{Chapter 4} The Commitment

{The Yearbook} Starring EXO's D.O.

I begin to drag myself up the lonesome stairs all the way to Home-ec. I desperately try to pull on my backpack strap as it effortlessly rolls off my shoulder every step I take. I already got shoved onto the floor coming even from entering the front doors, it’s so painful.

I’m not very fond of taking care of house chores let alone home-ec class, I just can’t find the fulfillment in cleaning after someone or cooking for someone, why can’t they just do it themselves?

You can call me a slob but I generally keep a very tidy room not counting my closet of course, that is beast country. I’m more of the messy but organized person; I know where mostly everything is even if my room looks like a tsunami swept through it.

So far in home-ecs class we recently just went over the difference spices can add to a dish. Even after two months of having home-ecs every other school day I still can’t differentiate between oregano and regular herbs.

Honestly speaking, I will probably be the worst house wife ever.

I grip the handle bar of the door and shove it slightly to my right just enough to peek into the classroom, so far there is only a handful of students in the class right now but I don’t know them all very well so I’ll just sit outside the classroom, I don’t want to disturb most of their naps as well.

I set my bag a few inches away from me as I crouch down to pick out my Japanese class homework. I haven’t even touched it since I received it last week and it’s finally time for me to finish it, best considering its due right after Home-economics.

I start scribbling nonsense down just as I feel someone to my right; I glance up to find Kyungsoo coincidently kneeling beside me.

“You got question number five wrong,” He points his finger to the random note I left in the empty spot reserved for an answer, “You can’t use that saying because there are different levels of saying I love you, in this case you use…………………………..”

“Oh. I see.” I drag my eraser across the paper and I scribble down the answer.

I sneak a quick glance at Kyungsoo only to find him so focused on my work. The seriousness on his face wipe out all the childish thoughts in my head but I still center myself on stealing quick glances to my right every once in a while as he corrects me for each one of my answers.

I never really noticed the charming way his lips curve as he speaks. Even while he’s serious my attention would always end up going straight to his plump lips. 

The focus between us that took several minutes to build broke in just a few seconds by the maddening school bell signaling students to head to class. I place my work book into my bag and twist my body straight up.

I watchfully wait for other students to enter first as today is a seating plan day, my classmates would always plead to exchange seats with one another just to sit next to their best friend or to be closer to the ‘Princes’.

I’d rather not go through the whole storm of hair-yanking and milk fights. I position myself out of the way as hoards of students rush back and forth. I literally have to compress myself onto the wall just so I don’t get run over by the traumatic students.

I run my hands up the wall attempting to make a wall-angel when my motion is stopped short by squishy buns, meaty, skin-like squishy buns.

I turn my head to find my hand square-on Kyungsoo's cheeks. I grasp my hand back, "Sorry." I snap my head forward and resume staying splattered on the wall.



The chalkboard is marked white with grids and numbers. This time the desks are in pairs instead of the usual single desk "commandos" which my teacher would always call it.

Apparently I'm supposed to sit close to the window which is marvelous because I can't stand being spellbound in a room with breathing monkeys for several hours at a time, so the closer I am to the outside air, the better.

I don't want to know who is sitting beside me, because I honestly don't care, so I shove my way past the desk-abandoned students and splat onto my seat.

Even being by the window it's still pretty stuffy. I shove the window a little wider, the cool breeze jet streams into the room greeting the sweaty children with north winds.

I sit back down only to find Baekhyun sitting right beside me, "Hi." His mouth scrunches up into a foolish smile and I let out a weary, "Hey."

Out if the corner if my eye I spy Kyungsoo sitting at the far end of the room enclosed by hectic girls shoving themselves for a spot beside him. I don’t know who is supposed to sit beside him but whoever it was, they aren’t there.

His eyes wide in terror as they even grab each other's hair and some even go start into hand to hand combat.

I look back at Baekhyun, his focus on Kyungsoo, his body in a hesitant stance. I can see he wanted to go help.

"Hey. Want to trade seats?" A sweet girly voice, like ones right from out of Korean dramas, rings through my right ear and I turn to see a sweetly pale and almost doll-like girl, "My name is Jessica. I have seat 2-5,” Seat 2-5 is right beside Kyungsoo “and I was wondering if you would be as kind as to trade seats with m-"

Without a hint of hesitation I pack up my supplies and I march over to seat 2-5.

I rest my bag on the table next to Kyungsoo and all the girls stop in their tracks, stationary in their steps. Feeling guilty, I gaze over to Baekhyun, only to find him enjoying himself with the unblemished doll.

"Your seat isn't here" I turn over to Kyungsoo, his face still as staggered as when the girls started nailing each other to the floor, "Obviously. Just go with it."

I can barely see his smile forming when the classroom doors crash open.






//Author's note: I know it's a lot shorter than promised but this is the best I can do with the work load I have been getting. Next chapter is coming soon. Along with the process of writing the Onsica Fanfiction. 

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Chapter 4: Really love it !! I'm waiting for new update ! Thanks !!
Chapter 4: thanks for the update! ^^
dyotokki #3
Chapter 3: Loving this storyyy please update ^3^ update!update! update !!
kyuju_90 #4
Chapter 3: hihi I sooo L.O.V.E this story, writer-nim ^^
WennChii #5
Chapter 2: Update! Update! Update!

Totally loving this! :D
Kpopfanficlovers0606 #6
Chapter 2: Update!Update!Update! Chapter 3
Chapter 2: Update~~!Update~~!Update~~!
Chapter 1: wooha!! update soon ^^
ohh sounds nice