The beginning

Sacred HighSchool

The next morning, it was gloomy filled with cool icy wind hit the school ground. The students wouldn’t care less than it seems. They continued their work in running this festival of the year that is becoming their tradition. Kai was walking around the centre of the festive since the dawn appeared. His other friends was shocked at how bad Kai look with his eyebag under his eye. 

“ Are you sure you didn’t stay back last night?” Luhan poked Kai shoulder’s and the latter flinched.

“  I- I just can’t sleep..” Kai looked at the sky and rubbed his left eye with his palm.

“That is sure bad. Your eyes prove it.” Luhan reply with concerned. He brought Kai to the nearer bench and tried to put Kai to ease. 

Kai didn’t tense up after that and stared into the sky which is still gloomy and windy. Much of disprovable of his friends, he wanted to see the festive and ignore his worsen condition. Kyungsoo persuaded him to stay in his room but Kai kept insisting. 

“ Ergh,don’t tell me you eager to see Kris?” Hearing that,Kai shoved Baekhyun away and shook his head while non-stop denying it.

“ Why would I? The monkey is much better than him. Well, how about you Mr. Baekhyun? Miss Chanyeol?” Then, it was Baekhyun turn to shove Kai. The other smiled and chuckled seeing those two having a kitty fight with each other.

Without they realising it, someone came with their footstep sound unheard. They walked behind the bench where the six boys joking with each other and facing the opposite side. Slowly, they reached the boys and spooked them.
Of course, the boys shocked and turned their back and rolling their eyes.

“ What do you guys want again? We thought we made it clear that we are refusing..” Baekhyun tried to pulled away from the hands that gripped his slender waist and this time he made it.

“ Well, if you don’t want,you can have with us.. I thought that we made that clear.” Kris successfully caught Kai who was dizzy and smirked while looking at the prey.

“ Are you guys a maniac or what? Or you guys are just gay?” Xiumin gritted his teeth and suppressed his urged to spit at Chen who was checking him out.  

“ Like we told you countless of times, we’re Bi and in the meantime, we are interested in you guys.” Chen was yanking Xiumin arm harshly and the latter was in pain for a moment.

“ Well that’s scary. Better you guys find other companion because we all didn’t swing that way.” Kyungsoo tried to push all The King away from his friends but they kept refusing and insisting to stay and make a huge trouble for them.

“ Oh come on, just a dance. And why is it Kai look alike Zombie?” Kris can’t hardly believe it how easy he can push Kai around. His complexion becoming much more pale and the tan skin lose it colour. 

“ We.. don’t know. I think it is better we sent him to the infirmary.” Kyungsoo went to Kris that was holding Kai and took Kai away from him. Lay didn’t speak any words at all as he tense up as Suho was touching his strand of hair and held it.

Luhan and Sehun was looking at each other awkwardly. Sehun can be nice for a moment but after that he became mean to Luhan. Neither Luhan nor Sehun understand why it is so hard to talk normally or flirt like Sehun used to any other people.  In the end, all of them went to the infirmary to send Kai. No one in Kai’s group understand why is it The King follow them all the way to that place. The other students sneer in envy and whispered to each other which is a bad thing.

“So it is ‘on’ right? You guys are going to become our date tonight.” Chanyeol winked to Baekhyun who already standby his fist. No one actually agree in their heart but they just nodded to submit. If those King are just a normal student, Baekhyun already kicked their !

The King smiled silently. Looking at their new playtoy, The King didn’t understand the feelings that came in with it. 
“ Kyungsoo, where are you from?” Tao who was walking beside Kyungsoo which Kyungsoo hardly like it, asked him about his personal life.

“ Why do you want to know?” Rolling his eyes, Kyungsoo reply with a light chuckled.

“ Nah, just wanted to know my date personally.” Tao clicked his tongue and turned his head to kyungsoo. He could see that Kyungsoo was wearing the school uniform with a tie. The button was near the neck. Maybe it was because it is hard to breath. 

“ Err, Seoul. “ Tao nodded hearing the answer and kept gazing at Kyungsoo earning a sigh from other students.
Kris was looking at Kai who was walking slowly beside Kyungsoo as Kyungsoo helped him to move. “ So my assumption was right.” 

“ What assumption?” Kris was startled for a bit when Luhan poked him and heard his mumble.

“ Nothing that is important.” Luhan sneered at Kris who tried to hide things away from him. Sehun caught the help-me glance from Kris so he went over to Luhan and pulled him away from Kris.

“ Ergh, seriously, why he had to heard that..” Kris exhaled his breath slowly and walked while his thought went away.
Arriving at the infirmary took a great time from the garden. The white sheet bed was placed near the window which is opened and the wind blew in. But then, Kris suddenly ran to the window and closed it.

“Kris, what is wrong with you? Why closed the window?” Kris showed a stern expression while ignoring other question and helped Kai laid on the bed.

“ I am the leader and no going to ask me the way I handled things, got that?” Kris was clearly mad and shoved his friends away to go out from the infirmary. 

“Okay, now that was weird.  Did he just see ghost outside the forest?” Suho approached the window and opened it back to let the fresh air in and checking out the outside.
It was just a forest outside. Yes a forest that filled with possibilities. 

The shadow man stood on the branch tree that could hide his face from the sun. He sense that a person, a very powerful person was nearing him. He left a heartly laugh and can't wait to fight with this person .

“ Ah, the window already opened but a stupid intruder is going to make my job difficult. Hahahaha! How challenging!”  The shadow man suddenly disappeared in a flash moment leaving a black smoke covering the tree and the tree cried in pain as the smoke engulfed it. Soon the tree turned dead.


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Please don't read the last part when it was midnight,it will give goosebump


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Japanda #1
Chapter 12: It's getting interesting update soon. And I don't mean to offend but I noticed your grammar is a little off. Have you ever consider a beta reader?
Chapter 12: Please update soon !! The story is really cool by the way ^^
Lovemoe #3
Chapter 12: Please update soon!!!! It's gettibg interesting
kkamjonghun92 #4
Chapter 12: wo wo wo....
this fic the best for me... but, when will this update....T~T
update soon please....
Cornetto #5
Chapter 12: Finally.. Please update soon.. You know? I really existed for this story ^^
Chapter 10: Oh my GOD when I realized Kai was eating the pills I was like , no Kai don't eat them XD
Well author kept doing the story fighting !!~ ^^
ShinKaizo #7
Chapter 11: Uhuk , why author ? Why you do this to me ? T_T Cliffhanger again ..... By the way , that mysterious guy i think Kai's shadow ? Interesting , keep it up ~
Chapter 11: Aish this author shi. You make me dying like.....everytime you make this cliffhanger.
Update soon please, the next chapter will be daebak I'm sure
elien23 #9
Chapter 9: please update fast author sshi
i'm soooo eager to read the next chapter
kkamjonghun92 #10
Chapter 9: Yay! Update. . .
it update #jump in joy#
it so great to read this fic. .
So. . Update soon please. . .
Double please. . .
i'll wait for you. . (>_<)d