wall and see that it's already 5:23 PM. Oh, wonderful. Hwangbo unnie will be so pissed off once I get home. I sigh and stand up, stretching. Then, I hear clapping. 'Wah, awesome!" Junsu runs over to me, a 'wow' expression on his face. 

I look at him, blinking blankly. "H-huh?" I ask, confused. "The piano... You're really good at playing it! Really." He nods and gives me two thumbs up, causing a smile to appear on my face. "Aw thank you... piano is my favorite instrument, haha." I smile softly at the memory of I and my parents playing random songs and tunes on our old piano. "Really? Me too! Except I can't practice and play much because I've been so busy!" He pouts cutely and I giggle. "Don't worry, you'll get your chance to play it again soon." I nod and he smiles. "Haha, hopefully! Ah, it's closing time, miss! It's time you go." He looks at the time, pouting a bit. 

"Ah, you're right! Omo, Hwangbo unnie... oh god, she will be so angry." I mumble the last part to myself as I check whether I have everything or not. "Oh, you should hurry. Go on! Hopefully I get to see you again, miss! You seem really nice." He smiles, guiding me towards the door. "Haha, neh! You seem very nice yourself." I smile. "Of course!" He jokes around. "I'm here every week day pretty much so feel free to stop by anytime! See ya!" He gives me a small wave before I exit the building.

What a nice guy! Maybe I should stop by again some other time... Maybe. I smile to myself and begin walking back home, praying Hwangbo unnie won't bite my head off for being alone at this time and not calling her.


{Hello, readers! Here is the first chapter of 'Please Stop Time'. I hope you all like it! It's not too long, but I still spent quite some time on it. It's not too exciting, honestly... but oh well! I mean, you already met Junsu! What more to ask for? Kekeke ~ Stay tuned for more!

Comments are well appreciated ^^ thank you for reading~}

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Chapter 1: Unniieeee write more please! (;
Micky_Bean #2
Chapter 1: Wa~ Well done. Can't wait for the next chapter! ^^
okay, with junsu in first chapter, I'm waiting for next, ^^
Wow! Yes I'm certainly going to stay tuned (; can't wait!
milkteabobas #5
that last section sounds so deep!! -3- what's it about?