
To Infinity (Your heart will always belong to me)
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In human context, a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage), or co-residence/shared consumption






Sehun doesn’t come from a rich family.

They’re just an average compare to Kris and Kai.

Kris and Kai’s father owns an Electric Utility company named 3.6.5 that is listed on one of the world’s richest company.

Their mother owns one of the world famous fashion store.

So Sehun himself is wondering how he managed to be friends with these two boys.

Sehun is making his bed when his mother calls him to come down.

‘’Coming!’’ he shouts and hurriedly make his way down.

He walks towards the kitchen direction and found his mother preparing his food. Maybe she’s going to her work now.

‘’ son since its weekend please go to the supermarket you know Uncle Jinki right?’’ Her mother asks while hurriedly getting a piece of paper on one of her apron’s pocket and Sehun nods.

‘’Give this paper to him and he’ll give you the items that is listed there, this is the money’’ Her mother gives him the paper and the money.

‘’Okay, but what time are you going home?’’ Sehun asks his mother before it can leave the kitchen.

‘’Around 10 maybe and also your dad’’ Her mother said and Sehun pouts.

‘’It’s too late’’ he whines and her mother giggles.

‘’we need to overtime son, we need money this month to pay for our monthly bills and also for you tuition’’ her mother smile bitterly and He widens his eyes. Is there something wrong?

Her mother quickly change his expression scared that Sehun will notice the change of her mood.

‘’Bye son, take care’’ Sehun nods and run to her for a peck, her mother kiss his forehead.

When Sehun hears the door shut he sighs and make himself a coffee.




Sehun finished all of his homework by the afternoon.

Since its only 3:00 he decided to take a w

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Bigbang06 #1
Chapter 4: i read this again.. Hehe.. Now i just find something confusing.. Who is kyungsoo actually ?? In third chapter, D.O is sehun's friends, in chap 10 kyungsoo is sehun's father and in chap 12, he is sehun's new friend.. Hahaa.. I am just confused about this.. Btw nice story.. I hope you don't forget about this story.. Hehee
ayanesakura #2
Chapter 13: ahhhh this one is long... i'am sorry to your parents sehunnie. but don't worry you still have kris and jongin by your side... *nodnod
ayanesakura #3
Chapter 12: nooo they can't die???!!! oh poor sehunnie...
ayanesakura #4
Chapter 11: aaaaah actually this is soooo good. but why is it sooooo short??? make it longer pweeeeaseeee with cherry on top!
Chapter 9: Omg yongguk! Kris you evil man xD
Chapter 8: Wow Is that luhan?!
carrot_19 #7
Chapter 8: Omo omo omo!!please update soon!!
jacqueline_mikyou #8
Chapter 7: That was sweet krishun moment, i love it! >////<
Chapter 7: im loving krishun :D