The Black Rose

The Many Fables and Fantasies of 2min
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Coming soon...

Once upon a time, the king and queen of a prosperous and wealthy kingdom were blessed with the gift of a baby boy, an heir to take the throne and carry on the Lee family name. Neither of them could have been more thrilled.

They threw the newborn a large and lavish party in celebration of his birth, inviting everyone, even peasants, to come.

Everyone but one cruel, cold-hearted warlock.

Three wizards among the guests had presented gifts to the child; kindness and irresistibility being the first two.

The last wizard was about to give the boy his gift when the dark being stormed into the palace and crashed the party, furious that he was treated as an outcast and a monster for his powers and immortality.

Fuming with anger, he put a curse upon the newborn, a curse that would force him to prick his finger on a black rose and fall into a deep sleep on the day of his 18th birthday.

Horrified by the curse, the king and queen sent their baby off to live in a cabin in the woods with the three wizards and for protection, who disguised him as a girl to protect the young prince's identity. The evil warlock could not be fooled, however, and was always watching the little prince as he grew older to ensure nothing would get in the way of his vengeance.

And as for the last gift the wizard was able to bestow, only a true love's kiss would break the spell and free the prince from his sleep as black as the rose he w

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 10: Oh no... you have to finish this story with the black rose. Love the whole series! But please at least finish the Black rose story! :) Thanks.
Chapter 10: gosh i only read this now hehehe i srsly love your version of sleeping beauty TuT)/
this one is so adorable ;A;;;;; but omgosh minho ur right about feeling guilty because soon taemin will find the black rose right TAT)
i'll wait patently for the update next ^^
waaah that's cool really hope you
update soon fighting !
Chapter 10: Congratulations on being promoted! :) I'm so hooked up on your fics. I like your versions better ;)
Chapter 10: Woahh...Nooo I wanted happy ending haha :P
Chapter 10: Aww, this is wonderful and so sweet... I really hope that Minho can do something to reverse the curse he cast on Taemin, such a lovely boy doesn't deserve that happening to him *crosses fingers* I can't wait for the second part now xD
Chapter 10: Awwww I loved the film maleficent and i was so excited to see u making a 2min version ^^
Minho is such a softie at heart haha no matter how hard he tries to act cold XD
I like how u didn't make jonghyun, jinki and kibum like how the fairies were protrayed in the film they drove me crazy lol so sweet that they are very loving to him
This was so good miss reading ur writing thanks for the update ^^
Congratulations on being promoted it's so cool u work at a Lego store :D
Chapter 10: oh my, i love it..
you never fail to amaze me authornim.. ^^
Chapter 8: oMg i love royal!2min ///cries
i'm really looking forward to this *__*
Chapter 7: yaaayyyy i finally got to read the ending ;-; the waiting was worth it hehe ;-) i'm trying to imagine minho as a dragon and *___* thank u for updating <333 When it comes to fantasy you're one of my fav authors hehe~