The Golden Eyes



Their concern was a secret. Their well beings were also a secret. And this girl was going to be one of their new secret.


Their eyes were either deep black or deep brown. It was such a beautiful eyes. But they changed, along with their powers. They decided on their own how they would acted, they decided on their own about who to believe. And nothing even it was Zeus, who ruled, could change their mind to believe him if they had the reason not to.

They looked deep inside, they could see what couldn't be seen. They could hear, those which sound inaudible. They were different. They were strange in a good ways. They were those who were told on old history. On any kind of myth everyone read. They were told on every normal poeple would think as inhuman.

Because they were inhuman, actually.

They have the look of human, the sound as one. They acted like one, but they were not one. They are different. Not slightly but really.

And it was up to you to believe or not of their existence because in here, all you gotta believe is yourself and them. Because if you didn't believe on yourself, then who would?


She was helpless. She was hopeless.


She was just fine before. But the word before had to be there because the sentence talked about past. While in present, she was far by that. She really knew thing would change as the time flies by but she really didn't know thing would turn this bad and upside down from what it was. She didn't know her smile would soon turned into a total sadness. She didn't know her strong look would soon changed into a weakness. And she didn't know her happiness would soon turned into a total pain. Because her future told her to cry behind closed doors and fight battles nobody knows about. And the time will continue on whispering secrets nobody would like to hear.



There was a time when everything was fine. When life was that easy to live on. When everything become something you couldn't wait for.

There was a time for those things but what if, those time changed. Because things also changed. They changed due to time.

The clock was barking, always. And that lead anybody to their own fate in the cruel world.

Because over here, everything you wished only heard on fairytale became real. And anything you haven't realized, exist.

You never know, how life was so ironic. It took sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence, and absence to value presence.




Firstly, this is a fantasy story and you have to bear with it because I've warned you.

Second, mind my imagination so anything sureal was here? You have to accept and acknowledge it as the part of the story.

And that was it. As always I didn't consider any ways of plagiarism or anyone who take anything from this story without credit. I am so gonna kill you, not with knife but law. Because it was sharper.

The whole story's plot and characters' personality is mine and only mine. Anything related to the post of this story was also under my control and responsibility.

For any grammar fault or anything related to the language I was using, mind me my tongue didn't born to speak a good english and I didn't get excellent on my english class.

And poster are welcomed. So does comments and subscribers.

I will start updating this story once I am done with The Moon and The Sun because that story came to my priority now. Thanks for your patience.

credit of some quotes at foreword   @tumblr


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