Chapter 1

Love Adventure


"Hoammm.." Taeyeon stretched her hands and body right after she woke up. It had been always her habit since young to do so; she thought it might be the only way to grow taller.


"Tae~" the girl beside Taeyeon was rubbing on her eyes. At this moment,Taeyeon couldn't help but to squeal to herself,excited of her girlfriend's cuteness.


"Nae,Fany. Aren't you going to sleep for a little longer? It's our holiday! We have to spend it well before we have to go back to our usual hectic lives again." said Taeyeon while pinching her girlfriend's nose. Then,Tiffany gripped her girlfriend's arm and forcefully, pulled her to lie beside her again. After that,she snuggled closer to Taeyeon's petite body.


"Can't we just stay like this forever?" Taeyeon's lips curled up to a smile before answering Tiffany's question.


"No." The older girl caressed her girlfriend's brunette hair. Tiffany hit Taeyeon's chest playfully and pulled herself up to sitting position.


"Okay then. Let's take a stroll outside later." The younger girl finally flashed her famous eyesmile. Taeyeon's heart had never failed to melt because of it.


The couple was staying in a villa owned by Tiffany's family. It was an old villa,but successfully maintained in a good condition. Located in the middle of a forest,it was surrounded by the sounds and smells of nature.


While Tiffany was still taking her rest for another short moment, Taeyeon went to take a refreshing bath. It had been a long time since she felt so calm. After walking out from the bathroom,Taeyeon rumbbled on her handbag. She grabbed on something squarish in shape and that was what she was searching for,her spectacle. Taeyeon did not use her glasses much when she worked. Probably because she was always forgetful. So, contact lens had been a better option for her to carry out her daily routines effectively. But,contact lens were straining her (eyes) muscles. That is why she chose not to wear it during this holiday; so as to stay as relax as possible. Then,Taeyeon took out a pen and small notebook,decorated with dukkong stickers.


Walking a few more steps forward, Taeyeon arrived at a table just opposite the bed that Tiffany and herself had been sharing since yesterday night. The table was pink in colour. "Fany's favourite colour. Haha" Taeyeon spoke to herself. The following fifteen minutes,Taeyeon kept scribbling on the little notebook and sometimes, biting the tip of her pen while thinking.



 This particular voice shocked Taeyeon.

"Aigoo,she said my sleep-talking is bad. I guess hers is worse."  


"Kim Tae Yeon,don't you dare to touch my chest again!"


"Mwo?!" Taeyeon flushed hearing what Tiffany had just said.


"Ah~ Tae.." Tiffany suddenly moaned.At this moment,Taeyeon's heart was beating crazily.


"Fany,a..rrre you okay?" Taeyeon asked when she was just beside Tiffany on the bed. Her gaze stopped at Tiffany's chest. She gulped. At the same time, Tiffany opened her eyes and caught Taeyeon red handed!

"Yah!! Byuntae!" Tiffany kicked Taeyeon on the stomach as a reaction,resulting Taeyeon to fall off the bed and cringed in pain.

"Fany-ah,it's not what you think." Taeyeon explained while holding onto her stomach.


"I know what you want byuntae!" Tiffany continued her attack by throwing pillow at Taeyeon. However,Taeyeon was just agile enough to dodge all those despite the pain she was suffering on the stomach.


"Gotcha!" Taeyeon pinned Tiffany down and smirked at her.

"You are the who was in your dream!"

Tiffany felt her face getting warm and it was glowing really red.


"Oh,really? I'm sorry"


"That's my girlfriend. Get up and be ready for breakfast. I heard Mr D.O calling for us just now. Maybe breakfast has been readied." Taeyeon pinched Tiffany's nose and managed stole a peck from Tiffany.




Half an hour later,the couple walked down the staircase. Both clothed casually with shirts and shorts. Not to forget,matching colours and designs. Pink for Tiffany and blue for Taeyeon.

"Good Morning,Missies." The butler of the villa greeted the two young ladies.

"Good Morning,Mr D.O. We are sorry for making you to wait." Tiffany kindly replied. Mr D.O is 20 years old this year. He was the son of the former butler. He was a hardworking young man.


At the dining table, Taeyeon and Tiffany had been chatting away. Topics like colleagues and what to eat for dinner were the ones that they were discussing about. (A/N:Yah, I know they were having breakfast yet thinking abt dinner).

"Fany,let's visit the Genie tree later. I have to wish for something."


"Okay. What are you going to wish for?" Tiffany asked while was full. Genie tree had been believed as a tree which could fulfil everyone's wishes and bring one who visited it luck.


"Aigoo,Fany-ah. If I told you my wish,it wouldn't come true!"


"I guess you are right." That sent the both of them to chuckle.


After the breakfast -------

Hands held together,fitted each other perfectly,Taeyeon and Tiffany walked casually to the Genie tree which was located about 300 metres away from the villa. Although it had been 4 years since they were together, the excitedness they made contacts still existed.


"Geez!! Bugs on my feet,Tae! Bugs on feet!!!!" Tiffany was screaming on top of her lung. Taeyeon quickly gripped a broken tree branch and swept the two ladybirds on Tiffany's sandals away.

"Fany-ah,I almost have a heart attack. You are 3 keys higher than your normal voice whenever you scream." Tiffany slapped Taeyeon's shoulder playfully.

"Maybe this is the reason of why I have never grown taller for this past 4 years." Taeyeon mumbled.

"KIM TAEYEON,I heard that!!" Taeyeon began to run playfully while Tiffany was trying to catch up. The roots and leaves litter made it difficult for them to run normally. Some times later,they were finally out of breath.


"Taeyeon,let's stop this. I'm"


"Hahaha. It's been a long time since I felt this fun Fany!" Taeyeon sat down on the soil covered by the red leaves litter while closing her eyes,catching her breath and the great feeling of perpiring.At that period of time, Taeyeon was about a metre in front of Tiffany. Tiffany then meant to sat beside her girlfriend. Just a few steps forward, Tiffany fell down into a hole hidden amongst the leaves litter.


Taeyeon was shocked by her lover's sudden call and panicked by the time she found out Tiffany was missing.


Hehe. Curious much? Readers! pls comment on my first chapter! dun forget to subscribe to my story.

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tae1810 #1
Chapter 1: what will happen on taeny holiday..i want to know..