Pastels and Watercolors


When Jongin begins his second year of university, he doesn't expect it to be very different from his first year. Maybe he'll try not to get into any car accidents this year. What he doesn't realize though, is that a broken heart is much more crippling than a broken leg.


So. This story is going to have copious amounts of angst and some dark themes. But. There will also be cute dating times :D And cute friends :D Who should be locked up :D

Anyway. There will be a lot of feelings u___u but please bear with me.



Edit: I forgot to add this last time, but I came up with the idea for this story when I was watching something completely unrelated on TV and so I scribbled down some words and images I had in my head for this fic, but no real story line. And then when I had time to work on it I started with a playlist of songs that matched the ideas I'd written down and then those inspired my story line??? XD /mybrainondrugs

Anyway these are the songs for the first 7 chapters (am inspiring my chapter titles on them as well):

Otsuka Ai-Momo no Hanabira

K.Will - Love Blossom

Miwa - Napa

Jessica & Krystal - Butterfly (TTBY Ost.)

K.Will - Please Don’t

J-Min-It’s Me (TTBY Ost.)

Namie Amuro - Contrail



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Chapter 3: *wonder

hahah sorry for the double comment ~
Chapter 3: Well it seems like Jongin & Luhan hit it off. Mmm I winder how their next meeting will turn out.
Chapter 1: OMO! What will happen next? hmmm... Can't wait for Luhan and Tao's appearance. I think Luhan already appeared... Right? hehehe