Last Exam

A Foolish Person Like Me Shouldn't Love You


I wake up again today, seeing all black. It doesn’t matter if I open my eyes, I see the colour black. I get up from my bed and slowly put my feet on the floor. It’s warmer than yesterday. Well, I guess that we’re already in the beginning of June. I take my cane that I’ve left beside my table. I take ten minutes to go to the bathroom. Odd, right? Well, if you’re blind and you live in a big mansion alone, it’s taking this much. Yes. My parents died murdered by a psycho and my maid left me since she believed what everyone said. What everyone said? That I’m a curse to everyone’s happiness. The fact that I ruined my parent’s happiness by being blind is a proof. The fact that they were killed was also my fault. That’s what everyone believes. I brush my teeth fast and go study. It’s not because I’m blind that I can’t study and have good grades. The only differences between me and the others, is that I’m blind and that I’m not going to school. The school sends me the homeworks and lessons by video tape. So, I just listen and I can follow what they’re studying. As for exams, someone comes to pick me up and brings me to a place where the exams are written with braille. Anyways, back to present: I finish brushing my teeth and run to change my clothes. I have a great touch, so I can know what kind of clothes I’m going to wear. While eating breakfeast, I study for about 3 hours. The door bell rings. I walk fast towards it and greet the person. “Hello, miss. I came to bring you to your exams.” I nod, get out of the room and lock my front door. I was about to walk with my walking stick, then I feel arms wrapping my body and lifting me up. “Uh… Sir, it’s okay. No need to do this you know…”  The man ignores my comment and brings me to the car. I have to admit, it’s better this way since I don’t look retarded. Only ten minutes later, we arrive.Arriving in the classroom, I sort out my things for the exam and wait. I hear people whispering about me, but I don’t care. It’s been such a long time that I’ve been enduring this, so why would I scream at them now? I hear sheets moving. I think the exams are being passed. This is the last exam, before summer. It’s going to be so boring. I can’t go out; I have no friends or family… Nothing really to do… I can’t believe it. This entire exam was exactly what I studied yesterday. It’s too easy. The exam lasts 3 hours and I gave my copy about half an hour after since the exam started. I hear the lady that’s surpervising gasp.


"Are you sure about this? What if you fail? I won’t be able to promise you th-"

"Miss, I think I know better than you. Thank you."


As I left the classroom, I heard the lady yelling that I was direspectful. Woah, I think she’s more disrespectful. She’s shouting during an exam. I come out of the budling and start walking. Suddenly, I get bumped and fall on the ground. And it’s not one time. A lot of girls bump me. One of them stops and says:


"Yah, I just bumped you and you fell. You’re such a weakling" (Girl #1)

"Haha, plus she’s blind! Poor fool!" (Girl #2)

"We should go! The fan meeting is starting soon!" (Girl #3)

"Before that, I want to tell her something.  You piece of crap, you ruined my new shirt. Pay for it." (Girl #1)

"… How much was it?" (Me)

"HAHAHA, she’s actually asking for the price! If I say 95 000 won, would you give it to us?" (Girl #2)

"What’s going on here?"! (???)


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