
A Look Into Their World

All that was on was his television, currently showing an old movie that has been shown a lot this past summer. His kitchen light was also on, but it was more so for her pets to find their way around his home. While she, Soyeon, sat in the living room. His apartment felt so big to her at the moment. Suddenly missing him she began to wonder where he was. 'I hope he didn't run into old fans or paparazzi' she thought to herself as she pet the sleeping Totoro on her lap. Soyeon was never like this before him. Sure she dated guys, heck dare she even say that she loved one of them. But none of them made her feel like this. When he was around she felt butterflies in her stomach. That she can't keep calm out with the fear of embarrassing herself or saying something too blunt always in her mind. But when he wasn't around she felt lonely. Like a part of her has been blocked off from herself. Like the world suddenly became too big; too wide for her comfort. "Jonghyuk has that affect about him." She mumbled to herself. Since she first seen him on TV Soyeon felt that he could sweep any girl off her feet. He was mannerly, handsome, funny and a charmer. But he was also serious, giving and a good listener. Oh Jonghyuk truly was like no other.

She remembered when they guested on Star Golden Bell together. She embarrassingly admitted on air how she spent her whole savings to buy Click-B an orange couch. Soyeon blushed and covered her face as she remembered the day she bought it. The sales clerk looked at her as if she was crazy to buy something so bright and tacky. 'I wanted to buy something they would never forget.' She could easily hear herself saying these words as she bought the couch and gave the store the address to ship it to.

Then one of her sweeter memories came.

How the two turned their friendship into something more. It all started when Eunjung and Qri convinced her to exchange numbers with the older male. She was surprised when she saw she had so many things in common with him. And soon their texting conversations would turn from simple here and there statements into hour long conversations at two AM. But they didn't start to date yet. No that didn't start til they were on Bouquet and he sung a song just for her. To her. Soyeon felt like the luckiest girl in the world, the man who was her ideal type for ten years was giving her his fullest attention. And when he handed her the flower it sealed the deal, she couldn't see herself ever growing out of the feelings of affections he had for him. 'He had me' She told herself as she continue to let the memory sweep her in.

When the filming was finished he sought her out. She was almost to the dressing room reserved for her group when he caught up to her. "Soyeon-ah!" He called out, a bit louder than he expected as he was surprised that staff hands turned around as well to see who was loud. "Oppa?" She was confused as to why he was there. "Did you enjoy my performance?" He asked her making her blush and squirm a bit from the memory and the fact he seemed to obviously want her honest answer. "Oppa!" She whispered in the loudest tone she could muster that wouldn't carry to others. Quickly she grabbed his wrist and brought him into T-ARA's dressing room. The other members were all talking to fellow idol friends, enjoying the bit of time they had before their next schedule.

"You can't say things like that or people would get the wrong idea." She said too quickly, trying to cool herself back into her usual composed manner. 'Why is he always like this?' She wondered still not yet used to his easy-going yet well-mannered nature. "Because I want to know your response." He said as if this was the most obvious thing ever. Soyeon felt her eyes pop out of her head and took a deep breath. All the while having a grin on her face, she was honestly confused on what emotion she was going through. Happiness that he is determined to ask her this? Anger that he is only fueling her hidden affection for him? Sadness that she will have to see him with another woman one day? Not knowing what else to do she laughed and said yes; that she did enjoy his performance.

"So you would be ok with just looking at only me from now on?" He asked her next. This made her stop her mental self-hate and look at him. 'Is this for real?' She wondered. Soyeon noticed that now he was the one squirming, playing with the hem of his formal wear. Slowly she took the steps, filling the gap between them. She wanted to give him a chance, a chance to test the idea that maybe there was someone out there who could really understand her. Who knew those steps she would take would lead to a four year love story. Two of those years physically together and two separated with him performing his duty to the country. But even though they were apart she wasn't upset. He made sure she was unable to want to think of anyone else but him.

She had come to look forward to the letters he would write to her during his two year term in the military. How he would write about their dates, when little things reminded him of her and that he felt he was becoming someone who could better protect her. She never felt more proud of him, the other members would have to shush her at times when she would ask them if they would like to know what his most recent letter had said. Not that they hated it, they enjoyed seeing her happy and expressive. Because their relationship wasn't well known other male idols would try to ask her out. But she stay true to Jonghyuk. He was only of the few she allowed her walls to go down around since the scandal. She didn't know who to trust, who to stay away from, who was safe. He was the first person outside of T-ARA to come immediately to her side. He allowed her to cry her heart out, listen to her inner pain and turmoil, and accept her once all was said and done.

Soyeon opened her eyes and looked around her. The movie has ended and now a blanket was on her. Quickly she took it off and went to the kitchen where she heard the sounds of glass clicking. "Oppa!" She cheered and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. Jonghyuk flinch from surprise but laughed happily at his affectionate girlfriend. "Soyeon!" He said imitating her voice and excitement. He turned around and returned her hug, ignoring her light punches for making fun of her. "I love you." She mumbled, taking in his presence. Jonghyuk smiled softly and squeezed the small female harder. He didn't want to say 'It was only thirty minutes' or want to wonder what made her say this. Neither of them felt right. "I love you too." He said whispered, feeling like the luckiest man to have her as his and his alone.

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[13/10] This updated is so lighthearted I am worried it is bad...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 23: Welcome back!! I mish this one shot!!! Ohhb winner mino and boram!! Tats and odd pairing bt i love.. was a bit pissed wit mino at first.. bt glad its jx a misunderstanding.. update aoon ^_^
1131 streak #3
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
1131 streak #4
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
CoolPrettyGirl #5
Chapter 20: Finally! The days went fast waiting... XD... Congratulation on your award! I´ll be expecting your updates...
Kpop_fan21 #6
Chapter 19: I will wait for the update..T^T