Chapter 2: Joong Ki’s confession

Monday Couple Fan Fiction

Gary and I have been going out every week but something is strange. We always meet every Monday. Is this some kind of a coincidence?. I meet up with Byul, Haha and Jong Kook oppa to ask some advice. Jong Kook oppa is the best friend of Haha and a close friend to Kwangsoo. They always call him Mr. Physical trainer because of his perfect physique.“Me and Kang Gary always meet every Monday, isn’t that weird?” I ask. “So the two of you are only dating every Monday.” Haha said and finding it ridiculous. Then, Jong Kook oppa said “Monday Couple? People who only date every Monday.”. When Jong Kook oppa said that me and Kang Gary are the MONDAY COUPLE because we are only seeing each other every Monday. From then, people around us keep calling us the MONDAY COUPLE. It’s really nice talking to your friends and asking advice from them, thanks to the married couple and Jong kook oppa. I had a very well spent day.

I told Kang Gary that Haha and Jong Kook oppa are calling us the Monday couple. He laughed and kind of loving the nickname. “That means every Monday you’re my girlfriend?” He asks. I really don’t know how to reply to that. “Hmm…maybe.” I answer. “I’m just joking. See you tomorrow!” He said. How can he say that I’m his girlfriend even though he is not making any effort to ask me to be his girlfriend. Maybe sooner or later he’ll confessed his feelings, right?. Do you ever wonder what your loved one think when they looked at you? Sometimes I really want to know what they think of me. What they feel towards me. Just like Kang Gary, I want to know his true feelings. I want him to say how he really feels about me when we talk, laugh and every time our eyes met. It’s a little bit late now, I should go to sleep.

I woke up early because of the noises, there is this new building in the neighborhood and it’s been weeks since they started the construction. It’s a little annoying especially at night. I’m heading to Hongdae to get some morning coffee. I arrived at the store and seated at my favorite spot. There is a strange guy sat opposite of me. It’s Joong Ki. Song Joong Ki is like a younger brother to me, we have a sister-brother relationship. He and I used to be neighbors back then that’s why we always end up riding the same bus and train. His school is also near to my school and from back then, we became really close. 2 years ago, on our way home while riding the train, he confessed shyly to me.

“Noona, I’ve been observing you since I first saw you.” He said . I’m just nodding in every word he said. “But now, I want to become a guy that understands noona’s heart. In the future I won’t call you noona anymore. Can I just call you “you” directly?” he continues his words while smiling so shyly that he can’t even look at me in the eye. I just thought he was so cute. “I have something to say to noona (you). I have to be closer to you to be able to say this, I can only whisper it to you. It’s very important” he nervously said. “Okay, go ahead tell me” I answered. “But noona, can you close your eyes?” a shy request from him. As soon as I closed my eyes and he was about to whisper something but all of a sudden he kissed my right cheek. I just covered my face and laughing because of a sudden kiss after a sweet confession from him. I didn’t really want to hurt Joong Ki’s feelings but I don’t have a choice. After days since the day he confessed,I talk to him personally and said that Idon’t see him as a man but a younger brother that is so precious to me. Cause I don’t want him to keep waiting for something that you thought sooner or later will come along. I don’t want him to experienced what I experienced from the past. Luckily, after that we continue to have a happy sister-brother relationship. Then, finally he got a leading role on a drama and since then, we lost contact.

“Annyeong, noona!” He greets. As usual a good looking guy is in front of me. “You’re here. Long time no see.” I reply. This is the first time I saw Joong Ki for the first time in 2 years. It’s really nice to see Joong Ki, again. “Noona! I missed you.” He said while doing aegyo in front of me. “Ya! It doesn’t suit you. Stop it!” I said. We laugh cause it really don’t suits him but he still keeps on doing it. “But Joong Ki, its really nice seeing you, again. I missed you too, Song Joong Ki.” I said while smiling at him. He just keep smiling at me and talked about what he did the past years.  Also shared some of my stories, how life became more exiciting. Then, we remembered the incident that happened 2 years ago.The day Joong Ki confessed. “Ahh…remembering that moment makes me think I’m so stupid.” He said. “It’s okay. You were kind of cute back then.” I said while giggling. We both recalled our memories and laugh about it. “2 years had already past but noona, what about now?” he asks.”What now?” I ask. I really had no idea what he was talking about. “Can you see me as a man now?instead of a younger brother.” He asks the same question that he asked me before.”Joong Ki, I’msorry. Until now, I just see you as my younger brother. Sorry.” I answer. Second time I hurt Joong Ki’s feelings with the same answer. “Are you seeing somebody else?” He curiously asks me. Am I seeing Kang Gary?. I mean there were no official statement that we’re officially  together,right?.I really don’t know what to reply to his question I just simply said, “I already like someone else.”. “Ah really…Noona, congrats!” he said in a low voice. The way I see Joong Ki’s expression, I remember that he looked like that when I rejected his confession. I really feel bad right now. I’m a pabo noona because all I did was to hurt Joong Ki for the second time. It’s already afternoon so I said that I need to go and he said he has an important meeting so I gave him a hug because I felt bad  for saying those words to him. He waves goodbye with a smile on his face. No matter problems he has, he never forgets to smile.”Noona, call me, okay?! Annyeong!” He said while waving happily.

I got home. I’m already sleepy. I jump into my bed and look at my phone. Kang Gary texted me.

Mong Ji, Goodnight. - Kang Gary

It’s funny how a text message from the person you like makes you happy instantly.


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zpa235_ #1
Chapter 5: Aaaaa Kang Gary is so sweet!! Update really soon please author-nim^^
koreanislove #2
Thanks for supporting! <3
bingutop98 #3
Chapter 4: update soon...update soon...can't wait
zpa235_ #4
Chapter 4: Update soon~ ^^
janho62 #5
Chapter 4: Please update soon~
Ysrocks #6
Please update again soon ^_^
vevina #7
Chapter 3: please keep on's pretty good