
Falling Apart is Like This [ DISCONTINUED ]

Despite all effort to convince Taemin’s mother to let him stay, that discharging the boy would lead to an inevitable disaster, she drags her son out of the hospital bed, throws his few things into his arms, and ushers him out of the sterile place that he had become so accustomed to.

He can’t help but think what a waste it has all become. Not for him, but the love and caring  that Jinki and Minho put into trying to help him that is going to be thrown right out the window the moment he leaves this hospital, and he doesn’t want to do that to them. He wants to try, even if not for himself, but for them, and that’s impossible to do with his ignorant mother dragging him from his only safe haven.

But Taemin, as he has learned to do with his mother, only grins and bears it. As he passes Jinki and Minho standing at his door, he pauses, forcing back the tears that he feels welling in his eyes and clogging his throat. He says nothing, but they understand, and Jinki is the first to engulf the teenager into a warm hug, pressing a comforting kiss to his temple.

“Taemin-ah, I’m going to miss you so much. I get out of here in a week, and hyung will come visit you. I promise.” He murmurs into the boy’s hair, grip tightening as Taemin stays silent, but his feelings still leak out as his tears do. He may not have a week, if he gets bad again. All three of them know it.

After a moment, the psychiatrist next to them clears his throat, and Jinki breaks away from the hug while bringing a hand to gently ruffle the youngest boy’s hair. Taemin lifts his wet eyes to meet Minho’s, who is quite obviously forcing the smile that is on his face. The elder’s eyes travel down to the items in Taemin’s hands, landing on the frog plushie that Taemin had forgotten about until his mother threw it at him earlier.

His lips quirk up genuinely then, and he reaches a hand to take it from the boy’s grasp, handling it gently. His lips part, and he speaks slowly, sounding sad. “I was wondering what happened to this, since I never saw you with it. I was worried you didn’t like the gift I left you.”

At those words, Taemin’s eyes widen, and next to him, so do Jinki’s. “You’re the one who gave it to me? I wondered for the longest time, but then it disappeared the next day.” He asks, surprised. Minho only chuckles and nods.

“Hm, the nurses must have put it up then while you were at a session.” Is all he responds with before tucking the frog back into the boy’s arms and pulling him into a hug of his own. Even compared to the calmness that he feels when Jinki hugs him, it comforts him in a way that nothing else can. The arms that hold him are strong and Minho almost gives a possessive feeling as he refuses to let go, even when his mother calls, agitated.

The elder only finally lets go when Taemin feels something wet hit the top of his head, and then the psychiatrist is turning and walking away without any form of a goodbye. Jinki gives him one last brief hug before following after the man, and Taemin’s mother screeches one last time for him to hurry up.

Taemin can’t help the feeling of his heart tearing itself to shreds, and the pain that resides there as his mother leads him to her car and he leaves the only place he feels remotely safe for good.

After a silent fifteen minute ride home from the hospital, the voice has already made its return and is in full swing as they pull into the driveway of Taemin’s fancy, not-so-homely house. The sight of the manicured lawn and large windows with billowing drapes makes him want to flee back to the simplicity of the hospital again, even if he had hated it in the beginning.

Ungrateful. You deserve to be left like you are every day you selfish, disgusting .

Taemin finds himself swallowing thickly as his mother turns the car off and removes the key, sighing heavily before speaking. “I’m glad you’re home, Taemin,” she says, and the teenager can feel his eyes widen at her words. Does she really care about his wellbeing after all?

“The house has been an absolute wreck without you. There are so many chores to be done, and you know I don’t have the time to do them.” She then continues on, shattering any hope that Taemin had held in his heart. He only nods obediently, knowing he doesn’t have any other choice.

I wonder what would happen if you cut yourself while cleaning the dishes your mothers asking you to? That’d be a nice sight for her to come home to.

“You’ll do them all tomorrow, won’t you? I’ll be gone to the city tomorrow and won’t be back until late, so you’ll need to cook for yourself, too. I’m sure there’s something in the fridge. If not, get takeout. Just be mother’s good boy and don’t do anything stupid again.” She finishes, tone final, and proceeds to open her door and slam it shut before walking to unlock the front door to their home.

Be mother’s good boy and rid yourself from her life like she’s always wanted. Why would she want the son of the man she hates?

Taemin feels like screaming, but nothing comes out but a choked sob as he holds back his emotions. He’ll make sure to do everything his mother says, just as she asks. He’ll be mother’s good boy just as he has been since his father left when he was born.

Don’t cry. Don’t argue. Don’t make a mess. Don’t ask stupid questions. Just do as he’s told and keep his mouth shut and emotions in check.

Don’t breathe. Just end it all.

And not for the first time, Taemin wants to agree with the voice.

A/N: Once again, sorry for how long it took me to update this story. But slow and steady wins the race, right? :3

It's almost Christmas, which means Winter Break starts next week! I'll have almost a month off from school, which means updates~ 

Also, sorry for the short length of the chapter. It was more of a filler than anything, but better things will come!

Comments, subs, and upvotes (I've gotten so many! Omg, thank you.) are love, and as always, thank you!

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60 subscribers c: This will be updated this weekend.


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Beau1996 1382 streak #1
Chapter 12: I'm sure it was hard to keep this story going since the topic was so heavy but well written!
Beau1996 1382 streak #2
Chapter 4: The description of the "voice" is great - very accurate
Chapter 12: Ahhh.. I have to admit I'm a bit sad that this story will be discontinued, but I understand. Writing is hard sometimes, so some things just don't work out. A little part of me hopes you'll finish this fic one day because I seriously liked it so much. But still, I get that if it doesn't happen oh well. I'll make sure to check out your other stories ^^
Thank you for your work on this one though! I hope all your other ones go well~
Chapter 11: ;A; as sad as this is, you've written it well ㅠuㅠ i'm looking forward to reading how it'll end~
Chapter 11: Ugh man i lost it when Minho said because i am only human. Jesus christ the amount of emotions i went through. I am just glad they saved him though, but the cliffhanger is killing me. Is it what i think it is? He lost his arm?
moechiii #6
Chapter 10: Taemin's mom damnit -__-
2min and OnTae ; u ;
two in oneeee, but i know how this will end v.v
Chapter 10: Awh. Just ;n; I'm sad because Taemin is being forced to leave the safety of the hospital then I'm happy because of his interactions with Jinki and Minho, but then I'm upset because of his mother and the voice. /sighs I can't believe I like doing this to myself lol
I love this story, so interesting..
I have this kind of "voice", but it's weaker and not too dangerous.. anyway, keep your good work ^^
Chapter 9: It's really been a month? LOL I'm just happy to get an update :D
...its breaking my heart ;___; im making up a million happy endings just to forget about Mrs. Lee being so stubborn and Taemin being so... :c
Cant wait to read what you'll come up with next! 파이팅~
Chapter 9: This story is just amazing. I love it :) Dont feel pressured to update :) do it when you can. cuz writing is to make you happy and that should be forced :)