Do Kyungsoo


‘Tonight? Okay I’ll try to ask them first. Come on dude, it’s not that Sehun will agree if you want it tonight. If tonight is a fail, you can always stayed at mine. Shut up you piece of ! Hahaha. Okay man whatever pick me at 8’

I unlock the front door and went inside the house. ‘I’m home!’ I chanted but no one answered me. I drop my bag at the living room and went to the kitchen for some food. My mom is not in the kitchen like she usually does. I frowned and move around the house, calling moms and sister’s name and no one answered me. I take my bag and decide to clean myself up first before make myself some lunch.

After put on some clean clothes, I went down while checking my phone. 3 Misscall. I click my screen and 2 calls from my dad and one from Jongin. I call my dad and he answered after 3 rings. ‘yes dad?’ I balance my phone in between my ear and shoulder and make myself a sandwich. ‘Just want to inform you that Mr Kim are coming over tonight for a dinner. Don’t go anywhere.’

I widen my eyes, ‘Dad didn’t I told you yesterday that I’m staying over at Sehun’s or Jongin’s?’ My dad keep on disagreeing about everything that I said. ‘I swear Do Kyungsoo if you ever sneak out again tonight, I will terminated your credit cards and those vacation that you planned with Jongin’ I let out a squeak, ‘come on dad. Why can’t you guys just have that dinner without me? It’s just Mr Kim!’ I said with a hint of anger in my voice. ‘I’m on my way for a meeting now. I expect you to be home when I’m back from work Do Kyungsoo’ and he ended the call. I let out a frustrated groan and call Jongin next.

‘Thanks for the food Mrs Do. We’ll be going to his room now’ Jongin thank my mom after I helped my mom to prepare for dinner. ‘You know you got the nicest mom ever you should be glad with that. TALK TO HER MAN!’ Jongin complain. ‘I do talks with her’ I rolled my eyes ignoring him. ‘He gives me free food. Don’t be mean to her!’ Jongin said.  I ignore him and continue to climb those stairs. Before both of us went inside my room, I heard the front door bell rings. is he already came back home. ‘Ahh sehunnie~ come in come in. Kyungsoo and Jongin is upstairs in his room’ I heard mom said. I went inside my room ignoring a too overly happy Jongin outside.

‘Have you seen him yet?’ Sehun ask me. I let out a ‘hmm’ and continue with my game. ‘How does he look likes? Is he good looking? He is isn’t it? Is he tall? Wait we’re talking about Mr Kim that is you dad’s friend right? The one that came few months ago when you just move here. Right? Kyungsoo! Answer me!!” Sehun said while stomping his feet on the floor. Jongin who sat on my bed just glared at Sehun because he keeps on asking about Mr Kim’s son.

I stop the game that I was playing and turn to look at Sehun. ‘Yes. That Mr Kim’ and I ignore Sehun’s compliment about Mr Kim’s son when I heard my dad calling me from downstairs. I excuse myself and went downstairs meeting my dad.

‘Good you’re home. Hurry and get ready. Mr Kim will be here another hour. Is Jongin and Sehun here too? Ask them to join us for dinner. So you wouldn’t be awkward with them.’ He said. I shrugged and turn around to leave. ‘Please Soo. Don’t spoil anything this time!’ Dad said and left to his room.

‘Wear something good Soo!’ Sehun nags me and put away a piece of shirt that I choose. ‘Jonginnie~ Help me over here. We don’t want Kyungsoo to ruin this time right. Hurry and help me pick a shirt for him’ Sehun said and Jongin stand up from his place to help Sehun. ‘immature brat’ I huff and waited for them to pick my clothes.

We waited inside my room having a random talk when my sister knocks the door telling that Mr Kim is here. ‘Here goes nothing’ I said and leave my room. Sehun and Jongin followed behind me. While we went down the stairs, I saw my dad give me ‘you-better-be-good’ look and I followed his order. Gave my best smile and greet Mr Kim’s family.

‘Mr Kim, I’m sorry for left the restaurant just like that that day. It’s my mistake. I’m being rude to you and your family. I’m very sorry.’ I said and bow. He holds my arm and pats my back saying its okay. We sat in the living room to have a chat. Mr Kim asks me about my school life and more. Mr Kim looks like a good father. He has a nice smile. No wonder his son has the same too. Like father like son.

Mom calls us for dinner. We sat at the big table with my friends beside me instead of that boy. I help my mom to serve everyone and explaining some food that I make. We ate happily with Mr Kim tell us how he and my dad met three years ago. Mrs Kim told us about his son and so on.

After dinner, my dad and Mr Kim talks about their business while mom and Mrs Kim are at the kitchen. We are sitting in the movie room when suddenly Mr Kim’s son come in and sit with us. ‘Hi… I’m Kim Joonmyeon’ he said with a beautiful smile on his lips. I smile at him but said nothing afterward ignoring his presence. ‘Hi my name is Sehun, this is Jongin and he is Kyungsoo’ Sehun said and kick me on my shin. That brat!!. Then there’s an awkward silence surround us.

‘Kyungsoo, can I- could we talked for a while? I want to tell you something.’ he said. I turn to my friends and signed them to leave us alone. They left and Joonmyeon suddenly move from his seat to the seat beside me. He let out a sighed and look at the floor.

‘Listen…’ I wait for him. 'about us...' before he could continue, i stop him. he look at me and frown. 'please, i don't know if we should continue with this. I'm not gay. PLEASE. why anyone don't understand me? i'm not gay and you're not one.' i said. Why can't he just agree with me? 'please joonmyeon. i'm begging you. I don't want to get married. please' i holding myself from crying.

'sorry kyungsoo. we need to. i- I heard that if you disobey your dad this time, he'll cancel the partnership with my dad's company' he said. My dad said that? 'no joonmyeon. daddy will never do that' i said. he put both of his hand on my shoulder and rub them. 'it's okay if you don't feel anything to me but can we just follow their plan?' he said. When i didn't gave him any answer, he told me he'll be going and gave me some time to think about it. He gave me his card and left the room. Sehun and Jongin came in and gave me a look. I let out my sob and they hurried be beside me. 'Hyung~ what happen?' Kai ask me. 'I'll tell you later when they're leaving okay?' Sehun wrap his arm around me and pull me for a hug. 'Stop crying hyung. Sehunnie is here...'


Hi subbers :) so this is the following chapter ^^ I'm sorry :( did i take a long time to update? sorry i've been busy with my student life. there's some assignment that i need to do so i need to focus on them too. i've been planning to update the third chapter by this weekend but i can't cause i need to go for a camping T__T no exo for 2 days :(


anyway this is how this story works. Start with joonmyeon POV the Kyungsoo POV followed by joonmyeon then kyungsoo and so on till the day they get back together ^^ thanks for those who subscribe this fic. and those who left comments, thank you :) XOXO

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oh! I just found this fanfic and the prequel one. the prequel has SuDo divorce? and this sequel is about the flashback of when they got togehter?
uh oh please update! I'm curious as hell. oh my SuDo feelings ;A;
and who is it Kyungsoo's sister? Jessica is it? *just my own random guess* I want to know if Suho has ever love Kyungsoo even just a bit? :'(
thesourcream #2
Chapter 2: The storyline is awesome~ cannot wait for the next update~ ><
Chapter 2: awh.. soo.. this is for ur father and the company..
this is interesting! update soon~~
kimdyyo #4
Chapter 2: Aahh so they get married because of the company situation
Hmppp it's getting more interesting
Can't wait until the part when they falling in love with each other
Looking forward to the next chapter
Chapter 1: yay..the sequel... and it is awesome, authornim... i really like it..
look forward for tge next chap.. ^^
kimdyyo #7
Chapter 1: Hwaaaa you make the sequel!!!
Thank you authornim ^^

But wait, this story is abiut before they get married right?
so you will explain all the story before they married, their married life and after divorce right?
hwaa~ this will be long story!!!!
Thanks for making this story
can't wait the next chapter ^^
kimdyyo #8
Chapter 1: Hwaaaa you make the sequel!!!
Thank you authornim ^^

But wait, this story is abiut before they get married right?
so you will explain all the story before they married, their married life and after divorce right?
hwaa~ this will be long story!!!!
Thanks for making this story
can't wait the next chapter ^^
Zhang-kiki #9
Chapter 1: can l hugh you author-nim, this is interesting, i don't know what l should say,
but i really enjoy this fic ^^
thanks for writing this presequel ^^
but promise me you will make them together again ^^