Getting harder


[Dongwoo POV]


I was standing in front of the huge mirror in the dancing room, already dressed in my casual clothes. We finished practicing ten minutes ago and I had already taken a shower. I wasn’t that fast usually, but in the last few days, I had to be. Things weren’t as easy with Hoya as they were with other people.

Usually I had no problem with having a shower with somebody else. I wasn’t a shy person, I had no problem with people seeing my body or me seeing someone else’s body. Being shamelessly was one of my worst habits that annoyed everyone. Even Sunggyu had problems with it, but because we had been living together since forever, he had no chance but to get used to it. 

Everything was different with Hoya. I thought I will be able to handle it, but I was wrong. Seeing him in a sleeveless shirt was enough to make my heart beat faster. When he was half- I couldn’t stop staring at his body and I felt a strong urge to touch his chocolate abs. I didn’t dare to shower with him, I would go insane and do something I would regret later.

I the music to distract myself a bit. It was not healthy to worry about my feelings in every seconds of the day. Practicing helped me a bit and it was easier when Hoya was not around. If he was with me, I barely could focus on my movements and I kept staring at him. He noticed it once, but luckily he thought that I forgot the choreography and tried to copy him.

“Are you ready?” he came out of the changing room, thanks God, fully dressed.

I nodded and grabbed my bag along with the car keys “Let’s go, they are waiting for us”

Fortunately the small café where we had decided to meet Sunggyu and Sungjong wasn’t far from the dance studio. Although I loved being together with Hoya, I was really thankful that I didn’t need to spend more than five minutes with him in the car. I was already suffocating and I needed the others’ company to calm down.

As we stepped into the small café, I managed to spot Sunggyu and Sungjong immediately. I grabbed Hoya’s arm, while my heart wanted to explode, and run to their table.

It’s been a while since I had spent time with Sunggyu. Even during his trainee days, I always had sat at his practice room and supported him. We kept that habit after he had debuted but since I was busy practicing for my comeback, we rarely see each other. I left early in the morning and got home late in the evening. He usually slept when I left and when I arrived, but when I managed to arrive earlier than him, I simply fell asleep before he came home. At these times, I always woke up on the couch with a warm blanket over my body and with a small note on the table. If we were lovers, I would go crazy.

“Gyu Gee Gee, long time no see” I almost screamed as I hopped beside him and pulled him into a tight hug “I missed you so much”

“I missed you too, but please, don’t choke me”

I let go of him immediately and he coughed slightly. Awkwardly massaging my nape, I straightened myself and slyly pulled the menu away from him.

“Go ahead Dongwoo. We have already ordered”

“Fine” I pouted and buried my face into the menu. I had to admit, I was really hungry but I was on a diet and I had to watch what I ate. Since cafés usually had nothing but unhealthy cakes, I didn’t even try to look for food. I decided to order a simple milkshake and then make some food for myself when I get home.

The waitress stopped by our table and took our orders. Hoya was amazed that I only ordered a milkshake because I was always eating since we had known each other. That was painfully true, he made me cheat on my perfectly planned diet.

The service was excellent, we didn’t have to make more than a minute to get our orders. The waitress didn’t even acknowledged that literally three idols sat at the table. She treated us the same way she treated other costumers and the others seemed to be really thankful for this.

“What are you eating?” I asked, eyeing the huge slice of cake on Sunggyu’s plate.

He froze and took a bite nervously “It’s diabetic”

I folded my arms across my chest. It was clearly a lie. I knew him better than that. Since when was Sunggyu eating diabetic sweets?

I turned to Sungjong, hoping for the truth.

“How much sweet does he eat?”

“Not much. And it’s diabetic”

He smiled so innocently that I acted like I believed it.

“Chill. You are not his personal trainer anymore” Hoya chuckled and patted my shoulder.

“I am. Until the day we debut, I am” I nodded to convince everyone and turned back to Sunggyu “Workout. Tonight. You can’t run away”

He pouted and shoved half of the cake into his mouth, making himself almost choke. He coughed slightly as Sungjong patted his back, making Hoya burst into laughter. He said that Sunggyu looked like a suffering hamster.

It was good to finally spend some time together. I missed fooling around with Sunggyu, and now, that Hoya and Sungjong were there, it was even better. I knew that after we will debut, we won’t be able to meet, unless they follow us everywhere. Sure, Sunggyu will come to music shows to watch our performance in live since I always accompanied him, but it won’t be the same. He was an idol and the end of his promotions didn’t mean he can go wherever he wants. His manager already found a suitable reality show and a drama role for him, so he will probably be very busy.

We discussed everything what had happened to us in the past few days. Even though we saw each other everyday, it was only for a few minutes in the evenings. Hoya and I told the others about our practices and that we will soon record a song too. Our boss was more than satisfied with our work, thus he wanted us to debut as soon as possible. Sunggyu and Sungjong talked about their recent photoshoot which surprised us because they didn’t mention it before. When they said what Woohyun had done, none of us wanted to believe it. That man always surprised me.

“Oppa!” a girly voice interrupted us and the next moment, a short, blonde girl threw herself into Hoya’s arms. Sunggyu gasped beside me but Sungjong acted like nothing happened.

“Jinjoo! Long time no see, how are you?” Hoya smiled at her kindly.

“I’m fine and you? Is it true that you are going to debut soon?” she asked, jumping excitedly in her spot. She still had her arms around Hoya, but she turned towards us and bowed politely. Of course, her eyes landed on Sunggyu immediately “Oh my God, you are friends with Kim Sunggyu? I really loved your latest song”

“Thank you”

“And… who are you?” she stopped in front of me, her huge brown eyes locked with mine. She studied me for a few second then smiled brightly and grabbed my arm “You are really handsome, what’s your name?”

Before I could open my mouth, Hoya grabbed the girl and pulled her away from me.

“He’s name is Dongwoo and he is my team-mate” he winked at me, making both the girl and me gasp. I was really surprised, but the girl only giggled and took her phone out of her bag.

“Can I take a picture of the two of you?”

“Sure” Hoya said and pulled his chair closer to mine. He threw one hand around my shoulders and made a V sign. I tried to imitate him and I managed to put on my brightest smile despite the chaos inside my head. I always tried to avoid skinship with him and I tried not to be too close to him but then, he had to act like that, destroying almost all the self-control I had. It was hard not to blush as he pulled me closer and smiled widely at me. If it would be only the two of us, I would kiss him right now.

It almost happened two days ago. We had just finished practicing and leaned to the wall. He had mumbled something about being too tired but I hardly paid any attention to him. I had been too busy to make my racing heart calm down. I hadn’t noticed when he had dozed off but suddenly, I had felt his head land on my shoulder. He had looked even more handsome like this with his lips slightly parted, I had needed all my self-control to stop myself from touching his lips. Or kissing them.

“Awesome” the girl giggled as she stared at the picture “Go to the webpage tonight, I will write an amazing article”

“We won’t miss it” Hoya said, then pointed towards the window where another two girls stood with their phones in their hands “You should go, I think your friends are quite impatient”

She froze for a brief moment, then let out a nervous chuckle “Oh right. Goodbye then! Don’t forget to visit the page tonight!”

We waved her goodbye and as soon as she was out of sight, Sunggyu asked the question what was bugging me too.

“Who was she?”

“Hoya’s number 1. fangirl. She likes him since Woohyun’s debut” Sungjong explained quickly as he took a sip from his tea “The funny thing is that Jinjoo doesn’t like Woohyun. She watched his performance only because her best friend asked her. In the end, she spotted Hoya and fell for him”

I could totally understand the girl. I had never cared about Woohyun, especially not after how he treated Sunggyu. However the moment I saw Hoya, my heart started beating faster.

“Love at first sight” I smiled and the others chuckled. Hoya only shook his head and quickly finished his sandwich.

Since it was getting late, we decided to go home and have some rest. I offered the others a ride, their apartment wasn’t too far anyway. We even had a small karaoke contest in the car, thanks to Sungjong, who turned the radio on maximum volume when he heard one of his songs.

After we dropped Hoya and Sungjong off at their apartment, the ride became silent. It was a rare moment, but we were too tired to even open our mouths.

Suddenly I saw Sunggyu turning towards me, but I kept staring at the road and didn’t give too much attention to him. He stared at me for a while before he started speaking.

“You should tell him how you feel”

“No” I shook my head instantly “What if he doesn’t like me? What if he doesn’t even gay? I won’t risk our friendship”

Sunggyu started to laugh. At first he was just chuckling slightly but in a few seconds it turned into an intense laughter.

“What’s so funny?” I asked a bit irritated. I didn’t understand why he laughed at the fact that the man I loved could possibly never love me back.

“Please” he put his hand on my shoulder and tried to be serious “Don’t you see how he looks at you? If he is not gay than I’m Nam Woohyun’s best friend”

I couldn’t help but smirk “Wow, I’ve never thought you two could be best friends”

“Shut up” he hit my arm slightly and turned to the other side, faking a pout.

Both of us kept smiling but none of us said anything. I concentrated on the road and he stared out of the window, probably being deep in his thoughts. However something started bugging me and I had to break the silence.

“Hey Gyu” he hummed in response so I continued “I was wondering…. don’t you want to…I don’t know… know Woohyun better?”

He looked at me with wide eyes and gave me his typical ‘are-you-insane’ look what I always got when I did or said something stupid.

“I-It’s just I thought it would be nice to hang out all together”

He sighed and averted his gaze. A small smile crept across his face for a moment but he looked troubled. I gulped, knowing perfectly what it meant.

“Thought you think he is an ”

“I did. But the more I talk with Hoya, the more I think we should give him a chance” I whispered and bit my lower lip.

Sunggyu had never had any enemies, nor had I. We always managed to get along with everybody and since we were quite easy-going, we always made friends easily. We always tried to find the best in everybody and ignored the bad habits. It wasn’t that easy this time.

Woohyun was the first one to act like this. For some unknown reason he hated Sunggyu from the beginning, not even trying to get to know him. Thus, or because of my strange personality, he hated me too. In Hoya’s opinion, he hated Sunggyu because they were rivals and since Woohyun had debuted, he had never had a real rival. He was always the best without putting too much effort into his performances, but after Sunggyu came, he had to work more and more in order to be the best. Sunggyu was nothing, but an enemy for him. As for me, he simply hated me because I was Sunggyu’s best friend.

Sunggyu took a deep breath and leaned onto the window. I knew that no matter what he said, deep inside he wanted to be Woohyun’s friend. He didn’t like the current situation, he wasn’t used to that.

“I don’t know, Dongwoo. I don’t know”

I smiled sadly, understanding him completely. It was not easy for neither of us. He had to figure out how to get closer to Woohyun and make him change his opinion about him and I had to decide whether I should tell Hoya about my feelings or not.

“Guess we are both in a ed up situation”

He let out a nervous laugh “We are”



sorry for the long wait~ i was on vacation and well, i was a lazy .... hope you enjoyed this chapter at least a little bit, because after this, there will be a loooooot of woogyu moments ~^^~ *throws confetti*

well... a lot of things happened since i last updated *cut the personal part, it's boring anyways* INFINITE IS BACK AGAIN YAAAY
Back is such a perfect song, i can't stop replaying it ;~~~; and this concept, ahw, it's something i really like *w* until now, BTD was my favorite era but Back beats everything... best song, best mv, best concept T__T
AND THEIR HAIRS OMG Sunggyu and Sungyeol looks so badass *-* and i'm on love with Dongwoo's hair, that little pony-tail makes my heart beat faster ;~~; AND EVEN MYUNGSOO DYED HIS HAIR i love it, i wanted to see him blonde since Jiu *w* *personal opinion off*

hopefully, you won't have to wait that much for the next update ^^

love ya guys~~

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DaniaOthk #1
Chapter 32: OMG! How come it ends so soon?
Wow, it's so good that the chapters flew by~~~~!!!
Like everything good, one always wants more 🥺
Hahahaha in a way Myungsoo won the bet, poor Yeol 😂
I really enjoyed this story in each chapter! I really liked how Woogyu's relationship changed, from hate to love hehe (Myungsoo witch) , but I liked even more that they slowly got to know each other and fell in love ❣️🥺
I honestly enjoyed his scenes a lot❣️ I wonder if Sungjong reconsidered 🤭 hahahaha did those in the drama know that they created a couple? Hahaha oh I loved this history that i wanted it to never end!
Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful story with us! I was very surprised to see my username at the end 😂 what kind of magic is this author-nim? (I'm still clicking to see if it changes hahaha)
Thanks again ~~~
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 28: The story gets better and better😳❣️
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 27: I'm so curious what the script says hahahaha Myungsoo is very happy with the bet
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 26: How nice, they are already progressing🤗
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 24: Finally🥺❣️
DaniaOthk #6
Chapter 22: Es que en serio Woohyun! Llevamos 2/3 del fanfic y tu no recapacitas!
DaniaOthk #7
Chapter 22: Yay woogyu🤭🤭 Recapacita Woohyun!!!
Ay merece una buena regañada este niño asi trata bien a Sunggyu😡😤
Jajajja perdón por ponerlo en español pero tenia qye decirlo 🤭
DaniaOthk #8
Chapter 15: Hahahahahaha I still have hope that there will be Woogyu here and Woohyun will reconsider 😔 but it seems that it will be Gyujong instead
DaniaOthk #9
Chapter 14: I'm disappointed in Myungyeol, those scandals can't be erased anymore😔
DaniaOthk #10
Chapter 8: I thought about Kwangmin from Boyfriend hahaha