Chapter 1

ღ Little by Little ღ (Hiatus)

c  h  a  p  t  e   r   1f  o  u  r  y  e  a  r  s   l  a  t  e  r

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2:00 pm - Saturday at home

         "Eomma! Are we going yet?" Youngjae yelled, hoping his mother could hear him through the house. He wasn't sure where she was, but he knew she was in the house so she was bound to hear his call.

"Well mister, you sure seem excited for your first day in Seoul" Aeyoung said as she went into the kitchen to pack things into Youngjae's backpack.

"Eomma, this isn't my first day. Remember? I was born here! Hareboji told me that you came to visit him for Christmas and later that night, I popped out of a present under the tree! He said that I was your Christmas present that year. Remember eomma?" Youngjae chirped.

"Yes, yes. Of course I remember, how could I forget my special Christmas present?" Aeyoung chuckled as she finished packing the last juice box into Youngjae's bag.

"Are you ready now?" Youngjae asked. Aeyoung looked at him and nodded. 

          "Wait, I forgot something" Youngjae said as he ran to the bedroom. When Youngjae arrived at his room, he opened his Pororo book and pulled out a photo. It was a photo he took from his mother's wallet. Seeing that there were other photos of this man and his mother together, he figured that this must be his father. It was a simple photo of just his father holding up a peace sign. 

"Don't worry appa, I'll find you!" Youngjae said stuffing the photo into his pocket.

"Youngjae-yah, are you ready yet?" Aeyoung called

"Yes, eomma!" Youngjae answered before rushing out the door. After Aeyoung locked the door, she turned around and held our her hand. Youngjae happily grabbed onto his mother's hand and they walked towards the park.

"Eomma, we're almost the same today, huh?" He asked referring to their clothes. Aeyoung had on dark jean shorts, a white/navy stripped cardigan over a white t-shirt, and navy sneakers. Youngjae had on a white/navy stripped t-shirt, dark jean shorts, and navy sneakers. 

"Yeah, I guess you can say that" Aeyoung replied.

"If your shirt was like mine and you didn't wear that sweater, then we would be the same. Right?" Youngjae asked.

"Yep! Oh, look! We're at the park!" Aeyoung said as they walked into the park. After a few minutes of entering the park, a squeal was heard.

"Oh my gosh! You're Seo Aeyoung! THE Seo Aeyoung! I've read all of your books and your songs *gasp* your songs, the lyrics are just beautful! And Taeyeon's voice matches it so well! How is it t-" the girl suddenly stopped and cleared when he friend elbowed her side.

"I mean, um, Ms.Seo, may we have your autograph and maybe take a picture with you?" she asked.

"Haha, of course! Thanks for being my fans," Aeyoung replied. She turned to her son and crouched down to his level.

          "Eomma's going to take a quick picture and then we'll go, okay? Stay right here on the bench where I can see you," Aeyoung said. Youngjae just nodded in response. Aeyoung went over to the fans and took a quick picture with both girls before signing their notebooks. She quickly checked and saw Youngjae sitting patiently. The fans bowed and thank Aeyoung who bowed and thanked them in return before waving goodbye to them. When Aeyoung looked back to where Youngjae was supposed to be, he was gone! She immediately looked around for Youngjae. When she realized he was no longer in the same area as her, she ventured farther into the park looking frantically for her son.

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2:23 pm - the park

"Are you ready to play some soccer?" Luhan asked Daejung.

"Yep, and I'm going to win...again!" Daejung said happily.

"Are you sure? Cause I've been practicing, how about you?" Luhan asked.

"I've been practicing more than you have, appa" Daejung retorted.

"Really?" Luhan asked amused at his son's competitiveness.

"Yep! This time, I won't let you score at all!" Daejung said. Luhan chuckled and shook his head at the comment. Suddenly, Luhan's phone rang. Daejun took this chance to put his plan into action. He quickly and quietly snuck away while his father was on the phone. When the call ended, Luhan hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket.

"So Daejung, are you ready t-"Luhan turned around and found no Daejung in sight.

"Daejung? Where are you? This isn't funny you know," Luhan said frantically looking around for Daejung. When he came to the conclusion that Daejung was no longer in the field area, he grabbed their things and took off to find him. 

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2:25 pm - the park

          Both Daejung and Youngjae walked around the park searching for the person in the photo. They wondered to themselves if they would ever find them in a park with so many people. 

"Hmmm, none of these people look like appa" Youngjae said as he turned while walking and looked for the man in the photo.

"Where is eomma?" Daehyun asked as he pulled out the photo of Aeyoung he found in his father's wallet. He turned around and started to walk backwards before he collided with someone.

"Woah!" Daejung and Youngjae shouted as they both fell on their butts, their picture flying out of their hands. They both stood up and grabbed the photo closest to them assuming that it was their own.

"Hey, this is my eomma/appa!" they both said at the same time as they realized they weren't holding their own photos.

"Your eomma/appa?"

"Stop copying me!"

"No you stop!" they kept saying simultaneously.

"Wait, if we have the same eomma and appa, are we brothers?" Youngjae asked.

"Of course it does, who do you know has the same parents but aren't brothers or sisters?" Daejung asked.

"Oh, so are you my hyung then?" Youngjae asked.

"I'm six, how old are you? Two?" Daejung asked.

"No! I'm four!" Youngjae said holding up four fingers.

"Well, I'm your hyung, let's go see appa first" Daejung said.

"Okay, but we have to go see my eomma too. I told her I would stay in my seat, but I left to look for appa" Youngjae said.

"Well, we have to come back for eomma. We can't be a family if we don't have an eomma,"Daejung said putting his arm around Youngjae's shoulders as Youngjae wrapped an arm around his hyung's waist.

"Can I have my picture back?" Youngjae asked.

"Oh, yeah. Here, give me mine too" Daejung said handing the photo back to Youngjae as he returned the favor.

"Hyung, what's appa like?" Youngjae asked looking at his hyung as they walked towards the field.

"He's really cool! He's a lot of fun but, he's really busy. He goes to this place called court and talks a lot. When I don't have school, I get to go with him but he doesn't get to hang out with me at work. He has to go do other stuff. Today he didn't have to go to work so he took me here to come play!" Daejung answered enthusiastically.

"Go to work? Eomma does her work at home. She writes stuff and a lot of people know her! But sometimes, she has to go to work too and I get to go if I don't have school" Youngjae explained. Soon, they arrived at the field.

"Hey, where'd appa go?" Daejung asked puzzled. Youngjae just shrugged.

"He was here when I left" Daejung added.

"Let's go and find eomma then. Maybe he had to go use the bathroom," Younjae suggested.

"Okay," Daejung said as they turned around and started walking again. After walking for a while, Youngjae confessed something.

"Uhm, hyung?" Youngjae asked


"Uh, I forgot where eomma was." Youngjae said.

"I know you did, you looked like you were lost. That's why I brought us here!" Daejung said proudly.

"Where's here?" Youngjae asked.

"I don't know exactly where it is, but not a lot of people walk by here so eomma and appa will see us and there's a bench here so we can sit down" Daejung said climbing onto the bench. Youngjae climbed on after him and sat next to him.

"Hyung, if not a lot of people come here, how will eomma and appa find us?" Youngjae asked.

"I know they both love us a lot so they'll probably look around the whole park! After some time, Daejung felt Youngjae cuddling closer to him. He looked at the younger boy and saw that he was asleep. He too soon fell asleep.

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3:00 pm - the park

          Aeyoung and Luhan had both searched for their sons frantically. Aeyoung soon came to an area that not many people stopped at and saw her son sleeping with another young boy.

"Youngjae!" she said as they quickly went to where their child was.

          Youngjae, who woke from the call of his mother, stood on the bench and opened his arms for a hug. Daejung sleepily rubbed his eyes as he looked around.

"Youngjae! Why did you run off like that! I thought I was going to have a heart attack!" Aeyoung said as she checked her son for any wounds.

"Eomma, I'm sorry but, I had to look for appa!" Youngjae said holding out the photo for his mother to see.

"Youngjae, I think it's time for you to kn-"

"Look eomma! This is my hyung! I met him when I was looking for appa, you're his eomma too!" Youngjae said as he gave Daejung a hug.

"Right hyung?" Youngjae said.

"Uh-huh! I was looking for you eomma but I found Youngjae instead. See? Appa kept this picture of you in his wallet," Daejung said holding out the picture for Aeyoung to see. 

"The only person with this picture is..." Aeyoung was cut off.

"Daejung-ah!" Luhan shouted catching all the attention of all three people. 

         When Aeyoung turned around, Luhan stopped in his tracks. Her name left his lips as her eyes met his, and his name left her's. The two boys looked at eachother cheekily.

"See, I told you so" Youngjae told his mother. Luhan broke from his trance his son called him and hugged him tightly.

"I found eomma, appa" Daejung said proudly.

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3:15 pm - the park

           The four of them sat on the bench together. After Aeyoung had given the kids snacks and drinks, they started growing tired and soon fell asleep. Luhan carefully wrapped a blanket around the two little ones before looking at Aeyoung.

"Aeyoung," He started. At the mention of her names, Aeyoung looked up and found herself locked onto Luhan's enchanting eyes. The eyes of the man she had fallen in love with, and the man that she ran away from. She never expected to see him again, but things turned out just the opposite. Her first day back in Korea, and she meets him.

"We need to talk," Luhan said seriously. 

"Talk about what? There's nothing to talk about," she answered not wanting to think about it again.

"I need answers, Aeyoung! I need answers, and I need them now before you run away again!" Luhan started to lose his calm.

"I didn't run away!" Aeyoung tried to defend herself even though she knew that that was exactly what she did.

"So leaving without telling me anything isn't running away? Why? Why'd you leave?" At this point, he was shouting and had stood from his seat.

"Luhan, calm down. They're still asleep, we shouldn't wake them" Aeyoung said. Luhan stood contemplating for a moment before sitting back down.

"You haven't answered me. Why'd you leave?" Luhan asked again.

"I was going to Harvard," Aeyoung said.

"I know that's not why. You said yourself that you wanted to stay in Korea for college. That you wanted to spend those college days with me, to be able to hang out like old times even when we got older. I need the real reason," Luhan said

"I needed time!" Aeyoung suddenly said, giving in.

"Time? Time for what?" Luhan asked.

"Time to think. Time away from you to try and figure out my-" she stopped realizing that she would give herself away. The heartbreaking leave and four years worth of trying to forget about him, all for nothing. All for nothing because she couldn't forget him.

"Figure out your what?" Luhan asked.

"Figure out my feelings, my feelings for you!" Aeyoung finally answered. She figured that he might as well know before she never sees him again. Maybe the reason they met again was because he had to know before she could truly let him go. Luhan was shocked and couldn't find any words to say.

          "I never said anything because I would afraid of rejection, afraid that we'd get awkward, and afraid that we wouldn't be ourselves anymore. I left because I always have to tell you everything! Even the littlest things I always end up telling you. I couldn't let you know about one night or the result of that one night and it was so hard to do seeing you everyday until the moment I left. For four years, I tried to forget about you, about my feelings for you and it was all a waste because I still love you! No matter what I do, I just can't okay? I probably sound so desperate right now but let me tell you something. I would never regret having Youngjae, nor do I regret leaving for four years. I-"

          Suddenly, Luhan got up and pressed his lips against hers. At first, she was shocked but she started to respond. They were both out of breath when they pulled apart. 

"Luhan, we can't d-"

"Why? Why can't we? I think we should at le-"

"I'm getting married, Luhan!" Aeyoung cut him off. Luhan felt himself die inside.

"Wh-what?" Luhan asked.

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Dun dun dun!!! Who saw this coming? I didn't even see this coming until the end of writing this chapter, and I'm the author! Subscribe to find out what happens! Is this the end of their story? Or is it just the beginning?


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Chapter 3: I found out about your story from your post but I didn't read it yet because I don't have enough time due to hectic schedule in school and since I actually have read it now, I regretted not reading it that time you actually posted on my wall. This is great! I really love it! I love your story! Please Update soon ^^ Cliffhanger there...making me wanting some more. Yaay :)
FlowersOverBoys #2
Chapter 3: asdfjkl; omg wut's happening. :O

THE PLOT TWISTS. I like your story~ :)