so much for a happy birthday..

my choco prince 
(love this song! if my voice was high enough i would do a cover of it xD sad having a low voice for a girl :|)


"yah. What were you doing with that guy?" baro asked as he roughly pushed you into the car

"w-what? He just came out of nowhere while i was waiting for you."

Baro scoffed and rolled his eyes "and the guy at your house? How do you explain that?"

You gulped "y-you met woohyun oppa?"

He didn't look at you as he was driving 

"what the hell -----ah?" he suddenly said "just cause we haven't seen each other doesn't mean you go out and meet other guys."

Pain filled your heart "w-we haven't been meeting."

He smirked "yeah. Just living together. I bet you guys had to."

Your eyes widened "w-who are you?" you asked him

He stopped the car "me? Shouldn't i be asking you that? You go missing for 2 days last month left me worried didn't even call me. And I have to find out a month later you've been living with a guy."

Now you had enough "hold up. You think I'm the one that changed?"

He looked back at the road "change is an understatement." he said under his breath but loud enough for you to hear

You couldn't believe he was doing this to you... 

"you think I've changed? Cha Sun Woo. I'm not the one who hardly texts, the one who never comes to our spot anymore, the one breaking promises, the one that forgets his anniversary and the whole entire existence of his girlfriend!" you shouted

He was surprised "the ~~~~~-ah I loved would never have shouted like that."

You looked him in the eye "it seems you don't even know the ~~~~~ you LOVED" you emphasized the loved part

He didn't know why but he was having second thoughts in his head... And no matter how hard he tried to shake them out theyd keep coming back

"I'm sorry baby." he said as he firmly held the steering wheel

"I-I I'm sorry... I'll try harder to be a better boyfriend." he said now cupping your face in his hands

"oppa... What happened to you?" you asked him a hint of concern showing in your face

He gently kissed your lips "I don't know either.... But i promise... I'll make things right."

But somehow.... Inside you just didn't believe that was going to be true.

HEEEEEEEEEEEEY GUYS!!! short update xDD well until next update xDD cause i has to finish/start some assignments xD

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all of my biases in one fanfic! thank you for letting this happen!
haruhaaru #2
Really loved this story! Wish it was longer though TT__TT
WOOOWWWEEE!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
<br />
so cute omg baro oppa!!!<br />
well done!! this story great !! ^^
adriana04 #4
Awwww so cuteee! <3
FanGirl4ever #6
The ending was soo cute!! I'm gonna miss the story :(