Taemin's Not-So-Billionaire Life

The Undesired Lee Taemin

Taemin waited until the sun disappeared, and the grocery store closed and was cleared out. He approached one of the dumpsters behind the grocery store as soon as the parking lot emptied at night. This was his home. It was perfect for him. He had food he could savage from the trash that the supermarket threw away after it expired. He also loved that it was a risky place to try to sleep in so no one else dared to sleep there. He had the place to himself as long as he didn't let anyone see him enter or leave the store's property. He climbed the dumpster and opened the lid. He found a back bag full of expired pastries which he was eager to dig into because lately he had only found rotten produce and spoiled meat that he couldn't eat. Today was turning out to be a good day. He opened one of the doughnut boxes and began stuffing his face. After the first pack of six doughnuts, he still heard his stomach grumble so he went back tot he bag full of baked goodies He decied to eat a baguette. He really could use some meat though. It's been a while since he had any.

He ate from the bag until he was full for the night. The black pastry bag was still half full and he would have loved to save the pastries for later but he had no place to store them in. He would have to do with taking one box of bread rolls in his torn knapsack. As soon he was done storing the rolls, he went on to rummage for some unwanted newspapers that he could use as a blanket and a make-shift mattress if there was enough.

In the end he found some fashion magazines that all had some lady name Lee Sun Yi to use as pillows, and some newspapers about some guy who had now become the richest man in the nation called Lee Su MIn. Apparently he was now worth 5 billion dollars. BILLIONS? Taemin thought, he could never imagine someone having or needing that much money. He wondered what he would do with that much money. He pictured himself getting a one room apartment that he could sleep in, a fridge with food and banana milk, a winter coat so he wouldn't freeze out in the winter like he usually did, and other small things like that. Taemin didn't know much about money, but he was pretty sure the stuff he wanted would be worth anywhere close to a million, he just didn't see the point in being a billionaire. What do you do with that much money? Taemin could only conclude that that rich man was using it on a huge house somewhere in Seoul, ate unexpired bread rolls fresh from the bakery, and had the world's best banana milk or something. As he tried to imagine what Korea's richest man spent his money on, he ended up drifting to sleep on his make makeshift bed.

A/N: Poor Taemin has it rough out on the streets.

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Next chapter tease: Will things look up for Lee Taemin?


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Chapter 4: while reading about the lee family i suddenly had the urge to destroy them, i can't them living and acting so arrogantly while taemin has to suffer like that

thanks for updating:D
Taemin4ever13 #2
Chapter 4: Great job, update soon ok!?
Chapter 3: YAY, you updated :D, but is it really possible for taemin to not have been badly hurt after the car accident?

thanks for updating:D
Chapter 2: this is cruel of you, to hurt the poor boy even though he already is skinny, i can only hope there won´t be much damage after this accident.

and.. thanks for updating
Chapter 2: Oh and of course good chapter^^ Looking forward to the next. I like Jonghyun xD
Chapter 2: Minnie! ;_; Ah Jonghyun eyes on the strees while driving >.< My poor boy. Hurry up and save him at least and take the first step to give him a better future.
moechiii #7
Chapter 2: Aww man v.v
Maybe things will get better for him after this >.<
Chapter 2: Oh... Poor Taemin... I hope he didn't hurt himself badly! Please update soon ^^
SHawol_Gal #9
Chapter 2: UPDATE!!!!!
moechiii #10
Chapter 1: This is so sad ; A; and what he wants is so modest D;