

 “Jongin! Look at this!”

Jongin can hear the loud booming voice and thunderous steps even when Chanyeol is still 20 meters away.

The first few times this happens in the dorm, Jongin will put down whatever he is doing and pay attention to Chanyeol and his current obsession. However, after the tenth time, he deems Chanyeol as unworthy of his attention, especially when they only have a few hours of free time per week. And he really wants to catch up on all the drama that he missed.

“Yes?” Despite answering Chanyeol, Jongin’s eyes are still trained on the television, completely absorbed in the show.

“Look, look!” Chanyeol seems really excited about something on his handphone, shoving the screen in front of Jongin in an attempt to grab his attention. “They say that Sagittarius and Capricorn are compatible!”

The excited man starts reading out the article, oblivious to Jongin’s annoyance when his hand gets shoved away. “Capricorn and Sagittarius differences in character enable both parties to learn from each other, forging a stronger relationship in the long run. Sagittarius is ruled by…”

 “Chanyeol, are you sixteen or what?”

That successfully shuts Chanyeol up, and puts a relieved smile on the younger boy’s face. He is finally able to hear what Sooha is saying properly. The next few minutes passes by quietly, unsettling Jongin. And despite of his love for the drama, it is getting difficult to focus with Chanyeol is sitting next to him being uncharacteristically quiet. The taller man’s disappointment seems to have diffused into the surrounding air, making it difficult to breathe.

With a sigh, Jongin switches off the tv to pay his childlike team mate attention. He knows he will regret it later; he’s going to miss the upcoming confession scene that he had been anticipating for the whole week.

“What is it that you were saying? Care to share with me again?”

Chanyeol gives him a wide smile, which he thinks is probably unattainable by a normal human and starts launching into horoscopes compatibility again like nothing has happened a few minutes ago.

The infectious smile and chatter tugs at his lips, and maybe he doesn’t regret paying the other man some attention once in a while. 

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Onepenny #1
Chapter 1: Your stories make me love Chanyeol so much :)
Buzzie #2
So cute!!! <3 Love it so much! <3 Can I translate "horoscopes" into my language? Of course, with full credit and original link and I will come back with the link once I'm done <3
Annasj #3
Chapter 1: Sweet~^^
Thankyu for kaiyeol!!
Love_Jongin #4
Chapter 1: I've read your fanfic and I love it!
Would you allow me to translate into Vietnamese are not? Thanks you.
Chapter 1: nuuuuuuu this is so cute;;;;;
nopethankyoubye #6
Chapter 1: This is so sweet. I really like it
XaraKAI #7
Chapter 1: Simple and adorable. I like it x)
septaaa #8
Chapter 1: Its simply, nice, and adorbs too^^
i hope wrote another chankai. And don't forget make it long :D /slapped/ keep writing authornim! Good job!
oh-tea-twelve #9
Chapter 1: awwwh this was really cute chanyeol getting all excited about their matching horoscopes while jongin just really wants to catch up with his favourite drama c::
'after the tenth time, he deems Chanyeol as unworthy of his attention'--> i lol-ed at this xD
jongin neglecting chanyeol but then he felt guilty afterwards and proceeded to pay attention to his hyung
awwwh really thank you so much for writing kaiyeol they've been messing with my feels as of lately ::D
i hope to see more kaiyeol from you *wishes hard*