
A Look Into Their World

She was getting annoyed. Since she joined this project he has been tailing her. Mentioning that she was now his private goal or something like that. Having enough she her heels to glare at him head on. "JB, don't you have somewhere to be?" Jiyeon asked in a stiff tone. The shorter male smirked, saying he had nothing that he knew of. Jiyeon groaned, continuing on to her private area to practice her lines. When he followed her into the room she clicked her tongue.

"We should practice our lines together. We do have scenes together today." He stated, smiling more when she agreed that he was right about that. "So let's practice. That is it. No joking around. Understand?" She said. He nodded, agreeing to her terms. This last thirty minutes before he broke scene to ask her a ridculous question. "Why do you wear your eyeliner like that?" He asked, causing her to break out of her Rain character. "Because a unnie from a long time ago taught me this. And I like the style." She stated, holding her tongue. It was always like this with him.

JB nodded, accepting this answer. "Can we go back to practicing?" She asked, holding her temper. "Wow, it's the Dino side of you everyone was talking about." He pointed out. Smiling at how her behavior lived up to its reputation. "Everyone?" She asked, forgeting her anger for a moment. He nodded, mentioning how Suzy and 2PM told him about it when they saw her name on the cast list. "They also said you had a cute laugh." JB added. Jiyeon shook her head, explaining to him her laugh was normal. Not at all cute. "I will be the judge to that." He teased.

Jiyeon was going to respond when Aliee came in. "JB, we are having lunch now. You coming?" She asked the male. JB was about to agree but stopped. He caught that Jiyeon wasn't invited as well. "What?" She asked when he glanced at her. "Come on JB, you have scenes with other people as well you know." Aliee said, finally dragging the JYP idol out of the room. Jiyeon waited. Wondering if she should go get her lunchbox now. 'No, it would be better to wait. I can grab as much as I want and get to avoid uneeded run-ins.' She decided. JB being the first to come to mind. So she continued running through her lines.

It was better this way. I can concertrate on truly becoming Rain. She told herself these things as she ran over the lines out loud. After ten minutes she felt it was safe to get lunch. And she grew distrqcted. She grabbed her large purse and went to the lunch cart. She planned on buying enough to fill her bag and her plate. 'I hope someone's fanclub bought food for everyone.' She secretly hoped, showing her inner glutton. The smell of fried food confermed her thoughts, putting a pep in her step. Jiyeon felt water looking over the food up close.

"So many things." She whispered, putting a peice of chicken into and on her plate. She smiled at how heavenly the food tasted, piling more on her try. She heard someone snicker behind her and almost choked when she saw JB. " You really do enjoy food." He teased. Smiling at how even though she was glaring at him she was still chewing the food in . "What else are you supposed to feel when people mention food?" She asked, continuing down the buffet line. "Most girls are careful of how much they eat." He said. Jiyeon looked around, noticing her plate was indeed fuller than the other females around her. She pouted, glancing at their plate again then her own.

"It is ok. I won't waste any of it and be sure to eat it all." She conclided. JB was confused as to how her mind reached that point but nodded along with her. "Did you miss me when you were going over lines?" He asked. Again following her into her private room. "It was ten minutes." She mumbled, eatting another peice of chicken. "So you did." He teased, openning the door since her hands were full. She scowled at him as she entered the room. "Shouldn't you be eating with the others?" She finally asked, remember the eariler invitiation. JB shurgged, saying she was more fun to be around. Jiyeon scowled wondering why he thought so.


She didn't remember being friendly with him or anything. "Fun?" She asked. JB nodded. "It is fun making you show different sides of yourself. I got to see you mad, sad, hungry and even in 'dino mode'." He listed. Jiyeon frowned not yet seeing the fun side to this. "I am just waiting til I win this game we have going on." He said confusing her even more. Finally she had to ask what was he talking about. "When you smile I win. I decided this when I saw you talking with IU sunbae." He said. Jiyeon continued eating, wanting him to continue. "You laughed easily with her. It was a side I never saw. So I decided to be the first of the cast to see you like that. And I want to win the right to say 'I made Jiyeon smile and laugh."

Jiyeon shook her head, calling his little game foolish. "Say what you want but I will win." He tsked, smiling at her in a way she couldn't fully read.

- - - -

A month past since their talk. Since then Jiyeon was used to having JB by her side. Making a lame joke to try to make her smile. Puning in bad puns here or there. To retaliate she even made her own game. Make him give up. So far though both their goals were going no where. The only time he was away was when he filmed his scenes or was called by the cast for something. And the only time she laughed or smiled around him was when she was Rain. Jiyeon walked on set expecting to see the cheeky male with a daily joke that would end with her scowling at him.

'Did I win?' She asked herself. She made it all the way to her practice room without running into him. "Where is he?" She wondered. She had scenes with him so he had to be on set. Putting her bags down she searched for him. 'To make sure he gave' she told herself. She gave quick greetings to staff as she searched. Not seeing the blond male anywhere. "Where is that dwarf?" She wondered. Scowling at how he gave up on his game so easily.

She walked downstairs and paused when she saw him talking to Kang Sora. He was joking with her about something by the looks of it. 'So you found someone else.' She thought to herself. Seeing enough she went back into her practice room. Who needed him. He was just joking with her anyway. 'He could have at least told her he gave up though.' She said. Feeling upset that he just dropped her once he found it pointless. Jiyeon looked at the schedule and saw her scenes weren't for another hour. "That gives me an hour to practice." She said grabbing her script. Finding new determination to make her scenes better than ever.

She was about to practice when she noticed this scriptbook was filled with doodles and writing. "This isn't mine." She mumbled. Flipping through. "What is this?" She laughed loudly. The owner of this script drew most of the cast in bad doodles. She sae they even wrote commentaries on some scenes. 'Cheesy', 'dukboki hot romance', 'Rawr rawr fight scene.' Were some of them. Jiyeon was finding this entertaining and was soon having fun spot all the drawings and random notes. Some of the drawings made her seem like works of art. "I win!" She heard a male shout from the doorway. She looked and saw JB, with his usual cheeky smile. "What?" She asked confused as to why he was even there.

"You are laughing. While reading my script. My words made you laugh." He said proudly. As if owning the scribbled script was an honor. Jiyeon looked at the script then him. "Rematch." She declared. Claiming he cheated and how he gave up. "I never give up Miss Dino." He teased tapping her nose. Forgetting where she was she made a motion to bite his hand. "Yah!" He laughed, threatinging to sue her. Jiyeon laughed even more at his flusttered state. 'He looked so surprised, cute even' she laughed clutching her stomach. JB calmed down watching her react him, making his voice more high pitched. "I wasn't like that." He said blushing when she calmed down after what seemed like hours. "Yes you did." She said, smiling as she claimed she imitated him perfectly.


"Whatever, I still won and made you smile." He said, smiling brightly when she pouted and asked again for a rematch.

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[13/10] This updated is so lighthearted I am worried it is bad...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 23: Welcome back!! I mish this one shot!!! Ohhb winner mino and boram!! Tats and odd pairing bt i love.. was a bit pissed wit mino at first.. bt glad its jx a misunderstanding.. update aoon ^_^
1121 streak #3
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
1121 streak #4
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
CoolPrettyGirl #5
Chapter 20: Finally! The days went fast waiting... XD... Congratulation on your award! I´ll be expecting your updates...
Kpop_fan21 #6
Chapter 19: I will wait for the update..T^T