Drama shooting


[Woohyun POV]


I stood in front of the studio, feeling more excited than usual. I felt quite down the past few days – thanks to Sungjong, Hoya and of course Sunggyu – so I needed to get out of my comfort zone. I needed that shooting more than anything else right now.

I filmed advertisements and I had to act in some of my music videos but this was the first time in my life when I really needed to show my acting skills. I was nervous at first but thankfully it vanished. Sungyeol helped me a lot to overcome my fears and uncertainty and he assured me that he will help me whenever I need it. He even showed me some tricks and practiced the first scene with me.

“Let’s go! The star needs to arrive in time” he laughed and pushed me towards the door.

Despite my disagreement, he came to the filming with me, saying that he wants to see how his best friend and first student performs. Somehow he even managed to drag Myungsoo along, but he wasn’t too keen on the idea.

Taking a deep breathe, I entered the building. It was totally what I expected. The place was more crowded than a hall when I hold concerts. The staff were running up and down, sometimes they even bumped into each other, throwing important documents all over the floor. Others were making last minute fixes on the decoration, making sure the sets looked perfect. They did a really good job, the whole place looked like a school, the two rooms on my left were changed into classrooms and the one in front of me was the practice room. A man was still working on it, probably checking that everything was in its right place. The staff made such a good work that for a moment I forgot that I was in a studio and not back in high school.

I quickly got some attention thanks to Sungyeol and Myungsoo. They were friends with some of the actors and they introduced me to them. They seemed to be good guys but we didn’t have much time to talk. The producer and the director appeared in the room and motioned everyone to take a seat.

“I would like to welcome everyone, I’m producer Kim. This drama is going to be a hit series. If everything will go smoothly, according to our plans, we will finish filming in a month. I expect everyone to take this seriously and do their bests. If you have a problem, feel free to come to me, or you can discuss it with director Jung. Hope we will have a pleasant time together without any conflicts. Yeah… that’s it everyone. Let’s start, shall we? I would like everyone to introduce themselves” he looked around the crowd and his eyes landed on the girl next to me “Hyejin, start please”

As she stood up, her heels cracked on the floor. She turned towards the others and made a total 90 degree bow. She seemed to be shy for a moment but when she casually threw her raven black hair behind her shoulders, that image vanished into thick air.

“Hello everyone, I’m Oh Hyejin, I will play Park Mina, the main girl character. You may know me from other dramas. Hope we will get along well” she bowed again and sat back to her chair. The producer then looked at me and nodded slightly.

Just like Hyejin, I stood up and bowed to the others.

“I’m Nam Woohyun, and I will play Lee Woohyun. It’s my first big role so I’m a bit nervous but I’m confident and I hope I won’t disappoint you”

One by one, everyone introduced themselves. Except me, everybody was an experienced actor, only two of them were a beginner, but it wasn’t their first role. I felt a bit bad about that. They worked hard to be there while I got the role without even trying just because I was teenage girls’ favorite. That was how this world worked.

“I’m Kim Sunggyu and I will be Song Sunggyu. I’m totally unexperienced in acting but I will do my best”

I froze. That couldn’t be happening, I must be too tired and my brain and ears must be tricked me. He couldn’t be here from all places. It was like it was an unwritten rule that he had to be everywhere where I was. He may did it on purpose just to annoy me.

I glanced at Sungyeol who had the same reaction as me. His eyes widened and looked at me in total disbelief. He shook his head slightly, signing me not to do anything stupid and just ignore him. Myungsoo, on the other hand, had a small smile on his face and his eyes were resting on Sunggyu’s figure. Sungyeol elbowed him but he still didn’t pay any attention to me. It was clear that he chose Sunggyu’s side.

“Okay everybody, let’s start working” the producer clapped and everyone went to their places.

I was a bit nervous because of the filming and of course frustrated because of Sunggyu – and Myungsoo’s change – but I tried to ignore the disturbing thoughts. I had to concentrate in order to prove that I’m not only an excellent singer but an actor too.

With a small group, we headed outside, right to the small park in front of the building. Since today we filmed mostly inside, the staff decided to use this park for the outdoor scene. It was easier and a way cheaper for them.

The first scene was a small flashback. It was a story about how Lee Woohyun and Park Mina met. I had an easy job there, all I had to do is to sit on a bench and wait for the girl to pass by me and lose her bracelet. Like in a typical awful romance movie, I ran after her and a smile was enough to make me fall for her. I didn’t know what to feel about that role, because in all honesty, it was hard to act like I was head over heels in love when her smile was everything but charming. I almost burst into laughter when she acted all shy and tried to look into my eyes.

After we successfully filmed this scene, we went back to the studio and started the indoor scenes. We made some classroom scene, like how a lesson went or how girls whispered about how good looking I was. First I thought that I won’t have too much work here because I barely had any lines but I quickly realized that the real acting started right here.

Surprisingly, it was a way easier than I expected. I had a lot of difficulties but everybody was generous enough to help me when they noticed my troubled face. When I could, I went to Sungyeol to ask for some useful advices. He even tried to help me during the shooting when no one noticed. Though we had to stop several times because of me, they weren’t angry at me. They said that even the most experienced actors made mistakes and I was pretty good even though I was a beginner. They encouraged me not to give up and made me believe that in a few days, I will be totally comfortable with acting.

I had to admit that I loved it. I always wanted to try acting, but I never was brave enough. I was born to be a singer, I had the power to get people’s heart in my voice and not in my facial expressions and body language. I had a chance before to get a movie role but I chickened out and refused it. After a while a regretted it, but now, I was happy that I got another chance. It was something new, something totally different from what I used to do. Singing and acting was two different things, but I loved the spotlight and I ended up surprisingly good in both. Guess that’s what people call talent?

The producer and the director were more than delighted with my work. They said that they were happy that they choose me for the role from all the singers, because I was hardworking and I always paid attention to their advices. I felt really great hearing those words and they made me work even harder.

Although the shooting went better than I expected and everybody praised me for acting like a professional, there was something that really bothered me.

Of course it was Kim Sunggyu.

He kept monitoring me, not missing even the smallest movement. Sometimes he looked like he wanted to learn from me, the other times he seemed to be a crazy creep. His eyes never left me and even though I tried to ignore it, after the tenth minute, it became quite irritating. If there weren’t that much people, I would send him to hell. I even made some mistakes because his lingering eyes frustrated me.

When we had a small lunch break, I ran to Sungyeol immediately. I hoped he would be able to calm me down at least a bit, but the moment I opened my mouth, I knew it was impossible.

“What is he doing here?”

“I don’t know, the producer didn’t mention him. It must be a last minute choice” he tried to explain but I hardly listened to him. I turned around immediately and headed towards Sunggyu to get to know the real reason.

He stood with his back towards me and chatted with one of the actors. I grabbed his arm and turned him towards me.

“Hey” my eyes narrowed “Why are you here?”

“Excuse me?” he blinked like he didn’t know about anything.

“I asked why you are here. You are a singer not an actor. Are you following me or what?”

“What? No! My manager accepted the role not me. He thought it will be a good idea to try myself out as an actor. It has nothing to do with you”

“Like I believe it”

After the brake, I had to shoot a scene with Sunggyu. It was about a dance practice where I would meet the girl again. Taking a deep breathe, I tried to forget all of my problems with Sunggyu and concentrate on my character. Which happened to be best friends with Sunggyu’s.

The director signed me to start and I opened the door confidently. I spotted Sunggyu in the middle of the room immediately and I had a strong urge to ignore him and go to the other side of the room, but I knew I couldn’t do it. I passed by some of the actors who happened to be our classmates and hopped right beside Sunggyu.

“Hey, Sunggyu” I smiled brightly and gave him a high-five. It was hard to act like we were friends. I hugged him maybe once or twice before because our fans wanted to see it, but I did it on my own will, not because I needed to.

“Morning. Want some crisps?” he gave me cheeky smile and held a bag of crisps in front of me.

“No thanks. I had to follow my diet. You should join me”

He turned his head away from me and remained silent. I tried not to frown because I clearly remembered that he had to say something. My next line was a teasing “Your cheeks are already fat” and it didn’t fit after my last sentence. He had a line here, but he must’ve forgotten it.

I really tried not to say anything. I really did.

“Having troubles?”

His eyes widened “What?”

“You heard it right” I gave him a teasing smirk and waited for his reaction. Sadly, I never really got it.

“Cut!” a stern voice interrupted us “What are you two doing? Follow the script please”

We stared at each other, none of us was willing to apologize. I could feel that he was in the same opinion as me, but we had to give up in order to continue the filming.

“Sorry” we said in union and tried to go back to our characters. 

He sighed tiredly “Okay, let’s start again…. Woohyun, out please”

I bowed slightly and followed his introductions. We had to film this one scene about fifteen times because one of us always ruined it. Thanks to my big mouth, Sunggyu always pointed out all of my mistakes as a revenge and we had to stop because we always started arguing. One of the beginner actors even asked the producer to throw us out but thankfully the man didn’t have plans like that. He just scolded us and asked us to be friends for a few weeks.

God must really hate me because after that, all of my scenes were with Sunggyu. At the beginning I tried to control myself because I didn’t want to film every scene as many times as the first one but after the third hour I was more than stressed out. When Sunggyu made a small mistake and we had to repeat the last few lines, I almost shouted at him in front of everyone. Thankfully, after that scene, the producer decided to call it a day.

“Enough for today. Thanks for the hard work guys, you can go home”

Everybody cheered at the producer’s words and started packing in a blink of an eye. Before I could register what was happening, only a few of us remained. It was a bit strange for me, but one of the actresses explained me that it was a common thing since everybody wanted to go home and rest to be fresh and be able to give their bests the next day.

I packed my stuff too, grabbed a bottle of water and hurried to the exit, not wanting to make Sungyeol and Myungsoo wait too much. However when I arrived, I only find Sungyeol waiting for me.

“Where’s your clingy boyfriend?”

He rolled his eyes and frowned “Clinging onto a hamster”

I turned around and couldn’t believe my own eyes. There was Myungsoo chatting happily with Sunggyu and sharing a bottle of water. I knew Myungsoo betrayed us but I didn’t expect to witness it.

“If he invites him-“ Sungyeol’s words were cut off as they turned towards us. Myungsoo pointed to us and grabbed Sunggyu’s hand. He smiled brightly and pulled the other closer to us, but luckily Sunggyu stopped and with a small smile he freed himself from Myungsoo’s grab. It was clear that they were talking about us.

“Guess who will lose his precious balls when we get home” Sungyeol joked bitterly.

I didn’t know how to react. I wanted to laugh at the thought of Sungyeol castrating Myungsoo, but I couldn’t thanks to the strange feeling in my stomach. It was something like a mixture of hurt, betrayal, anger and maybe a bit of jealousy. All I know for sure was one thing.

Myungsoo officially joined the other team.




Ayooooo sorry for the mistakes and everything but i really wanted to update today, because....

Fanwar is 1 year old today


i'm really stuck these days but i have some good ideas for the next chapters so look forward to them~~ i also changed my idea a bit so the story will be a bit longer than i planned ^^
i know i didn't update my other sotry for a month now, but i will soon, i promise!
I love you, guys~~~~

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DaniaOthk #1
Chapter 32: OMG! How come it ends so soon?
Wow, it's so good that the chapters flew by~~~~!!!
Like everything good, one always wants more 🥺
Hahahaha in a way Myungsoo won the bet, poor Yeol 😂
I really enjoyed this story in each chapter! I really liked how Woogyu's relationship changed, from hate to love hehe (Myungsoo witch) , but I liked even more that they slowly got to know each other and fell in love ❣️🥺
I honestly enjoyed his scenes a lot❣️ I wonder if Sungjong reconsidered 🤭 hahahaha did those in the drama know that they created a couple? Hahaha oh I loved this history that i wanted it to never end!
Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful story with us! I was very surprised to see my username at the end 😂 what kind of magic is this author-nim? (I'm still clicking to see if it changes hahaha)
Thanks again ~~~
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 28: The story gets better and better😳❣️
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 27: I'm so curious what the script says hahahaha Myungsoo is very happy with the bet
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 26: How nice, they are already progressing🤗
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 24: Finally🥺❣️
DaniaOthk #6
Chapter 22: Es que en serio Woohyun! Llevamos 2/3 del fanfic y tu no recapacitas!
DaniaOthk #7
Chapter 22: Yay woogyu🤭🤭 Recapacita Woohyun!!!
Ay merece una buena regañada este niño asi trata bien a Sunggyu😡😤
Jajajja perdón por ponerlo en español pero tenia qye decirlo 🤭
DaniaOthk #8
Chapter 15: Hahahahahaha I still have hope that there will be Woogyu here and Woohyun will reconsider 😔 but it seems that it will be Gyujong instead
DaniaOthk #9
Chapter 14: I'm disappointed in Myungyeol, those scandals can't be erased anymore😔
DaniaOthk #10
Chapter 8: I thought about Kwangmin from Boyfriend hahaha