Behind The Big Dirty Door

Terrible Things

first, i want to say sorry for not updating the story. i got blank-minded all of sudden >.< and sorry if there are so many grammar errors because i haven't talk in english so i kind of forget how to make a sentence (this is true, not an excuse). oh yeah my first languange is not english hehe.

“I’m very very nervous,” Mumbled him.

Today is Jisoo’s first day at his new school in South Korea. A week ago, His dad got promoted to the main office in South Korea. Thats why Jisoo have to follow his parents to move to South Korea, Leaving his already-great life in LA. 

Jisoo followed Ms. Song walked from behind to his new class. Suddenly, Ms. Song stopped her step in front of a room that painted white and dark light green. So this is my new class, thought Jisoo. “Please wait here, You can walk in when i call you and then introduce yourself to your new friends,” said Ms. Song but Jisoo only gave her one nod. even Jisoo were born and lived in America, Jisoo learnt how to speak Korean from his parents thats why he is very fluent in Korean but the way Ms. Song talked to him before was too fast.

Ms. Song left the full of thought Jisoo in front of the door. He snapped out his thought when Ms. Song called him in. When he walked into the class, he was suprised. The whole class was quite, not like his old class that very noisy whenever they had a new student. The calmness of the class actually made him even more nervous. “Good morning, My name is Hong Jisoo, I’ll turn 18 in this year. Hope we get along until next year,” Smiled jisoo a little and bowed formally. Ms. Song told Jisoo to choose one of 3 vaccant seats in the class. When he lent his eyes to an empty table near the huge window, he walked in fast mode to the seat. He is not a fan of beautiful view but he knows the view could distract him from his unstopable thought. Because they just started a new school year, Jisoo could followed the class quite well. Math on his first hour and followed by physic was not bad things for Jisoo.



The bell school had rang, Means the lunch time has coming. The other student packed up their bags and went out to the cafetaria. Jisoo get up from his seat, didn’t care to pack his things on his desk. In the moment when he took his first step out, Jisoo saw a girl dropped her pencil case when she walking out from the class. “H-Hey!” jisoo tried to call that girl but its too late. Then Jisoo took her pencil case and ran out searching for the girl but he couldn’t see her since the corridor was so crowded. Jisoo decided to put it on her desk but when he turning his back, he saw that girl walking to the opposite direction of the cafetaria. Isn’t School Cafetaria at there? Thought Jisoo. Then Jisoo decided to follow the girl. They climbed down the rotten stairs and walked to the back of school building. Jisoo panicked as he thought where is this girl going and he thought this girl wanted to skip school but he kept silent. Then the girl opened a big door that had been shadowed by the bushes and walked into it. Jisoo confused of should he follow her or should not. The place behind the door might be a prohibited place but the curiousity had eaten him so he walked in. Jisoo shocked of what he saw. Behind that dirty big door, there was a big sunflowers garden. He found the girl was searching for something under the big tree. Probably her pencil case Jisoo smirked. The girl suddenly look at Jisoo that has been standing on the door and her eyes caught  her blue pencil case in Jisoo’s hand. Jisoo frowned by her reaction, “What are you doing here, new student?”

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Chapter 2: Oml can't wait till the next chapter
Chapter 2: Oooooh~~!
It's so cute ~
Update soon author-nim.... :D
I love this song by mayday parade :)
Chapter 1: This first chappie got me craving for more~~

This sounds like a great idea/story author-nim...please update soon~~

Bananamilk25 #6
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^