
Sacred HighSchool



" My life is upside down just as I stepped into this school and please somebody explain me why?" I pouted and left a sight. Lay who was sitting beside me in the classroom,shrugged when he heard my whine. Luhan and Kyungsoo stared into spaces and ignored me the whole time. They were sitting infront of me with their head inclining towards the translucent window.

" Well, aren't you guys going to talk?" They didn't even spare a look at me but continuing their activities which is not basically 'activities'.

Before I could say anything that proving my frustration, Miss Elysa walked in and greet the class. When the all the students stood include me, I saw TOP was gritting his teeth and glared at me. Of course I tried to distract my mind from it but it seems he delighted to see my downfall.

" You all can seat and I would like to announce this particular event which I know that you guys going to love it. 'The light' day is here!" With that, everyone cheering up and noisy murmured came from all direction. 

Luhan and Kyungsoo eyes finally flickered and they smiled at each other. I looked at Lay who smiled softly and playing with his pen. His hand kept spinning the pen and his bang dark hair was blocking his left eyesight and he didn't seems to mind it.

" Why everyone excited for this?" Lay realised that I was talking to him so he face me with his eyes showed an excitement.

" Not that interesting" I gave my infamous crook smile and shook my head in disbelief.

" If it is not that interesting, you won't smile like an idiot." I tried to reason with him and heaved a sight. Finally his head nodded.

" What I tried to say is, it won't be that interesting for you. Light Day is the day we could bring our families into this school and let's not forget about partner." My eyes grew sober and I turned my head down so that I could see the marble floor shiny surface. 

Miss Elysa walked towards to my seat and she put her hands on my shoulder. I wanted to say that I am okay but it seems my anxiety won't let that happen.

" You, Lay, Kyungsoo,Baekhyun, Xiumin and Luhan will help me with the preparation." As she finished that sentences, I quickly glance at her. Miss Elysa face was so near and I nearly couldn't avoid looking her with grim on my face.

" If that is okay with you guys" All my friends nodded which was good because they were paying attention to me.

" Lets work together then" we said in unison.

After the class session ended, I said to the others that I won't joining them for the evening tea so I left them. When I entered my dormitory hall, there was a loud foot step. Just as I looked back, a hand was closing my mouth. 

TOP was keeping my mouth shut with his big hand so that I won't yell. I finally composed myself and bewildered by his action. His left hand was moving and it seems he tried to put some spell.

Suddenly, I could feel my muscle tense up and I couldn't even move any of my body parts. Slowly he took his hand off and came near to my ears.

" Let me in. I wanted to see your room." I wanted to refuse but my body was defying my own order as it if I am in trance but still in my conscious state.

I opened the door revealing my classic room and there,he smirked at me and walked past me.

" Nice room you got,pretty boy." I was taken aback by his tone and his dark orbs were boring into me. Then, he smiled again when he saw the white sheet bed. 

" Your bed look nice. Mine is messy. So how about you sit on that bed and no it is not a statement but an order." I gritted my teeth to hope that I won't going to follow his order. Anyway,luck wasn't at my side for now.

" Well, you can talk." As he instructed me to talk, I took a deep breath and my confidence didn't wavered at all. When I slumped my body into the bed, I flashed a glare at him.

" What actually do you want?" 

" Nothing. Just having fun watching my pet following my order." He chuckled when he saw my raging eyes. 

" Thats all? Because I don't have time listening to your unprofessional speech.More like a dumb speech." He immediately thrown his body on top of me and I hate when I can't even struggle.

" That is not nice to talk to your master like that.. Don't you think Kai?" His hand slowly crept to my neck and strangled it. It is not that hard so I could still breath but not enough to sustain my energy.

" Let-- Me--G-go.." My mind was blacking out and the last thing I heard was a gasp from TOP.

When I wake up,I found myself neatly laying on the bed. The blanket was covering half of my body. As I looked around, I didn't see any sign of TOP. It isn't like I complained thought. Then when my eyes pass the veranda of my room, I saw someone staring into space.
"Kris.." He heard my voice and he turned around. 
" You are really something." I was confused when he stated that. More like I can't understand the meaning behind it.
" Bring more trouble than you can manage. That is not good for someone like you." Kris came to me and my hair. I slapped his hand away. I could sense his composure wavered a little bit but he regained his confidence back and sticked his tongue.
" You are no fun" I grabbed another pillow that was beside me and threw at him.
" And I am sure that you don't have a reason to barge into my room, YOU IDIOT! And where did you get the key from!?" He slipped his left hand into the pocket and smirked. 
" My charm is like a flame." He said with an arrogant face and then he sat on my bed. I want to jump from the bed but I felt weak all of sudden. Now I remember that I forgot to eat the pill or more specifically, I don't have that pill with me anymore.
" I am sure it will extinguish!" Using my last energy, I forcefully pushed him but he didn't moved at all. He tried to not laugh at the idea that I grew somewhat weaker now. Well, I'm sure that is what he though when he smirked like that.
" Why are you smiling? I don't think I am making any joke right now,Mr. Perfect?" I sticked out my tongue.
" So I can't smile now.." He pouted. No, you are not cute at all... Er maybe a little bit. " I just though that you are cute.. Kai, you are cute." Kris came closer to my face, then I felt a pair of lips met mine. His hands were holding tightly my hands so I won't struggled.
After a few second he let go and smirked. " How did you feel? Falling in love with me now?" He laughed softly but stopped when he realised that I was angry.
" Are you really.. always..inconsiderate like this?"  I faced him and glared before turning my body away from him. I snuggled into the blanket and drift into sleep to forget how inconsiderate this person could be.
" Allysha.. you want me to hold this thing for you?" Allysha looked at me and nod. I couldn't believe this girl. Did she think I am a hulk? What about my loneliness attitude? She supposed to leave me alone like the other cool kids will do.
" And send them to Sehun okay?" I nodded but wait a minute.. Who?! 
" Sehun, you meant that 'SEHUN'?!" Allysha chuckled for a moment and patted my head.
" There is only one Sehun in this school,Luhan" I tried to cancel my agreement but she was fast enough to leave me alone with the big heavy box.
When I tried to lift the box, there was someone helping me. I took a glance and saw Wara smiling at me. She helped me to lift the box and when I success doing so she let it go.
" Thanks. Wara right?" She nodded. Her black hair was covering her left eyes. I heard from the other that her left eyes could see the amount of energy,power,future and anything behind the shadow. She must has hate her ability so much.
" Yes, I am.. Hey I wanted to ask you about your little friends. If I were not mistaken, it is Kai."
" Yeah, so what about him that you wanted to know. If you were asking,is he single then he is." Wara smacked my shoulder playfully and we were walking down the hall.
" I just wanted to know about his power.." I stopped my movement.
" And the reason is?" 
"  It just.. There is something.. er.. maybe later." I was worried for a moment when she tried to redirect the conversation about Kai. She knew something and see something inside Kai.
" You won't ask someone if you don't have any reason. Kai said that he doesn't has any power."
" Oh.. so it is true.." What 'true'? What is wrong with Kai.
"You seem like you know something. Wara tell me." Wara eyes met mine but she smiled again and ran away.
" What is she hiding?" As I walked to Sehun room, my mind was flying every where.Many question kept popping inside my head and then BAM! I just hit someone. The box however fell safely on the ground.
" Sorry!" I apologized to that person and that is how I realised that person was Sehun. He was holding his head. I guess he also fell down really hard.
" Do you really had a tendency to hit someone just like you did?"
" Er,sometimes." I stood abruptly and lift the box.
" This box is for you. You know.. Light Day.."
" I am not supid so don't elaborate about the Light day" Sehun caught the box and glared at me. Okay.. is he really a bipolar or something? The last time we met, he was kind of cute but now.. ergh..
When he walked away from me, I looked at him. He look tired for sure. His body didn't seem fit like usual. This must be about that incident again. The King is working their energy off to find the culprit for the past few days.
" Sehun, are you really okay? You don't look great."
" I am. Do you have problem with that?
" Seriously you.. I tried to be nice but I guess we can't work that way. Yeah Sehun! Keep your ego!" Right then I left him alone. I am sure he appreciated that.


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Please don't read the last part when it was midnight,it will give goosebump


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Japanda #1
Chapter 12: It's getting interesting update soon. And I don't mean to offend but I noticed your grammar is a little off. Have you ever consider a beta reader?
Chapter 12: Please update soon !! The story is really cool by the way ^^
Lovemoe #3
Chapter 12: Please update soon!!!! It's gettibg interesting
kkamjonghun92 #4
Chapter 12: wo wo wo....
this fic the best for me... but, when will this update....T~T
update soon please....
Cornetto #5
Chapter 12: Finally.. Please update soon.. You know? I really existed for this story ^^
Chapter 10: Oh my GOD when I realized Kai was eating the pills I was like , no Kai don't eat them XD
Well author kept doing the story fighting !!~ ^^
ShinKaizo #7
Chapter 11: Uhuk , why author ? Why you do this to me ? T_T Cliffhanger again ..... By the way , that mysterious guy i think Kai's shadow ? Interesting , keep it up ~
Chapter 11: Aish this author shi. You make me dying like.....everytime you make this cliffhanger.
Update soon please, the next chapter will be daebak I'm sure
elien23 #9
Chapter 9: please update fast author sshi
i'm soooo eager to read the next chapter
kkamjonghun92 #10
Chapter 9: Yay! Update. . .
it update #jump in joy#
it so great to read this fic. .
So. . Update soon please. . .
Double please. . .
i'll wait for you. . (>_<)d