
My First kiss

Chapter 2:



This day was not as bad as I thought. After firing my former secretary, my guilt vanished.

But I don’t know how to explain to that girl in the elevator how I appeared next to her. She just can’t know how. I’m screwed up.

And how will I interact with that girl? Maybe I should just act normal since I am professional to it.

 “Hey! Your eyes! It’s getting very far.” Chanyeol, one of my friends snapped me back to reality.

Oh, I was in the living room and the television is on. My thoughts are getting really far.

“What’s your problem?” he tilted his head, very curious of what’s happening with me.

I don’t know what to say. They know me as that guy who never kissed someone before, all in me is . I don’t know how they will react, they’re over-reacting.


“What?” I yelled back. His voice is very annoying and I’m suffering because I always hear it every day.

I am in an average house with six people with me. They are all my officemates but I am the only one with the boss position. Me, Sehun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kai and Kyungsoo. We all have individual rooms but we spend all our time in the living room.

 But the others are not here yet. Why are they not here?

I faced Chanyeol, “Where are the others?”

He slowly turned his head on me with that trolling face. Why do I live with an annoying idiot?

“They’re all in their rooms. They are tired~~”

Someone stop me from hurting this guy please. I don’t even know how he got a decent job in one of the famous company in the country.

They are all Koreans, I’m the only one who’s a foreigner because I’m a Chinese. I left my parents in China, I want to experience adventure by myself. I stayed 5 years in Korea already so I am already fluent in their language.

“I’m going to sleep now. Good night.”

I immediately stand up without looking at his face since it’s very annoying. But I heard him hum an agreeing sound so I dragged myself to my room right away.

But before I completely turn the doorknob of my door, a thought popped in my mind. It was the first time the other guys are not in the living room. I’m the one who’s always late to go home so I shall be the one who’s resting on my room but, they are the one.

First, I got in the front of Kai’s door. I knocked twice and received a quiet and serene sound. I planted my right ear at the door but I still hear nothing. He’s a heavy sleeper so I am expecting a loud snoring sound but I heard none.

What’s really happening?

I got to the other’s door and knocked but I received the same answer. I don’t want to go inside their room, I respect other’s privacy and because they will punch me straight to the face just like what happened to Chanyeol. But this moment drove me insane. Maybe I should open a door.

One room is enough.

I sprinted through Kai’s door again. I slowly turned the silver round doorknob and open it. I slyly put one eye at the small space and found the bed so clean. I opened it wide to see the perfectly arranged room.

Frustrated, I closed the door wildly.

I stomped my feet while walking through my door. Everyone seems so strange. I glanced once in the living room and found no one already. Maybe Chanyeol got to his room a while ago.

I turned the doorknob and pushed it hard.

Same place, lonely bed and closets with pair of windows and a picture frame on the lampstand.

It is a picture of me and my Auntie. Mom and Dad told me while working here, I should find her too. She gets out of China because she had problems with Grandma and Grandpa. She is pregnant to her former boyfriend in China so she flew to Korea.

Maybe tomorrow I should start finding her. Good thing I am just half-day by tomorrow.

I jumped into bed and dumped my face to the soft cotton. My eyelids became heavy, not realizing I closed it already and went to dreamland.








“Unnie.” I stuttered as I hold her hand and bless my forehead to it.

“Why dear? Did something happened?” she asked in curiosity. I sit beside her on the sofa and put my bag on the table.

After 10 years of her being with me, she knew what I feel inside even though I wear a big smile outside.

“Nothing.” I faked a smile again.

She pouted, “You can tell me what your problem is dear. If you don’t like to say then, fine with me as long as you can handle it. Can you?”

I nodded and flashed a smile.



“Let’s make things understandable. I am Xi Luhan. You can call me Luhan. Now I am not a stranger anymore, you’re first kiss is now from LUHAN okay? Now you can answer the question who is your first kiss..” he continued.

“Now I am not a stranger anymore, you’re first kiss is now from LUHAN okay?”




“Honey? Are you alright?”

I snapped back to reality and saw a curious lady in front of me. Maybe I should tell her? Or just no. Aish that Luhan!


 She formed this warm smile of hers again and blinked, “Dear, I think you should go to sleep now. Are you gonna start your work tomorrow?”

I nodded my head.

“What time?”

“Eight sharp.” I mumbled and rubbed my eyes indicating that I’m sleepy.

“Aww. My baby’s sleepy. Go to bed and take a rest. Alarm your clock at 7:00 so you can prepare enough hmm? Don’t be late on your first day. I love you.” She kissed my forehead and pushed me lightly to stand up.

“Where is Yura unnie?” I raised my eyebrow, acting curious of the answer.

“Oh your sister? She’s still on her job.” She mumbled.

I made a light frown on my face, “She’s not my sister. I am just adopted right?” I muttered. My eyes got teary but I put back the supposed to be running tears on my cheeks back to my eyes.

“Saemin! I told you even if we don’t have the same blood, you are still one of the family. Even if she is the only true child that I have, I still consider you as my child because I love you, we love you. That means you are sisters okay? Don’t cry hmm? So I am half your mother, half your sister because you always call me Unnie!” she pinched my nose and grin at me widely.

“ Now go to your bed and sleep. Goodnight.” She hugged me tight and let me go quickly.

She is the best mother/sister ever. I am lucky she was the one who adopted me and not the other woman there.

I stood up from the sofa and get my bag on the table. I dragged myself to the room then headed for the closet to change my clothes.

After changing, I jumped in my bed and rested my body to the comfortable piece of furniture.

I think I’m gonna have insomnia. All thanks to that man.






The alarm clock rang wildly so I quickly sat up and pushed the stop button.

The sun’s heat is perfectly fine. It’s resting perfectly on my face. The weather is very fine too, it’s a sunny morning.

This will be the first day of my job. I don’t want to disappoint Kris so I woke up early.

Yeah, Kris is the reason.

You just cannot stop adoring this heavenly guy.

I stood up from the bed and drag myself to the bathroom.

I opened the faucet and washed my face. I like the feeling of it. It’s very cold and the same time warm. I pulled the towel on the hanger and wiped my face. Then return it back to its place.

After washing my face, I quickly removed my clothes and jumped in the bath tub. I turned the blue handle and feel the coldness of the water.

I really like this feeling in the morning. I smiled as I feel the freshness of the water.

I splashed my body with the water, then put shampoo on my hair and rub soap to my body. I really love the sweet scents of these products.

After washing off, I stood up and grabbed my towel. Umma did a great job on washing clothes and towels. They all smell sweet as a candy.

I immediately get in my closet while my towel is wrapped around my body. What clothes should I pick?


I picked a pencil skirt and a white blouse and of course, my under wears. I love blouses with skirt. I feel graceful with them. And of course, my doll shoes since I hate high-heels.

“Saemin, breakfast is ready!”

Umma’s voice was heard all over my room.

I get my bag from my bed and exited my room. I smelled the freshly cooked pancakes with overflowing maple syrup. Geez, I want to eat. My stomach growled for food but I think I don’t want to eat, I’m very excited today.

I jogged down to the kitchen and saw her preparing pancakes. What if I just bring them with me so she will not be disappointed?

“Saemin! Come and eat!” she invited me to sit with her.

“Unnie, I’ll just bring some, I’m going to go now.” I hurriedly go to her and get some pancakes. I kissed her forehead and waved goodbye. She was left dumbfounded.

“Goodbye honey.” She muttered.





a/n:  Hi guys~ sorry for the late update

I am just really busy with my life. I'm gonna try to update the other story next day or week.

Sorry guys~

Gonna post the next chapter of this tomorrow~! :)

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