A Million Words

A Look Into Their World

"And this one is?" Jiyeon asked lifting a photograph so Myungsoo can see. He glanced up from his camera and recalled the memory to himself before answering. "From Jeju. I asked Sunggyu-hyung to take the picture but it came out blurry." He explained. Jiyeon nodded, understanding the picture a lot more now. At the moment the two were in his dorm room looking through his portfolio of photos. Although Jiyeon herself didn't understand photography much she did enjoy hearing the stories behind each picture.

"Well I think it is a picture taken at high speed." She said as she put the picture back into it's proper place. Myungsoo simply smirked at her version and continued his work. The company had offered him a chance to make a photobook with his self taken photos, so he had to put a lot of thought into which pictures to select. "Omo, It is Hachi!" Jiyeon smiled, grabbing the next photo that caught her eye. "Myungsoo, Woof!" She held the picture to cover her face and make it as if the real Hachiko was barking. Myungsoo rolled his eyes and took the photo from her. "Statues don't bark." He said, trying his best to ignore Jiyeon's famous blank face. Myungsoo quickly looked away to finish his project.

He knew that face better than anyone. It meant he either screwed up and ruined the mood or she was hungry. And right now there seemed to be one obvious answer. Myungsoo shyly peaked up to see if she was angry, and sighed when he saw she was silently flipping through his portfolio. He didn't mean to invite her while he was busy, in all honesty he worked on this project for the last week to try to make today fun for the two of them. 'Way to screw it all up.' He scolded himself, selecting another photo to make it to the final print. "Jiyeon, can you get my other two photobooks from the closet?" He asked her, trying to add a touch of agyeo into his voice.

Myungsoo smiled as her fingers started to crul up from the sound of his voice. "Dae." She said, ruffling his hair in revenge for him doing that that. He smiled as he watched her walk out, happy to know it wasn't as serious as a silent treatment as he was making it out to be. Quickly he scanned the next pages of his portfolios, making sure that there were no obvious pictures of her to sneak up on him. Myungsoo was happy that there were only two, which he hid as soon as he found. 'I wonder when I could get her to allow a picture to be taken.' He thought to himself, noticing that both pitures were side portfolios.


Jiyeon walked, rather dragged on her socks, through Infinite's dorm wondering why Myungsoo didn't have all his portfolios together. "He is just like noona. Talk about cameras or pictures and they turn into a cam-maniac." She mumbled, smiling at how her two friends were alike when they rarely interacted. Jiyeon openned the group's shared closet and started to look around for the portfolios. "Messy, messy." She said as she pulled out broken fans, flatten pillows and the such. She was happy when she finally found them, her black leggings had a thin layer of dust on them from kneeling on their uncleaned floor.

"Aish." She stood too quickly and ended up hitting her head on a low shelf. Jiyeon glared at the shelf, as if it was now her enemy, making a promise to get revenge on it. Looking down she noticed a shoebox fell from the shelf during their 'fight'. "Oh?" she quickly picked up the shoebox to put it back into place. "It's light." Jiyeon said, shaking the box around a bit, wondering why it didn't have shoes in it and if it was ok to peak. She decided to peak. Jiyeon smiled as she openned the lid, imagining some lost document or national secret hidden in their dorm. "What is this?" She pouted. It was a photo ablum, some ads and letters. 'Myungsoo might want this.' Jiyeon took the photo album out of the shoebox and put the rest back on the self.

"Jiyeon!" Myungsoo called out, as if on cue. "Coming!" She repied, quickly scooping up the photo ablums and portfolios to scurry back to her friend.



Myungsoo felt rather than saw her enter and sit back into place by his side. "I am almost done." He said proudly, now thinking me might not even need his older portfolios. "Dae~" Jiyeon answered, distracted by the photo ablum. Curious, Myungsoo looked up and choked on his breath. "Yah where did you get that?!" He asked snatching the book from her. It was out of her hands before she noticed, causing her to blink a few times to try to figure out what just happened. "Oh. That was in the closet too and I wonder if you wanted those as well." Jiyeon said, as if the was the most obvious reason in the world. Myungsoo glanced at the page she was veiwing and sighed in refeilf. "This is private." He told her, sitting the book to his far side.

Jiyeon scrunched her nose at him and called him bossy. After flipping through his older portfolio for five minutes Jiyeon concluded she liked the feel of the photo ablum more. "Myungsoo." She said, determined on getting him to let her have the photo ablum again. "No Jiyeon." He answered not looking to her but still smiled when he heard her snap her fingers in defeat. "But those pictures are better than these. And, and." Jiyeon said, adding another and so he would have to look up at her again. "And. They held my attention." She admitted, shyly but still with pure enthusiasm. Myungsoo glanced at the album, but shook his head.

"Those were taken with a lower resoultion camera so they won't fit with the others." He told her, "They didn't even have meaning to them." He finished. "Liar. They have a ton of meaning to them. I can tell." Jiyeon said, defending the old photos. Sure she might not be the best art critic, but she knew pictures that were taken with joy when she saw them. "I am a master at understanding you and your photos. The non boring ones that is." Jiyeon added, pointing at him as if she was delivering a challenge. Myungsoo raised a brow at her and slid the album into his lap.

"Ok lets have a test, 'How well does Jiyeon know me'. Best out of three. " He said, explaing his terms. Jiyeon inflated her cheeks as she thought on this. She did issue the chanllege and it seemed like an obvious win. But she knew Myungsoo was just as comperative as she and would try to trick her to win. Jiyeon agreed to his terms. Myungsoo held up his first photo. It was of Hoya, Dongwoo and Sungyeol rehersaing with Sungjong cheering them on in the background. "Family." Jiyeon answered quickly. When Myungsoo raised a brow she knew she needed to elaberate. "Brothers. Teamwork. Pride." She answered, still in her blunt way that if he didn't know her so well would seem like she was guessing. Jiyeon got a point since he had those feelings when he took the photo.

She passed the following one of him with his first company given birthday cake. Although he was tempted, and told her this, to not allow the point when she jokingly answered 'You were wondering what flavor cake it was.'. But he allowed it since he found her answer cute. Thinking on that Myungsoo got an idea, smirking deviously as he flipped through the ablum to his favorite photo in it. "And this one?" He asked holding the final photo.

Jiyeon felt a faint blush rise on her face as she stared at the photo of herself. "When did you take this?" She yelled reaching, but failing to grasp, the photo from out of his hands. It was a photo from Woohyun's birthday party where the two groups were interacting. Though the sole person in the picture was her and she was chewing on dukbokki. While reaching for some grilled pork belly. "When?" She asked again, this time stammering a bit as she now felt embarassed by the total bliss that was on her face in the photo. "Is that your final answer?" Myungsoo teased, smiling brightly at her 'roar'.


"Nononono." Jiyeon said quickly remembering the deal but not being able to take her eyes off the photo. "Ah, that is an embarassing photo." Jiyeon cried and covered her now beet red face into her palms. 'This is why it is my favorite photo.' Myungsoo said in his mind, smiling as he slowly reached for his camera. Jiyeon simply chanted that he was a cheater and a stalker. "Yeobo!" Myungsoo called out, causing Jiyeon snap her head up. Not paying attention as the older male took four pictures of her blushing face until the flash went off. "Foul!" Jiyeon shouted and snatched the album from her, no longer caring for the rules. "I told you I hated it when you called me that." Jiyeon mumbled, though Myungsoo could see her shy smile as she said those words.

Myungsoo glanced back at the old photo now proud of it. Although it was now replaced by his new picture of Jiyeon where she actually faced the camera. But he knew since the day he taken it that it was to be shown at the proper time. So he could get the fullest reaction out of his target. 'Sorry Jiyeon. But I win this round.' He told himself, smiling at the digitial photos he just taken. Wondering now what photo he could use next time as bait to trick his girlfriend. 'Maybe next time I could get a couple shot. Or one of her napping on my shoulder.' He pondered, now putting his project aside as he thought of how to get these shots.

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[13/10] This updated is so lighthearted I am worried it is bad...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 23: Welcome back!! I mish this one shot!!! Ohhb winner mino and boram!! Tats and odd pairing bt i love.. was a bit pissed wit mino at first.. bt glad its jx a misunderstanding.. update aoon ^_^
1121 streak #3
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
1121 streak #4
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
CoolPrettyGirl #5
Chapter 20: Finally! The days went fast waiting... XD... Congratulation on your award! I´ll be expecting your updates...
Kpop_fan21 #6
Chapter 19: I will wait for the update..T^T