
My savior

Why does it have to be me? A boy, only 18 or 19 years old thought, racing through the darkened streets. Why do they want me? I didn’t do anything to them!

He heard laughter from behind him, making him speed up. He just had to get away from the guys following him! He turned a corner and looked around, frantic for a hiding spot. His eyes landed on an empty building. He heard the sound of running, and looked up to the roofs. A figure appeared, followed by others. One of the figures looked at him, their crimson eyes glowing in the dark with unholy glee as their eyes locked.

He quickly looked away and ran into the building, hearing one of the guys call out to him.

“Hiding won’t save you, Kibum!”

He closed the door behind him and quickly hid behind an old bookshelf. He breathed heavily, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. He prayed they didn’t find him. He heard a smashing sound; a window. He cursed himself for forgetting to do something about the windows.

“Come out, come out wherever you are~” one of the men called in a singsong voice.

“Yah! We’re not going to hurt you that badly. So why don’t you just come out, Key?”

He bit his lip; he wasn’t going to fall for their tricks!

“Just give up already!” another said, kicking over a chair.

Key heard the guys knocking things over, all the while shouting for him to come out. He felt a warm trickle down his leg. .

“So this is where you’re hiding?” a voice whispered into his ear.

Key froze. He knew that voice. He looked to his right, his eyes widening when he saw the dark eyes of Taemin, the youngest one in the group after him. He was young, maybe 12 or 13 at most, with messy dark hair and dark eyes full of glee.

Key yelped as the boy dragged him out by his short blond locks. For a boy, he was quite strong.

“Look who I found.” He called to the others that formed a circle around them.

The leader stepped forward, his blond hair framing his face. “Good job, Taemin. Kibum, how nice to see you again!” he greeted, a smirk on his lips.

“What do you want with me?” Key asked, trembling.

“You’ll find out.” His smirk grew, as he motioned for the guys to go forward.

Key realized what was going to happen. He turned his eyes to Taemin, pleading with the young boy. He must still have a heart, right? Taemin rose an eyebrow at him, eyes full of amusement.

Key closed his eyes. He had a feeling wasn’t going to live through that night.

A loud crash sounded through the room causing Key to open his eyes. A young man stood there in grey sweats and a sweat stained wife-beater. His dark eyes locked with Key’s frightened ones before he looked at the guys surrounding him.

“Who are you?” the leader of the group hissed, his red eyes glowing brighter. “What are you doing here?”

The man said nothing, just looked at each and every one of them, almost like he was sizing them up. He got into a fighting stance, one hand slipping behind his back.

Key bit his lips, was this guy seriously going to fight all of them? He would surely die!

The man looked at Key once more and flashed a small smile at him before he looked back at the others.

“Get rid of him.” The leader hissed to his men.

Just as the group of guys rushed towards him, something exploded on the ground, white smoke filling the large room. The men stopped, each one coughing and grabbing their throats.

“!” the leader coughed out, “Taemin!” he coughed harshly, “G-Grab K-Kibum!”

Key swore, coughing as he rose and began to race through the white smoke blindly. What is this? Some type of poisonous gas? His eyes felt like they were on fire, his throat felt like it was swelling and his pants were starting to chafe (thanks to his weak bladder earlier).

A hand grabbed Key’s and he yelped, which was a bad move since he inhaled some of the smoke (if that was really what it was). He felt himself being dragged, to where he didn’t know, but he couldn’t let whoever it was take him. He tried to yank his hand away, but the grip got tighter.

“Quit it. I’m just trying to help you.”

Key stopped resisting, his eyes wide. He let whoever it was drag him out of the building, and only when they were out did he realize it was the man who had saved him.

“We need to run now. Can you?” he asked, his voice smooth as silk.

Key nodded, coughing a bit more.

The man grimaced, “Sorry about the smoke.”

Key just shook his head, “I-It’s-cough-fine.”

“Where the hell did they go?!”

The man tugged Key’s hand. “We need to go.”

Key nodded and took off running with the man, who still held his hand firmly. Key didn’t know how long they ran or how far, but they stopped somewhere (Key didn’t recognize it) to catch their breaths. Neither one spoke, both trying to get the oxygen their lungs so desperately needed.

Key’s eyes drifted to his savior. He was cute, quite possibly near Key’s age, with short brownish-blond hair and dark eyes. He was someone Key could see himself with (if he was completely honest with himself). Then his eyes landed on the wedding band around his ring finger. He was married.

The man chuckled, making Key looked him in the eye. He straightened up, as did the ma, before the man spoke.

“ Don’t I get a thank you?”

Key blinked. Oh yeah! He saved him! Forcing the blush that threatened to rise down, he smiled at the man. “Thank you, for saving my back there."

The man smiled back, “No problem, Kibum.”

Key’s eyes widened, how did he know his name? “How do you know my name?”

The man smiled a most charming smile, one that nearly turned Key into a pile of goo. “I know everything about you, Kibum. Or should I call you Key?”

Key didn’t know what to say or do. This man knew him and (apparently) everything about him, but Key had never seen him before. Ever. So how did the man know him?

“Who are you?” he found himself asking in a quiet voice.

His smile turned into a heart-fluttering smirk. “My name’s Jonghyun.” A whistling sound caught both of their attention. Jonghyun looked away for a moment before he looked back at Key, his smirk still present on his face. “I have to leave now, try not to get into any more trouble, alright Key?” He then turned and left, leaving Key staring after him.


Soo....what do you think? Like it? And I was originally going to have Taemin be young in this (like really young) but I was like, "Nah! Let's make him 12 or 13." So yeah...anyways. Hope you like it!

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Chapter 1: Wow, I like the mysteriousness o.-

But how would Dino have known Key? Maybe he's a police? Or maybe just some random guy who researched about Key a lot? Or maybe they met before but Key lost his memory?


Anyway, I liked it very much!
Chapter 1: Wait whaaaaaa? I don't understand
jk2minshippie #3
Chapter 1: Do you play league of legends? To be exact annie? Xp cute one by the way :D
eskulapka #4
Chapter 1: OK now I have a 100 questions. Hope to get some answers by the second chapter:-)
Chapter 1: Sequel please!You have to do a sequel :D Please? *Jonghyun's puppy eyes* :)
Chapter 1: What a story! I really do like it especially the part where Key saw the ring on Jonghyun's finger indicating he's married ^____^
