Stand still

 sorry guys, took me a while to fix the formatting of my stupid Word document.

A corner with dim yellow lights, chairs neatly arranged atop the mirror clean counter, a complete set of glasses hung neatly from the rack. It was 5:25 am the little cozy bar was closed.
However, further inside, a small alcove illuminated by a floor to ceiling window was occupied. One patron lingers there alone; his white freshly pressed shirt hugged his lean body; Combed back hair neatly trimmed on the sides showing the man's handsome features regardless of the scowl that marred his face.
Dark shadows hung above him like clouds of a storm as he watched intently the other side of the street lined with small shops and boutique cafes. He half turned to the watch hung behind him on the wall then buffed an air of irritation. Time always moves so slowly when in waiting. He poured himself yet another cup of tea with slightly shaky hands.
An hour had passed ...
"Mr. Hwang. Sir, please wake up"
A little shake made him flinch and turn abruptly to the young man in uniform almost knocking the teapot and cup to the floor.
"It's alright, I've got this” the young man gave the patron an assuring smile, dabbing the spilled liquid saving the man's shirt from getting stained.
The man combed his hair away with his fingers, still disoriented from a slight headache.
"What time is it now?” he glanced at his hand-watch and at the clock then turned back to the window, relief evident on his reflection.
“May I request for you a freshly brewed tea and perhaps something along to eat for breakfast?"
“I don't feel like having breakfast. Nothing, thank you" he shook his head slightly then pursed his lips into a thin line, eyes returning to the window.
'There. There she comes!' his heart skipped a beat. He straightened his back glancing to the side making sure the server had left him alone.
Across the street, a young woman strolled by, a beautiful smile adorned her face as she bowed slightly at the old lady unlocking the small cafe.
His eyes creased lightly at the corners unconsciously smiling, yet the haunted air surrounding him didn’t dissipate.
The cafe's door closed behind them, a little flicker of light and the place blazed orange, a contrast to its cold blue wooden exterior littered by white snow.
There she is, he thought again as she opened the thin window shutters giving him a great view of the place; and herself. She was wearing a simple navy apron with the cafe's name (Chamomile cafe) in cursive red at its hem. Today she wore a loose salmon pink shirt with light blue leggings underneath; not her usual monotonous work colors.
She turned, lifted her braided hair and made it into a bun showing her fair slender neck, just the way he liked it. He stopped breathing as he committed every detail to his memory wile tracing a small line on the cold window muttering her name soundlessly to himself. Her name was Joo. He stopped just when she disappeared further inside and he let the air out of his aching lungs sitting slumped in his chair.
Any sane person would call him a creep, a stalker, the latter being part of his job description, his former job anyway.
He moved out the privacy of his alcove to stretch his legs out for a little bit. He's been sitting there since he arrived the night before, not being able to close his eyes for the night
its 9:00am, people started coming in and going out of the hotel as he observed from the second floor's gallery. There, he saw familiar faces, people he had a brush with one way or another on his former job.


There was a reason he choose this hotel on this particular time. That reason involved many of said individuals. Chansung focused his attention on a single man lounging on a plush leather armchair in the middle of the lobby.
The said man, a former CEO of a major pharmaceuticals company, was a big fish that had safely escaped the tattered net of justice. He had resigned long before a major scandal made it to the public, possibly a tip off from a well connected individual. He implicated his successor; the former head of research and the whole research department, leaving himself alone beyond prosecution.


‘KPTI a major pharmaceuticals company involved in illegal harvesting of human organs. Ministers heads rolls’ news titles read. The scandal was so huge that it involved ministers, one of which committed suicide and the other resigned while he and people of his office are still being questioned by the DA.
When Chansung was a young trainee, he got promptly assigned to the internal investigations squad under Kim Won Seok one of the few good men left in the beauraue. The man took Chansung under his wing cramming all the knowledge he had into the young brain of his pupil. Chansung looked back fondly at the memory of the grilling he went through at the hands of his mentor and father figure.


His first job was a big step into the murky waters of the justice system. He started by collecting and analyzing delicate evidence of a corrupted cell amongst them in the bureau of investigations that was suspected of planting and destroying evidence related to the KPTI case. The investigation was carried out secretly. However, the cell proved to be too elusive and the squad had to be disbanded shortly after, disturbed by higher ups and lack of funds.


Shortly after, Chansung was forced to transfer to NIS (National Intelligence Services). The large gap between the agency and the bureau might’ve stopped such procedure. However, the suspicious transfer was facilitated and executed by Wonseok and his connections in the agency itself. Chansung had no idea why he was forced out without a reason, until that incident happened two months later.


It’s been six long years since his life had turned upside down, haunted by the KPTI’s case and the ones involved. However, the former CEO isn’t his target this time but a ghost from his own past. Chansung’s face turned somber, he knew all along, he won’t be able to get the CEO, he won’t even dream of having his job at the bureau back after his disgraceful discharge from the NIS. This is not about his job anymore; it’s about taking back what they stole.
This man was just a lure for a bigger game, a game that puts Chansung's life on the line.


A luxurious foreign car with black tinted windows parked in front of the hotel's entrance. A hotel staff came running to open the car's door for the guest. As the man was reaching for the door knob he was startled by a hand that grabbed it before he did surprising him.
"Go fetch the luggage. I will take care of the young master" a tall tanned man behind him said in his gruff voice.
Once he saw him, the young staff member bowed nervously, feeling a shiver run down his spine that had nothing to do with the cold weather. He didn't dare to even glance back at the man again. He had an air to him that screamed authority and danger all together, giving that unsettling feeling of apprehensiveness.
Opening the door, the other hotel staff that stood outside in the cold strained their necks to take a look at who their new guest might be this time. It's always a curious sight, having a wide range of the rich and famous regularly visiting the place and their regularity didn't dim their curiosity any less.
The curiosity peaked his head from the car and gingerly took the extended hand of the tall tanned man. The boy had a curly mop of hazel dyed hair, large tinted glasses covered his face and when he stood up he didn't look short, but petite compared to the man standing next to him. The young man didn’t have t much presence or flair to attract any attention to him. With a sigh of disappointment, they bowed respectfully until their guest entered then went on with their work. As they were unable to recognize him as a famous person, they didn't have much to gossip about.
passing through the entrance door the older began, and they stopped walking, the older man fixing the young man’s clothes  "I hope you've enjoyed the ride, young master" the tall man smiled faintly brushing his hand up the young man's back coming to rest over his nape. He gave his nape a gentle massage eyeing the micro changes on the younger's facial expression.
The boy didn't answer nor look his way. He just stood there like he was waiting for that push from the subtle hand behind him ordering him to move. He did, without resistance.


Click… Click… Click


“YAH!  NO PHOTOGRAPHS. HAVENT I KICKED YOU BEFORE! YAH!”  The security came running after a man who was taking photos.


The man wearing a black hoodie tsked irritated, slinging a heavy equipment bag over his shoulder and dashed out of his hiding place from behind a large potted plant.


“AISH, those pests never give up!” the hotel security huffed after chasing the man.


Taecyeon looked back at the disturbance his features unreadable.



"No, don't bring that it would look hideous on this fabric"
"But Madame, master Park specifically ask us to  ..."
A fierce looking woman turned around angrily at the maid.
“What do you think a man knows about fashion! and besides I'm the one wearing the thing if he wants he can always dress that bean pole mistress of his" she continued applying plush over her cheeks
"Madam!" gasped the maid "it's his secretary and he's a man!"
"Well, it's his fault for being so feminine, at least grow some mustache or preferably some balls " the woman mumbled angrily to the mirror
"Ajumma, Do you think he s him?" Said the woman nonchalantly, looking at the maid's reflection in the mirror.
"No! Master would never cheat on such a young beautiful woman like yourself, madam" the old maid dismissed.
The woman ignored the maid's complement. She finished dressing up and went to the first floor lobby where her husband awaited for her while entertaining a guest that decided to drop by suddenly.
Jinyoung stood up and put his hand behind his wife's back introducing her to the guest who stood abruptly and was in awe at the host's wife's elegance.
"My beautiful wife, Wooyoung. This is Mr. Choi, from Kwang Cho law firm"
"Oh! The one our Nichkhun is training under? Nice to meet you and thank you for taking good care of my boy" Wooyoung beamed shaking the man's hand.
"It's my pleasure! In fact I came today to inform Mr. Park of the young man's progress and talk to him regarding his future career In the firm, once his internship is over of course" he replied.
"That's wonderful! I'm sure my husband would love for Nichkhun to work under a well known firm with a solid reputation like yours" the man bowed repeatedly at the woman's complements also trying to hide his blush.
Jinyoung smiled and took his wife to the side, whispering something in her ear. Wooyoung frowned arguing in a low voice with him. After a heated silent argument she left a bit deflated. She excused herself politely to the guest.
"I'm sorry, but it seems my husband doesn't want me to listen in on this business meeting. What would a woman like me knows about business?’


“ a..ah .. I’m sure a woman like you have a good head over her shoulders. It’s just some private matters we need to discuss” the man said apologetically.


Wooyoung bowed in acknowledgement and hurried back to her room.
Jinyoung eyes followed her, his face turning serious. That woman was too brazen acting as if she was his true wife. As much as Park Jinyoung loves this child, he would never give her the power nor the title she desires, for he knows he can't trust a vixen even if he had raised her himself with his own hands.

“Mr. Park, I am sorry to have come on a very short notice.” the man proceeded. The atmosphere got tense.


“I had specifically instructed that business matters never be brought to my house” Jinyoung said, his voice low and hostile. 


“I apologize sir, but the matter can’t wait. I’ve been instructed to deliver this message to you, personally” he paused for a bit adding to the tension. His eyes trying not to steer away from Jinyoungs own.


“I’m afraid Birain had surfaced again. The rumored son … someone placed a claim in his name to inherit Jihoon’s position”


Jinyoung was rendered speechless. Surprise mixed with rage blurred his vision and he had to sit down to let the news fully sink in. The Birain gang is coming back. Depending on the prowess of that heir, the gang might sweep the business away from them and possibly start crossing them out one by one.  


“I thought it might take them several more years to patch things together since that bastard bit the dust two years ago!” Jinyoung massaged his temples, his head ache returning with a vengeance. He motioned for a maid to serve him a glass of water as he popped open his medicine container.


“whiskers sends his regards, sir…”


A crashing sound loud enough to be heard in the second floor’s inner apartments, startles    Wooyoung.


“What was that!” Wooyoung came running to the balcony only to dodge into hiding behind the railing by her husband’s raging voice, booming through the salon. She peeked a little cautious not to let him find that she was eavesdropping on them. Along with the colorful profanities her husband spewed at the guest, she was in awe at the scattered crystal glass on the floor. Something must’ve set Park Jinyoung off. As short tempered as he was, he would never show his anger so openly.


“That cheeky bastard! Is he threatening me!” he grabbed the man from his clothes shaking him, his headache dwindling into a negligible throbbing sensation.


“sir, sir I’m only a messenger! I haven’t delivered the full message yet!” the man stuttered




Their room was on the highest floor up and away from the noises of the streets below. The room was an executive suit overlooking the business district.

Isolation was the main purpose of the room and that is why Taecyeon had specifically requested it. The adjourn rooms were few, occupied by Taecyeon's men who came one day earlier to set things up before the meeting.
His steps were slow, lethargic; he didn’t want to set foot inside the room. He eyed the open door, mouth slightly ajar. He was trying to take as much oxygen as he can to prevent himself from panicking. The room looked spacious but he already could feel the walls closing in on him. This is going to be his temporary jail until he reaches his permanent one.
"Move!" A rough hand pushed him inside almost stumbling on his face. He braced himself on the door frame, cursed under his breath, eyes feeling hot, his breathing became irregular like he was about to burst.
"Excuse my bad manners, young master" chuckled Taecyeon despicably.

The young man kept himself facing forward trying not to break as he stepped further inside the suit to the living room.

He heard the door lock behind him; then came a rustling sound and another lock. There seemed to be no escape from this room, even the living room had its own lock. Taecyeon’s rough hand re his nape, causing his body hair to stand. Reaching his limit, he yelped and smacked the intrusive hand off him and stumbled away, losing all control over his emotions.
"DON'T! DON'T TOUCH ME!" he snarled disgusted, his back hitting the wall when he backed away.
The older man’s steps were calm, steadily closing in on his cornered prey.
"Shhh, it's not our first time Junho, don't be shy" Taecyeon smirked
Trying to run to the side, the boy got a fist in his gut and fell to the floor whimpering. The back of his collar got yanked hard, he felt like his shoulders would pop off its sockets with the blazer as it was being removed. He let out a pained cry struggling to prevent that from happening.
"Nuneo, nuneo, how long will you have to suffer?" The man hissed brushing the younger's face and tangling his fingers with his curls massaging his scalp, a gesture that may seem affectionate yet it's anything but.
Pulling the younger off the floor, he dragged him to the bed room. There, he continued what he started.
The boy gave a fight. He got a hard slap across his face and got pulled up from bed by his dress shirt.
"Did that hurt you little boy? Are you gonna cry now?" Taecyeon instigated him further
" YOU!" Junho spat, his eyes were tearing up from the humiliation he's going through.
Taecyeon shoved him on his back again, straddling his waist and continued opening his buttons one by one as slowly as he can.

Wide eyes, petrified, his heart sank as the other ed his shirt. The inevitable would happen and no one could stop Taecyeon from taking him, fulfilling his promise. 

His cheeks felt wet. His limbs stiff as the articles of clothes been removed one by one, humiliated and he could do nothing about it. 

The last piece and then the pressure above him was gone. The creaking of the bed didn’t wake him from his stupor. Until that shadow was far away, did the spell break. He craned his neck slightly, looking around in panic.

"Just an extra precaution. I presume you are too proud to run “smirked Taecyeon, standing at the bedroom's door, the boy's clothes in a bundle under his arm. 

The boy turned his head away trying to hide the tears that flowed freely on his cheeks. Taecyeon had already seen how weak and helpless he was, saw him sob, cry, being the pathetic creature that he is. There was no meaning in hiding his face anymore. His pride doesn't exist.

"I left you a small towel. Take a bath then slip under the covers. Try not to catch a cold, Nuneo"


he left; the clicking sound of the key was the last of him.


ugggh reading it again OTL






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Very cool story!!!
lurvejunho #2
Taec so mean....i wonder what is the r/ship between him n junho.bodyguard??woo as a girl or did i read wrongly....waiting for the next chap
itnuneo #3
Chapter 1: intriguing! chanho+taecho in one fic for the ultimate hotness, whew. the arrival at the hotel scene totally reminded me of this little did i know it was more serious than that
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is interesting. But TAECYEON, what are you doing???
Anyway, subbing and waiting anxiously for MOAAR. At this point trying to understand what young master has to do with Chan's vendetta o.O
Chapter 1: Okay, as confusing as it still is at this point, I'm already hooked.
I really wonder what everyone's role is in this. Especially Junho's?
Once again you got me craving for more. ;_______________;
Also, I wanna kick Taec's kittyballs for treating Nuneo this way.
Aaand I'm still confused, is Woo really a woman in this? Or am I just unable to grasp hints?

Tell meeeeeeee. ;_____________;

your number one y stalker ahjussir fanthingy XD