Reaching From The Other Side


This is a sequel to my oneshot On the Other Side

I highly suggest that you read it first. 

If you haven't read it yet, please don't read the foreward, because spoilers.


















                He was supposed to be gone by now. This wasn't his domain anymore. It was far past lingering now. No, he had passed that months ago. Now, it was called clinging. Clinging to a place he couldn’t get back to. But he couldn't leave, couldn't let go. Everything that he had left behind was a mess, and it was his entire fault. How could he just turn his head, just hope that everything would work out on its on?

                It’s not your problem anymore, the others would say. But it was. It always would be.

                You see, Jung Taekwoon was dead.







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resh_wolf88 #1
Chapter 1: A great chapter filled with emotion! Loving it!
Dangerousluv1 #2
Chapter 1: I loved this. It feels real, as in it portrays what someone might actually be going through in a situation like this.
Mademoiselle_geline #3
Chapter 1: Just like the one who commented before me, I also imagined myself, what if this really happen to me. I don't think I'll be able to live. And again, you are awesome! You captured our hearts and wrecked havoc on them. But seriously, the overwhelming feels in this fic and the prequel is just wow! This fic makes my heart shatters into million pieces but it's so well written. Looking forward to your future fic, preferably Taekwoon. Ha!
Chapter 1: When I read this , all I can think is , what if that happen to me? What if the guy I love die on the unexpected moment? Just by thinking of it make me sad ㅠㅁ ㅠ
Chapter 1: One of the best fanfics i have ever read... all the emotion... i think i might fall for sad stories now... AWESOME FANFIC THOUGH. LOVED IT!!!!!
kyulizhae27 #7
Chapter 1: My throat has the lumpy effect from reading the previous story and this. Seriously. I'm actually crying hard right now. So many what ifs are racing through my mind. What if Taekwoon lived? What if the girl died instead? What if she marries Wonshik? Dayum. I need more of this.
steam21 #8
Chapter 1: I really wouldn't be able to move on completely, just like her
and Taekwoon's still watching after her for years :'
it makes me wonder about those who passed away, leaving their loved ones. and the people who have the same experience as her in real life. life could be really hard
<<why am I babbling.. I am sorry>>

I spotted one or two misspelled words from this series but nah they couldn't matter :p *kicked*

Thank you for sharing this story dear author :)
Chapter 1: Love it! The two oneshots have been good reads. I enjoyed them. :)
The way you write your stories make me cringe cause they're really good AHA. i'm enjoying every bit of this story. Keep writing author nim!