Chapter Two

3 Dates

Luhan thought maybe going back to his office might take his mind off about Yoona.

Besides being a singer, he is also a CEO.

Like usual, he is greeted by his fellow colleagues as he entered the workplace.

He continued working on his proposals.

A staff knocked on his door.

"You may come in."

"Good morning sir! It's nice to see you back. We have a new proposal that has to be settled within this month. We need some help from this boutique called... Pastel Snow Boutique."

"Mhm, I'll be working on it right away then," Luhan nodded.


Luhan immediately drove off to the boutique and parked his car.

He looked around the boutique and was quite impressed by the dresses displayed.

Somebody tapped his shoulder.

"Hello there! Can I help you, sir?" it was Taeyeon.

"Oh hi there. Uhm, are you the owner of this shop?"

"Aniyo. I'm the assistant of the owner here, hehe. Hold on- CHOI SOOYOUNG!" Taeyeon shouted and smiles back at the handsome young man.

Sooyoung ran towards them and grinned. "Hello! You must be Xi Luhan, right? I have all the sketchs ready. Come with me!"

Before Luhan can even speak, Sooyoung already pulled him towards her desk.


"You really work hard, don't you?" Luhan admired her sketchings.

Sooyoung giggled. "I just love drawing and sketching, you know."

The two spent hours discussing on their new project collaboration.

Taeyeon who appeared from nowhere came and watched them. Luhan who was aware, looked at her.

"Oops, sorry for disturbing. I shall... disappear now then." Taeyeon rubbed the back of her neck and felt awkward.

"It's okay, we're done anyway." Luhan chuckled and Sooyoung nodded at the same time.

"Oh, if so.. Hi! My name is Taeyeon! I'm not an ahjumma and I like peas! Plus, I'm Choi Sooyoung's assistant," Taeyeon introduced herself in excitement.

"Wow, you have the same name as my friend's girlfriend," Luhan raised his eyebrows.


Luhan then had to leave the boutique and back to his office while Sooyoung had to rush somewhere else.

They bid farewell to each other and went away.

As Luhan was about to start the engine of his car, he have forgotten to give Sooyoung his phone number.

He hit his head for being foolish. "Nevermind.. There's always tomorrow!" he thought.





that's the end of chapter two. \o/

I'll continue writing tomorrow 'cos I have to do some other important stuffs. (or maybe later in the evening)

Sorry if there's any errors here and there. ._.


xo bomuchannn



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Chapter 6: so.. the next is the last date?
can‘t wait xD
Chapter 6: Kris, Taeyeon is crying because of you!
So the next day is soohan's last date. Luhan, please make it special ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 6: update soon author..
Ulfa_ExoTaeng #5
Chapter 2: huaaa kristae i want kristae story please update
Chapter 5: Woohoo you updated it so fast :D
Sooyoung got a puzzle!
Chapter 5: can‘t wait for the next update and really like how you update your fic it was very fast and make my day actually :D
coolkatfuntime25 #8
Chapter 5: hey when is this gonna get updated please do it soon i am quite enjoying it TBH!! love this thanx... oxoxoxx
wow you update really fast..
ametista #10
kris has to find a rival who will
rock the heart of taetae
authornim fighting!!!