Quiet Night

A Romantic Friendship





All the lights in the small, cozy apartment were off by the time that Key crawled in some time after midnight. Layers of cake makeup and aerosol hairspray remained behind from the late night broadcast, the only signs that indicated he was something more than a gentleman of the night. Key tossed his keys in the small bowl just inside his front door and felt around in the dark as he worked his way toward the hallway. He stopped short when his shin it against the metal railing of Minho's hospital bed with a soft thud. Muttering curse words under his breath, he tried to maneuver around the bed when a hand reached out and stopped him.

Key jumped nervously at the sudden touch but didn't say anything. He needed for him to speak first, to forgive him for their argument earlier or to scream at him out of continued anger. Instead, Minho was still quiet as he pulled Key closer to him. His mouth found Key's in the dark, his tongue running across his bottom lip in eager anticipation. Key was almost afraid to touch him. The sparks between them had always been so strong, and now, in the darkness of Key's apartment, Key knew that it had the potential to burn him alive. Minho's fingers brushed over Key's jaw before working their way into his blond hair. Minho pressed his tongue against Key mouth, imploring for entrance until Key finally relented.

Apart of Key knew that he should be asking a million questions, especially what the hell was going on. He wanted to know what this meant, why Minho had finally decided to act now, what was even going on between them. However, as Minho continued to work him over with another kiss, he couldn't find the voice to ask anything. The only thing he could focus on was the breathless way he panted as he pressed him back against the pillows and the pattern he was tracing on his beneath his knit sweater and the soft scent of toothpaste on his lips.

Finally, Minho broke away from Key and shifted out of his arms. His eyes avoided Keys as he straightened up and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," he whispered, the words getting lost in the vast darkness that lay between them. Key buried his face in his hands, glad that Minho couldn't see the tears welling up in his eyes. "I just wanted to be the guy that I used to be just for a minute. I thought that if I could kiss you and have it mean nothing like it did with all the other women, maybe this wouldn't seem so insurmountable."

Reaching across his body, Key flipped on the bedside lamp and waited for the warm amber glow to fill the small room. Minho was huddled on the other side of the bed as far away from Key as possible. "Minho, come on, what is going on with you?" Key pleaded. Key had been thinking about their conversation all day, and he still wasn't any closer to knowing what he could do to repair things between them. "One minute you are telling me that you aren't this guy and the next minutes, you're trying to prove to me that you still are. You don't want to be that guy anymore."

"I watched you tonight, you know," Minho said softly before reaching over to turn off the lamp again. It had always been easier for him to tell the truth in the dark. Key wouldn't be able to see the sadness in his wavering gaze in the comforting black of the midnight hour. "It's not any different from any other night. I watch you every night. Even when I was scamming on some random chick down at the bar, I would convince one of the waitresses to turn the channel so that I could see the news at eleven. I never really thought about it much until tonight. Why do I do that?"

Feeling surprised and taken aback, Key knew that he didn't have an answer for Minho.Key barely understood how he felt about Minho, let alone how Minho felt about him. "I don't know," Key answered honestly. "Minho, I don't want you to be that guy. He was great as a friend, but this guy that you are turning into, he's even better as a father. We're both going through a lot, and it scares me, too. You just can't revert back to your old ways now. I need you too much."

Minho reached out for Key's hand and entwined it with his. "Kibum, I'm sorry about what I said to you earlier. I shouldn't have shut down on you like that. Taemin and I were talking about us earlier, you and me. He has a lot of insight into our relationship. He told me that I'm scared of you because you're different. You are the only person who has made me want to stay in a very long time."

Key smiled at his admission. He had been a free spirit for a long time until he had met Jonghyun and the rest of the gang here in Seoul. They had made him want to stay in one place and try to form some kind of makeshift family for himself away from the comforts of Daegu. Whenever he missed his grandmother or his friends back home, he could have a shopping spree with Taemin or a three-hour conversation with Minho at the bar. "Froggy, come on, you know that you changed me, too," he pointed out.Key moved his way up the mattress so that he was sitting next to Minho, the darkness still blanketing the truth of their smiles. "You know that the last thing I ever wanted was a family, but since I found out about this baby, I've found myself dreaming about all the things that I want for our child. I've been thinking about what it's going to be like having this whole new life that is half you and half me. Every single thought that I have includes you. I want us to be a family. I want to have all of this with you."

"You know that should scare me," Minho chuckled humorlessly as Key leaned his head against his shoulder. Minho pressed a kiss to the top of their forehead, pausing to ask himself not for the first time exactly what they were doing there. "I'll tell you what, Key, if I had known that sleeping with you would…"

Key elbowed him sharply in the ribs. "Are you really sure that you want to finish that statement?" he asked pointedly, his voice teasing and light. "You know what, I don't care what you want. Finish it."

"If I had known that night would lead us to here, I would have ended up kissing you on that couch every single night," he pledged. "I regret a lot of the girls I have slept with. I mean, there have been some serious uggos over the years. There were the crazies, the marrieds, the ones that I'm still not entirely sure were completely women yet. Other than Yuri, the girl I mistakenly and prematurely fell in love with in college, I never let myself feel much of anything for any of them. You were the exception, though."

"I spent four years being completely in love with Jonghyun. He would have given me the entire world if I had wanted it. Any sane boy or girl would have wanted the life that I could have led with him. He's a great guy," he mused. "Instead, I slept with his best friend, fell for the womanizer and am going to have his baby. It shouldn't be what I want, but somehow having this family with you is all that I want now."

Minho didn't even realize that he was holding his breath until he felt the sudden need to exhale. He was breathless as the words sunk into his head. Key had said the thing that he had needed to hear this morning. When he had needed him to show him that he was completely on his side, that he would never put Jonghyun before him and that their relationship – if you could call it that – would come first now, this is what he had been waiting for. "You're falling for me?"

Key blushed at the suggestive way he posed his question. "Come on, you knew that."

"I thought maybe there was a chance but you never said those words exactly…"

"Well, I said them," he shrugged. "Wait, why, how do you feel about me?"

It was Minho's turn to shrug. "You're alright, I guess," he said nonchalantly. He winced again as Key shoved his elbow into his ribs. "Ow, stop, I just got out of the hospital." Minho ignored Key's amused snort and opted to tell him the truth. "Kibum, I wouldn't have come back here if I didn't want to be near you. We both know that I could have hired a nurse or stayed with someone else. I could have worked something out, but I wouldn't when I knew that you were really the only alternative I wanted."

"You know that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

Reaching over, Minho the lamp and smiled at Key. "Say that again?"

A wide grin spread across Key's pert lips as she gazed at him. "You know that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me," he repeated. Minho's eyes lit up as he watched Key. "What? Why are you staring at me?"

"Just had to see what you looked like when you said that," he explained. He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear before brushing a kiss over his lips softly. "You know that you changed me."

Resting his hands over his abdomen, Key shook his head. "She did it."

"Or he," Minho corrected him. "It could be a boy."

"Maybe it'll be one of both," Key pondered before shaking his head vehemently. "No way, the world couldn't handle two of them. I'm not even sure it can take one."

Minho yawned as he leaned back against the pillows and closed his eyes. "All of this sharing and telling the truth about my feelings takes a lot out of me," he complained good-naturedly. He felt Key lean back against him and turn slightly on his side so that Key was snuggled up against him. "We'll tell Jonghyun tomorrow."



"Okay," Key confirmed again. "I'm ready to celebrate this good news. Our friends need to know."

"And your family," Minho pointed out. "When are you going to tell them?"

In all the chaos of having to consider his friends and how they would react, Key hadn't really taken too much time to think about how he would tell his parents. His mom and dad were still so traditional, and he knew that they wouldn't approve of the fact that he wasn't married and gay. They would have a lot to say about how his career had been a priority over pretty much everything and how he hadn't had anything definitively permanent since his stupid pop career fell apart. "My grandmother will be excited, my umma might too," Key decided. "My appa is going to hate you. You knocked me up and haven't made an honest man of me."

"Whoa, wait," he muttered, panic flying into his eyes. "We haven't…"

"I'm kidding, Choi," he assured him with a mischievous giggle. "I mean, my dad will say that, but it's okay. I know how to handle him. Once he gets over the initial shock, the two of you will get along."

"So, really, the only hurdle we have is…"

"Telling Jjong," Key concluded. "We can do this."

"We have to."

"Yeah," he said sadly as Minho rested his head on his shoulder. Key knew that this was the defining moment, the one that had the potential to change everything that their little group knew and held dear. "We have to."

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iheartonewsomuch #1
Chapter 9: This fic reminds me a lot of how I met your mother! but thankGod ot didn't end up like himym. Thankyou for such a wonderful fic ^^
moechiii #2
Chapter 10: Aww how cute! Twins c':
awwww, they're having twins! omg how cute is that? for someone who didn't want a family they're reacting extremely well to all of this!
Chapter 10: Update soon~! Twins are perfect for them. ^^
Also, is there a prequel to this.. ?
Chapter 10: aww. I like this light feeling of the chapter but I wonder what happened to Jjong? I actually want to hear his thoughts/side again.
leoscannia14 #6
Chapter 10: woww!! so wonderful story!!! luv them!! :-)
squishy1024 #7
Chapter 9: KYAAAAAH! Finally! I like how they confessed their feelings for each other. Haha. They are so cute! :)
Chapter 9: awww they are so cute ! and they were finally true to their feelings :) i really like their dynamics in this story !
Chapter 8: This was actually cute. haha. They both said the same things, MinKey and OnTae ^^
Chapter 7: I just read this and I'm already hooked. Mooore. <3
Update soon please~