
I Pretend To Forget, But I Still Remember


This story is written by me, Kimchi from © Western Kimchi. It's rather my first attempt to write after 2/3 years of not writing a fic. So, it could be kind of bad. But i still hope you guys enjoy it. Please do listen to Bang Yong Guk's I Remember while reading this as I wrote this while having that song on repeat.

I Remember - Bang Yong Guk (ft. Yoseob) | I Remember - Bang Yong Guk (ft. Daehyun)

P.S: Flashbacks are written in italics.


It's been 3 years. But why? Why are you still haunting me with all the memories that we shared in which I try so hard to forget. All these memories are like living hell to me.

Everything I do just have to remind me of you.

"Can't sleep?" You whispered softly in my ear.
I snuggled closer into you and nooded. "Sing me a song" I demanded.
"I have no choice do I?" You sighed and start singing me the song which always put me to sleep all the time.

I smiled in your chest as I listen to you sing hukily while travelling into my dreamland.

I squeezed my eyes shut, preventing the tears from flowing out once again. If you were here, you would have wiped all these tears off with your thumb. I squeeze my eyes shut once again, forcing myself to sleep, barring all these memories from occupying my mind.

"Hyung! You're up. What do you want to eat, I will make it for you."
It wasn't you. I thought you had come back, but it was just me. I mistook Ryeowook as you. How silly and pathetic of me. 
"Nah, it's OK Wookie. Hyung is not hungry."

I sat down on the bed as I hugged my knees tightly against my chest. As I remember the past all over again, big drops of tears flow out of my already puffy eyes.

"Morning." I said hoarsely as I hugged you tightly from behind.
"Morning princess." You said soflt as you gave a peck on my forehead.
"I'm hungry. Make me BeiJing Fried Rice." I clutched onto your shirt as I demanded and bury my nose onto the crook of you neck, taking in the smell of you.
"Be patient, my princess. I'm making it now ne." You placed your hand and rubbed my knuckle soothingly.

I put on my mask everyday, making it seem as if I've moved on. But in actual fact, I've not. I'm still trapped in the memories that we both shared. No matter how much I try,  there will always be things reminding me of you. ​I just can't forget you nor our past.



How was it? I hope its good. Please do drop a comment below to tell me how you feel bout this (: If you spot me any mistakes, please do tell me. Thanks!

- Kimchi, © Western Kimchi


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Chapter 1: This is sad :(