Follow your heart...

The Truly Unexpected...

Baekhyun's P.O.V.

After that night the weekend went by so fast, it was like time was the speed of a second and it was already Sunday night. I decided after all that happened I should write an anon love letter to let Glo know how I feel. That my love for her is true...

Dear Glo♥,


I would like to write this letter to tell you that I will always be here for you. Although you think no one is watching over you, just know that I am always here to protect you. I knew that my love for you was real the day I laid eyes on you. It was your heart that captured mine and I just knew that my love for you was true. If you are wondering why I am writing this as a secret admirer, it is because I want you to trust me. If this is the way to earn your trust I will write to you as much as possible. Also I made this cover of a song for you to listen to and I hope you get the message of how I really feel♥ - Your Secret Admirer ^_^


After I wrote the letter I slipped a CD in the envelope and left off to school, wondering how will she feel about this...

Monday Morning...

Glo's P.O.V. 

Ugh... I really don't want to go to school knowing what happened friday. I kept thinking about it all weekend and I just felt horrible, but I feel like he hates me now. God, why am I so cold to the sweetest people in my life? I dragged myself out of bed and got ready. Today I ended up just dressing in anything and quickly dragged myself to school.




 I got to school a little later so by the time I got there it was just the right time to walk to class with having to worry. The class was empty I was the first one in there suprisingly. I noticed a envelope on my desk and I prayed to the lord it wasn't another attendance notice for my parents. I got to my desk and saw that the letter just said my name on the front with very pretty neat handwriting. I took a seat and finally opened the letter before everyone came into class. 

There was a letter covering something that looked like a CD cover, this was confusing me by the moment. I looked at letter and it said...

Dear Glo♥,


I would like to write this letter to tell you that I will always be here for you. Although you think no one is watching over you, just know that I am always here to protect you. I knew that my love for you was real the day I laid eyes on you. It was your heart that captured mine and I just knew that my love for you was true. If you are wondering why I am writing this as a secret admirer, it is because I want you to trust me. If this is the way to earn your trust I will write to you as much as possible. Also I made this cover of a song for you to listen to and I hope you get the message of how I really feel♥ - Your Secret Admirer ^_^

This was a little weird to me, was this a joke? Hmm.. well I am going to have to listen to that CD later! I blushed to myself.


Baekhyun's P.O.V.

I came early to school today so I could put the letter on Glo's desk before she arrived to class. I wish I could do more but I think that will just freak her out and be a little to much. So I stuck to the simple love letter telling her how I felt deep down inside. I also made asong cover for her and maybe if she listens to the lyrics real well she wil understand how I feel better. Oh how I wish I could put my name on there, but if she really hates me she will think of me as some kind of weird stalker instead. I wish that I could just let her know but I have to be paitent and take these things real slowly. I walked right of the classroom about twenty minutes before class started and went back to the cafe to get something for breakfast.

Finally five minutes before class started everyone was gathering into the classrooms hoarding themselves into their seats. Luckly, Glo was already there looking dreamy as ever smiling for the first since I first encountered her. I was watching her throughout class and the most embarrasing moment happened so unexpectedly. "Mr.Byun, will you stop daydreaming about Glo and actually take the notes the rest of you classmate have to?" Mrs. Garcia asked with a sarcastic smirk on her face. It was like Mrs. Garcia knew that I was totally "Goo Goo Ga Ga" over Glo. Everyone glanced at me for a moment, but then their attention went back to Mrs. Garcia or the phones they hidden under their desks.

I could see Glo looking back at that letter, it was like every word was abosorbing into her head. I really hope they did at least she smiled each time when she was reading it. It made me sigh of relief not only my spirit that felt healed but my heart. The only thing is that she didn't know that it was I how had all of those feelings for her. I frowned at the moment, would she really react different if she knew it was me? My sadness rised once again at the thought of her knowing it was me and feeling totally different. I guess this anon thing was a good and bad thing :/


Glo's P.O.V.

All day long I have been thinking, who in the hell would write such a sweet and unexpected letter to me?! Ugh, I really love this but now I am dying to know. Just then, I remembered the CD that was inside the envelope. OH GOD, what could possibly be on that, my heart started to race really fast when I had it in my hand. I noticed that there was a huge heart on it with my name written inside. Dang, who ever this was had such beautiful neat writing.

I inserted the CD in my laptop and there was only one track on it. Breath Glo, breath. I told myself. My heart was racing the adreneline going up and down my veins. I finally pressed play and listened to the first melody coming out of the speakers it was beautiful. I heard "You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful" and my heart just melted. Who ever this was was pouring their heart to me. Part of me wanted to know who it was but at the same time I wondered if I would want to know ^_^




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Chapter 8: It's official! YAY!
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gloria123 #5
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Chapter 1: Loved it, update soon! :)