A Promise that You'll never forget


Looks like I am back from the long long long long break.

this was just roughly written on my Ipad when i was conversing with a friend of mine.

have you guys ever heard of rping? and yeah, i roleplay.

this was based from a conversation with my roleplaying boyfriend.

[ sekai ]

please do like this one thank you!!



Who would want to be forgotten, especially by someone you love so dearly?

Pairing:  SeKai

Rating: PG

Genre: Romance, slight!angst





"Who wouldnt be afraid of losing someone you love? Everyone feels that way… Im scared to be alone, " Sehun felt his heart sink, this is the first time for Jongin talk like this. So broken, so similar and oddly familar for him. "-to be far from you, i may not look like it but im scared, im always scared… Im afraid to be forgotten…" Jongin’s voice almost cracked but he manages to finish his sentence. He could feel his stomach churn, he wanted to throw up. He feels so sick.



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Chapter 1: ah ing beautiful
; n ; i rp too (((sekai too e u e))) and i totally understood this sighsighsighsigh and it's true though, the idea of being forgotten... it was a great read!