It hurts

Falling Back In Love


{Shinwoos pov}
It's been four hours now, and Ari still hasn't woken up for her unconscious state.
All the guys came running into the waiting room, about fifteen minuets ago.
"Hyung would you stop pacing around.." Gongchan came up to me.
"But I can't..what if she doesn't make it?! What if I've already lost her?!" I burst into tears.
I just couldn't take it anymore.
"Hyung..she'll be fine." Sandeul reassured me.
Just as he said that, the doctor came into the room.
"Shinwoo? Ari asking for you."
I eagerly walked toward him, wiping away my tears.
"How is she? Is she okay?" 
He pulled me through a door, so that we were now in the hallway.
"Ari.. um well she as good as she'll ever be, but she lost the baby." He looked at me.
"Baby? What baby?" I was so confused.
"Ari, she was two months pregnant with your child..but not so anymore."
"But you also said that she was as good as she'll ever be, what does that mean?"
"Ari has mild type of cancer, and she's just weak, but hopefully she'll get better."
"Please just take me to her" I was holding back all my tears now.
He walked me down the hallway, and into a room.
There she was sitting up as the nurse was giving her medicine.
"Um nurse, can we let these two have some time alone?" 
The nurse nodded and stood up. Both the nurse and the doctor walked out shutting the door behind them.
She looked at me, and patted a spot on the bed, gesturing for me to come sit down by her.
I went and sat down.
It wasn't even a second that I had sat down, before she burst into tears, holding her hands in her head.
I of course didn't hold mine in anymore and started to cry too.
"I'm sorry" she said in between sobs.
I pulled her onto me, so that her head was on my chest.
"Please d-don't be"
I was crying harder by now.
She sat up and looked at me, with her watery eyes.
"I was going to tell you that I was pregnant when you got home..but I guess I can't do that anymore" she collapsed onto me, crying harder then ever
"I w-was going to tell you I had cancer, but I didn't know how.." She mumbled the words into my chest.
"Please don't hate me." She looked up at me.
"Baby there's absolutely no way I could ever hate you, nor will I ever hate you. This is all my fault, I should've come home earlier. I should been with you today. I should've-"
I just couldn't talk anymore so I held her in my arms.
I didn't know what to do now.
I just wanted to keep her by my side, and never let this go.
Not only had he {Sehun} destroyed the old Ari, but he'd destroyed me to.
And I just couldn't let him get away with that.
Not with what he'd done.
But I couldn't let Ari go.
My Ari has cancer and she might not even make it.
My Ari just lost her first child.
My Ari has and will forever be changed because of him.
Her heart is shattered, she's lost, she's hurt, she's confused.
So I just sat there and cried with her, holding her hand, reassuring her that I would never leave her.
I didn't once leave her.
-hours later-
{Aris pov}
I gave up on crying, realizing that it wasn't going to do anything for me.
Eventually it got late, and all the guys had ended up going home, leaving Shinwoo and I.
He just sat there quietly looking at me every so often.
Then the doctor came in and told me that I was good to go, but to take it easy because I still have to heal.
Shinwoo helped me change back into my regular clothes.
Making our way out of the hospital.
That I night, in bed, I burst into tears, thinking my first child was gone, and would never get a life.
And Shinwoo just held me, crying his own silent tears.
"We'll get another chance Ari. I promise."
He pulled my chin up, and kissed me.
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