Chapter 3

Take Me With You

It was late in the evening. Hoya tried to search for Sunggyu but already gave up in a few minutes. Hoya was wandering around a bit not really looking for something although he hoped he could find Sunggyu. Sunggyu was on his mind the whole time since he saw him. Hoya was not even sure if it really was him. Forgotten memories came back again, why can’t it be like before? Hoya wondered. It will never be the same huh? Hoya asked himself once again. I guess nothing lasts forever..

It was fun though, we spend our time together well. I just can’t seem to forget you guys. How did we seperate like this..Jieun, Sunggyu? Did Sunggyu avoid me because I couldn’t take care of his sister? Because I couldn’t protect her? Damn it Sunggyu! You could’ve said something before you left or at least tell me how you’re doing. Especially back then, when I needed you the most. No, when we needed each other the most. I know you didn’t leave without a reason..

Why won't you talk to me, why do you ignore me? Or didn't you know it was me?  Hoya kept questioning those kind of questions over and over again without gaining any answer.

"You've got to be kidding me?! I just erased Jieun out of my memory and now I keep thinking about Sunggyu?" said Hoya out loud without noticing. He stood up to leave but stopped moving when he heard something familiar.

Sunggyu woke up again, wondering where he was and realized he fell asleep. "Aish..WHY AM I STILL HERE?! CAN'T I JUST DIE ALREADY?! Sunggyu said annoyed. Obviously he didn't mean it. He was just hoping god would give him another chance and let him be happy again.


Are you happy? Are you over Jieun already? Can we start over now?

I guess I'm really a selfish person. I'm the one who's ignoring and avoiding afterall. Sunggyu smiled, also he was suprised by that. He was even more suprised because he was thinking about noona and Howon. So I still can smile.. even though we are seperated now, we had precious moments in the past.

I could never forget them so I will treasure those moments forever and erase the bad ones..

"Sunggyu-hyung?" Hoya asked shocked but yet releaved. Finally he found him. Sunggyu didn't give answer he was still absorbed in his thoughts. What are you thinking about hyung? Hoya wondered. Should I go to him or wait for him to see me? He’s smiling.. I’m glad, i’m glad you’re fine hyung. But, I just can’t bare these feelings. Everytime I see you, I see Jieun. I’m sorry hyung but we should say goodbye now, let’s start over again.

I don’t know if you want to see me but I don’t care because if we really said goodbye I know I would never be able to let you go again.

"Howon?" Sunggyu asked. Hoya was shocked by his question. This whole time Sunggyu tried to avoid him and now he's the one asking not to leave?
Even Sunggyu was suprised. He was just so flustered to see Hoya here that he just said his name, or maybe he really didn't want him to leave?
Both of them are still staring at each other not fully realising in what situation they are. They had no expression, no words to say.
It was like the world around them just dissappeard only the two of them looking at each other intensely. "Hyung" Hoya said in a soft tone and cracked voice.
"Annyeo.." Before Sunggyu was able to finish his sentence Hoya hugged him. Sunggyu felt Hoya's tears on his shirt, is this supposed to be a sad thing? he thought. Sunggyu couldn't even shed a tear anymore, this whole time he waited for him. Now Hoya has found him so why does he still feel emty? "Howon, let go." Sunggyu said cold.
Hoya slowly let go of Sunggyu. "Sorry..I was just happy to see you again" Hoya said dissappointed. "I don't think we should meet each other now and also after this." Sunggyu said. Hoya is not willing to understand what he just said. He felt sad, dissappointed, angry..
"THEN WHY DID YOU CALL MY NAME WHY DID YOU EVEN TALK TO ME?! YOU AVOIDED ME ALL THIS TIME AND NOW I GET THIS CRAP?!" Hoya's voice cracked again, again feeling tears coming up. "why..?" Hoya asked softly almost whispering.
"Why? because we weren't meant to be. We weren't supposed to meet. We weren't even supposed to know each other." Sunggyu said calm.
"Hyung don't be like this, I know you still want to talk to me." Hoya said. "You're right, I do want to talk but that's not the right thing to do. We have nothing to talk about anymore." Sunggyu said a bit annoyed. "So just go away."
"No. You have to at least tell me why you left! We were best friends hyung I thought we could trust each other. Yet you decided to leave just like that, without saying anything or tell that you were allright afterwards."
"As I said we shouldn't be talking right now. HOWON DON'T YOU GET IT?! IT IS OVER. OUR FRIENDSHIP. EVERYTHING." Sunggyu said angry.
No i'ts not! We can start over again! Our friendship isn't supposed to end just like this?! Hoya said. Trying to find the right words to convince him that i'ts not over yet. But as he is unable to find any fitting words Hoya is getting unsure. Maybe he's right..
Maybe it really is over.
Maybe we really shouldn't have met.
Maybe I shouldn't have come between you and Jieun.
Hoya thought.
I shouldn't have known you.
I shouldn't have talk to you back then.
I shouldn't have loved you.
Sunggyu thought.


Sorry for the long wait school has started again T-T

And the lettertype looks pretty weird in some parts too OTL.

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Chapter 5: hope you update soon
Chapter 4: i'm so in Hogyu now so updated soon!
Chapter 3: omg this is so interesting!! keep up the good work (:
Chapter 3: i was confused about the noona's name for a bit.. but this chapter clears it up :) it's really great author nim
WannaLoveSunggyu #5
Chapter 1: WHY? I am curious to know what happen next.
Update soon. ^-^
dreams_harbor #6
The story seems promising . Update soon author-nim ^^.