The Return of Kwon Jiyong

Seunghyun woke up when he heard the front door alarm beep, signaling that it had opened and then closed again. Sounds of shoes being dropped near the door were next. Seunghyun checked the time on his phone on the table next to the bed: 2:07 a.m.

“Something’s wrong, this is way too early for him to be home already,” he thought, concerned.

Jiyong had been staying at Seunghyun’s villa since the Jakarta concerts. He followed Seunghyun home from the airport after the weekend shows and had never left. The key that Jiyong had dropped on the kitchen counter after a particularly bad argument one night before Jiyong’s tour started had found its way back onto his key chain.

Seunghyun liked that Jiyong was here. It was as if they were starting over in a way. There were still times of tension: when Jiyong felt that Seunghyun was spending too much time with John Lee, or when Jiyong’s swagger persona that Seunghyun found particularly distasteful was in full effect. But with each passing day it began to feel comfortable again.

They barely saw each other though, with Seunghyun’s graduate school schedule and his publicity preparations for Commitment and Jiyong’s all-night sessions in the studio that had begun daily as soon as his tour ended. Jiyong would arrive at the villa to sleep just as Seunghyun was leaving for school or to go to a publicity meeting.

Seunghyun heard a cupboard open in the kitchen and water poured into a glass. Jiyong drained the glass and sighed loudly as he placed the empty glass in the sink. Grunting, he lifted his satchel filled with lyric notebooks and other essentials from where he had laid it on the counter, switched off the kitchen light and then shuffled towards the bedroom.

Seunghyun lay quietly in the bed, waiting to see whether Jiyong wanted him to be awake. Entering, Jiyong gently dropped his satchel near the chair at the opposite side of the large bedroom and then moved over to the bed where he sat on the edge and sighed loudly again. Seunghyun waited for nearly a minute as Jiyong just sat there in the dark, not moving, not saying anything.

Seunghyun slowly sat up, turning on the bedside lamp as he rested his back against the headboard. “Ji, what’s the matter? Why are you home so early…not that I’m complaining…”

Jiyong, still not moving, mumbled, “Teddy sent me home. He’s banned me from the studio for a full 48 hours.” His shoulders hunched as he scrubbed his face with both hands.

The swaggering G-Dragon persona that had been the catalyst for their biggest argument months ago was nowhere to be seen. The man who sat on the bed before him was the Jiyong that Seunghyun knew best, the man he had loved for so many years.

While Seunghyun was grateful for the real Jiyong’s return, he couldn’t help but be worried at Jiyong’s current state. The smell of coffee and cigarettes hung on his body like heavy cologne. There were bags under his eyes and he looked utterly exhausted, older than his years. He looked as if the weight of the world were on his shoulders.

Sighing yet again, Jiyong turned slightly to face Seunghyun. “Hyunnie,” he whined, “this is not the time for me to take a break. YG just moved up Ri’s release and I’m not ready to give him the track he asked for. I haven’t finished Bae’s track and I still need to finish the last track on my album. Choice gave me great beats but my flow is all wrong…"

He made a small, sad chuckle. “And all of the BigBang arrangements were due, like yesterday.” Jiyong looked down at the bedspread, following the fabric’s pattern with his index finger. He stayed quiet for a while but Seunghyun knew he wasn’t finished.

Finally Jiyong looked up and met Seunghyun’s gaze with an anguished look. “Hyunnie, I’m scared. I’ve never had a dry spell this long or this bad before…..”

His face contorted into a pain-filled mask. “Hyunnie, what if it’s over?”

Seunghyun felt his heart stutter as he watched his lover’s misery. He’d never seen Jiyong look so broken, so defeated. Even when they were trainees and things seemed bad, Jiyong was the one who made everyone else keep going. He was a fighter. But it looked now like the fight in him was all but gone.

Seunghyun pulled back the covers and made his way over to Jiyong, sitting on his heels on the floor at Jiyong’s feet. He placed his hands on either side of Jiyong’s face, his thumbs smoothing over the stress wrinkles on Jiyong’s forehead.

Softly, he said, “Ji, it’s not over. You’re just exhausted, overworked more than usual. You didn’t take a real break between the tour and the studio. I bet you can’t even tell me when was the last time you slept more than a couple of hours at a time, or when you last ate some real food.”

Seunghyun’s index finger tapped the tip of Jiyong’s nose. “Hey, I could make you some omurice; it would take just a few minutes…are you hungry?”

Jiyong looked like a tired little kid instead of the major source of revenue for the number two agency in Korea. He was back to tracing patterns on the bedspread again, not making eye contact.

“Uh, uh. Hyunnie, I’m too stressed to eat right now. I just feel like .”

Seunghyun thought for a minute. Glancing down to the floor he noticed a wood frame under the bed and suddenly he had the answer.

“Ji.” Jiyong looked up, wondering.

“How about I give you a massage? The table is under the bed.”

Jiyong’s lips curved into a small smile. “Hyung, you really bought a massage table?”

Seunghyun looked slightly defensive. “Of course I did. I don’t like lying on a table where so many strangers have laid before me.”

Seunghyun had regularly scheduled massages at the villa from an agency that catered to Seoul’s elite clientele. It was an expensive indulgence but one that Seunghyun felt was worth every penny. He bought the table after the first few sessions because he hated the thought of other bodies being there before him, even with the sheets changed. It also made it easier for the masseuse to enter the villa discreetly. All of the supplies the masseuse needed were at the villa: the oils, the sheets, the special balms for the times when Seunghyun had especially sore muscles from action scenes during filming.

Seunghyun began pulling out the massage table from under the bed. “I may not be as good as my masseuse Jinn, but,” Seunghyun stood up with the table and grinned slyly at Jiyong, “you have an excellent chance at receiving a happy ending.”

Jiyong chuckled but then looked pained. “Aish, I love the idea, but it just reminded me of Dongwook-hyung. I miss him.”

Seunghyun stopped assembling the table next to the bed and put his hand on Jiyong’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I miss him, too. He’ll be home soon.”

Jiyong sighed. “I wish he was here to kick my back into gear. He practically terrorized me when we were trainees.”

Seunghyun smiled at the memories of those days as he returned to setting up the table. He walked to the closet and opened it, took down the massage supplies from a shelf, and then quickly arranged the sheets on the table. The tip of his tongue crept out between his lips as he tried to remember exactly how he’d seen Jinn do it many times before. Finally he was satisfied with his work and he made a flourish with his arms over the table like a model showing off a prize on a game show. “Ta-da! Mr. Kwon, your table is ready.”

His model smile turned into a lecherous leer as he gestured at Jiyong with a crook of his finger. “Now strip and get over here.”

Jiyong began to smile and a hint of a twinkle appeared in the corner of his eyes. “Your acting skill gets better every day, hyung.” He quickly removed his pants and shirt, dropping them at his feet.

Seunghyun never tired of watching Jiyong get and today was no exception. Jiyong met Seunghyun’s eyes as he slowly pulled his boxers down, stepping out of them, hips slightly swaying as he walked the very short distance to the table. Jiyong paused in front of Seunghyun and asked, “How do you want me?”

Seunghyun was caught up in the sight of a Jiyong and had to mentally shake himself to answer. “Uh, lay down on your stomach. I want to work on your shoulders. When I squeezed your shoulder earlier it felt hard as a rock.”

Jiyong started to get up onto the table, but stopped and stood in front of Seunghyun again. “Hyuuuung….,” (he said in his aegyo voice that he only used with his Hyunnie), “can you take off some of these clothes?”

Jiyong pulled at Seunghyun’s long-sleeved t-shirt and pajama pants. “It’s just us, hyung; you don’t have to be shy.” Jiyong looked up with that pleading pout that launched a thousand memes on Tumblr.

Seunghyun chuckled and ruffled Jiyong’s hair. “Okay, okay. I can’t say no to anything when you look at me like that.”

Now it was Jiyong’s turn to enjoy a strip show but, unlike Jiyong, Seunghyun kept the boxers on his hips. Jiyong pouted slightly but realized a near- Seunghyun was still a sight to behold. Choosing to ignore the pout, Seunghyun pointed to the table. Jiyong dutifully moved into position as Seunghyun opened one of the massage oil bottles and poured a small amount into his palm.

Seunghyun rubbed his hands together to warm the oil before placing his hands on Jiyong’s shoulders. His first impression was correct; it was like massaging a statue. He made small passes, digging deep with his thumbs, trying to break up the tense muscles.

Jiyong’s muffled voice rose from the table. “Hyung, if this is the end I can just start designing clothes. We could move to Paris and live together openly. I’m sure I could convince Givenchy to sponsor my line.”

Jiyong suddenly cried out and lifted his head off the table to turn to look at Seunghyun. “Hyung, you’re hurting me..I thought this was supposed to be a massage, not a torture session.”

Seunghyun gave Jiyong an exasperated look. “Ji, you have to try to relax. It’s going to hurt if you don’t give up control of your body to me. Stop worrying and try to empty your mind of these thoughts.”

Jiyong looked equally as exasperated. “Hyung, don’t you think I would have done that already if I could? How in the hell am I supposed to stop thinking about this?”

Seunghyun took a deep calming breath. He knew that losing his patience with Jiyong wouldn’t help the situation so he tried something else.

“Ji, remember during the Alive tour how Hwangssabu demonstrated the meditation techniques to us? I’ve been doing them ever since and they’ve really helped me.”

Jiyong gave him a surprised look. “Hyung, I had no idea you've been meditating. Does it really work?”

Seunghyun cleaned his hands on a towel and moved to the bed to retrieve his phone. He tapped the screen a couple of times and replied, “Yes, Ji. I’ve got a meditation app on my phone that helps me to relax.” He looked hopefully at Jiyong. “Would you like to give it a try?”

Curious, Jiyong agreed. Seunghyun laid the phone on the arm of the nearby chair and started the app. A soothing voice gave gentle commands which Jiyong followed and soon he was in a much more relaxed state. Once Seunghyun saw Jiyong’s body sink into the table he re-oiled his hands and started again.

For several minutes the only sounds in the room were the app and an occasional soft moan from Jiyong as Seunghyun broke down the muscles in Jiyong’s shoulders. Seunghyun continued massaging down Jiyong’s back before stopping to re-oil his hands. The app ended and Jiyong drowsily commented, “Hyung, this feels so good. Thank you.”

Seunghyun gently began massaging Jiyong’s cheeks and softly said, “Ji, I’m just happy you’re finally letting some of the tension go. I hate seeing you so upset. Let me help you forget everything for a while.”

Jiyong moaned a little louder than before and slightly wiggled his at Seunghyun. “Hyung, if you keep touching my like that, this massage will suffer an interruption.”

Seunghyun gave Jiyong’s right cheek a playful slap before shifting his hands to Jiyong’s upper thigh. “Down, boy. You’re supposed to relax first. Then we’ll have time for play.”

Seunghyun continued his ministrations down Jiyong’s right leg to his foot, hitting all the pressure points that Jinn had pointed out to Seunghyun while explaining reflexology after one of their sessions a few weeks ago. Jiyong practically purred as both of his feet were given great attention. By the time Seunghyun had worked his way up to the top of Jiyong’s left thigh Jiyong was just practically a puddle on the table.

“Ji.” Small, cute snoring sounds were the only response.

“Ji, honey.” Seunghyun placed his hand on Jiyong’s neck, softly rousing Jiyong. “I need you to turn over now.”

Seunghyun helped Jiyong slowly turn onto his back and settle himself back into relaxation. The lines on Jiyong’s face had nearly disappeared and he looked peaceful, the corner of his lips turned up into a slight smile.

Seunghyun worked steadily through the muscles on Jiyong’s arms and legs. However, his right hand was starting to throb and he had to stop. Jiyong opened his eyes to find Seunghyun working the fingers of the hand, trying to reduce their stiffness.

“Hyung, I totally forgot about your injury.” Jiyong rose from the table to take Seunghyun’s hand in his. The knuckle of Seunghyun’s index finger felt hot to the touch, the scarred skin over it a bright red. “You must be in pain.”

Seunghyun slightly protested, “It’s nothing really. It just gets stiff sometimes. It’ll be alright soon.”

Jiyong brought Seunghyun’s hand to his lips and placed a small kiss across the affected knuckle. “Thank you for the massage, hyung, and for the meditation lesson. I feel much better.”

Seunghyun guided Jiyong into the bathroom for a 10-minute session in the steam room followed by a warm shower where Seunghyun gently washed Jiyong’s hair and body and then dried him in a huge, warmed fluffy towel. Jiyong could barely keep his eyes open; Seunghyun nearly had to carry him to the bed.

As Seunghyun pulled the covers up and tucked Jiyong into the bed, Jiyong murmured as his eyes closed, “Hyung, what about my happy ending?”

Seunghyun gently kissed Jiyong’s lips and said, “As long as we love each other there will always be a happy ending.”

Eyes still closed, Jiyong’s lips moved into a huge smile as he mumbled, “Hyunnie, that’s the cheesiest thing you’ve ever said to m....” Jiyong fell asleep before he could finish.

Seunghyun looked at the sleeping man for several minutes, his love for Jiyong filling his heart. He whispered, “It may be cheesy, but it’s the way I feel.”


A/N: This ended differently than I expected; this was supposed to be a ty fic but my GTOP feels got too fluffy. The app in the story is called Deep Relaxation by Andrew Johnson. I think there's a free version for both Apple and Android. It really works.

The injury to Seunghyun's hand happened during filming a fight scene in Commitment. Seunghyun deeply cut his hand when it broke through a window and had surgery to repair the damage.

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Chapter 1: aww this is just the thing I needed to read to feel better, I feel all happy and warm now, this was lovely, great fic ♥
Chapter 1: sequel please /slapped otl :D
Chikamo_jihyun #3
Chapter 1: Jiyong, u're so lucky for having boyfriend like Seunghyun!
Cute story, loved it!
Chikamo_jihyun #4
Chapter 1: Jiyong, u're so lucky for having boyfriend like Seunghyun!
Cute story, loved it!
Chapter 1: So cute.
I love this.
Thx baby :')
Chapter 1: Aaaawwwhhh so cutee... Hyunie you are a sweet boyfriend <333 thank you for sharing this <3