Chapter 2

Catastic Universe

Words: 2424



This was officially the longest ten minutes of Kris' life. The moment it had hit him that what he was experiencing was real, he stood up on all fours and started pacing back and forth. What had happened to them? This was the first time he had spent a vacation in this summer house with Chanyeol… Was that it? Did this land do weird things to people who sleep on top of it with another living being other than themselves? Impossible… Kris thought as he continued pacing back and forth. If that was the case then Kris should've woken up as a bird or an insect- a thought that made his cat hair stand up from his head all the way to the tips of his twitching tail.


"Kris…Nya..." Chanyeol started, his voice cracking in nervousness as he tried to get used to the sound of his deep voice. Kris, on the other hand, was too deep in thought that he missed his name being called. "Kriiiiiiis!" Chanyeol whined, not caring that his voice came out louder than it was supposed to. That did the trick as Kris whipped his head towards the sound, his expression mirroring the expression of a startled cat. Well, not exactly mirroring since he was a cat.


What? He asked, his voice sounding much harsher than he meant it to be. It wasn't Chanyeol's fault. He was just a kitty and they were both the victims here… The guilty expression that marred the pretty boyish features of his cat-turned-man melted through his anger and made him sigh. With slow and careful steps, he approached him and placed a paw over the bare knee that was peeking out of the blanket that was haphazardly wrapped around him. I'm sorry… I was just surprised… What is it? He tried again, his inner voice much softer as a soft mewl involuntarily rumbled out of his throat. Chanyeol sat frozen, staring at Kris with this devastated expression before launching at him without any warning at all. Suddenly, Kris felt long limbs wrap around his middle, lifting him with this this strength he never knew a person could have as he felt the tall man press his face close to Kris' cheek. "What are we going to do nya? I don't like this. How am I going to live like this nya? I don't know what humans do! I feel without all of my fur and I don't know- I just don't know!" Chanyeol babbled out as he wailed, constantly rubbing his human cheek against Kris' furred body. Chanyeol was losing his mind and Kris knew it as he quietly thought to himself how uncomfortable this was. No wonder Chanyeol would squirm mercilessly out of his arms whenever he tried cuddling with him!


Now, Kris was an understanding man-turned-cat. He knew that there were just many things happening- impossible things in fact, that they could be too much to handle. Truth was, if Chanyeol wasn't here with him wailing in fear and despair then he probably would be doing just that. So, even if it was uncomfortable for him, he did his best to stay as still as he could and waited for Chanyeol to calm down. 


It took him ten minutes.


How did he know? He was staring at the clock lying on his bedside table, mustering as much patience as he could. Soon, Chanyeol stopped squeezing him to death and he felt his arms loosen. Chanyeol? Are you feeling better now? He asked as he gently pried himself away from his cat's long, very human and very toned, arms. No answer came to him and worry prickled Kris' sides until he realized that his cat had fallen asleep. Soft wheezing sounds of breaths moving in and out of his nose and lungs could be heard from him and Kris' ears prickled back and forth at the sound. It surprised him that he could hear his breathing so close to his ear, the sound sending weird electric currents to his belly that he couldn't help but swipe his paw at the man's cheeks. Hey, hey, hey. Wake up! Don't leave me here to do all the thinking. He complained loudly in cat, ignoring the fact that the real reason why he was waking him up was because of the weird warmth he could feel building up in his chest for the guy.


The swipe did its trick and Chanyeol twitched himself awake, falling successfully back to the floor with all of his body spread out on top of it. "…I swear I had better reflexes than this…" He muttered under his breath as he groaned miserably, burying his face under the sheets he had wrapped around him, sniffling. The sight pricked Kris' heart like little needles of guilt and he couldn't help but just gently nudge him with his head. He then started rubbing his body on his hands and started purring- for the first time, acting like the cat that he actually was and refusing to mind it.  I'm sorry… I just… I'm… Kris sighed as he saw Chanyeol peek through the blankets, his eyes wide in alarm as tears glistened around it. I'm just trying to figure out why this happened to us. He told him, taking the opportunity to start digging the sheets off of Chanyeol, making him sit right back up on his human . I didn't mean to be mean… Okay… 






After that, Chanyeol had realized that no, it wasn't just him whose life had suddenly changed. Kris' life had changed too- even though he turned out to be such a magnificent silver tabby cat. He tried not to jealous of the clean, glistening fur that had embodied the cat body of his master and focus on trying to get through his day without losing his sanity (again). With his master's help, he managed to get dressed and walk wobbly on his two limbs.


Now that was a feat that was funny in and of itself. Chanyeol found that it was much easier to crawl on all fours but he wasn't as fast as he preferred he should be. Kris berated him for crawling around and no matter how much he complained, he couldn't help but force himself to try. He was a dignified cat and he had to prove to his master that he wasn't useless. Cats were smart creatures and living as humans? Psh. That's easier than himself clean each night. So, he stood on wobbly legs and took careful steps towards his master's clothes thingy. Closet. It's called a closet and please, stop saying 'nya'. Humans don't say nya. Kris told him before sitting regally in front of it as he scanned it for clothes his cat could wear. 


Chanyeol found out a lot of things that morning. He found that he was a little jealous of the regal aura Kris seemed to be able to emit as a cat. It wasn't just his fur, but his gracefulness too. Silently, he thought that being a cat suited his master and wondered why the universe had made him into a human. Maybe it was because it would be unfair to all of the cats if they turned him into one because he would be too perfect. As a human, not so much. The next thing he realized was that everything looked much smaller than he was used to and the height of his eyes made everything look different. It seemed to Chanyeol that at this height, he could see much farther than when he was still a cat and it brought a little satisfaction to his otherwise, tired mind. He turned to the side and saw his reflection from the mirror and almost jumped out of his own human, skin. "AHHHH!!" He shouted, his eyes wide in surprise as he stared at the tall gangly boy with boyish features stare back at him. He waved an arm and it followed. He waved his other arm and it, again, followed. Soon, he was waving both hands like a monkey that was trying to fly. Chanyeol… Chanyeol! Kris called out when he saw him waving stupidly towards the mirror. The thing was, try as he might, he couldn't stop his chuckle from coming out in the form of soft murtts and purrs because Chanyeol was entertaining to watch. 


His cat chuckle did the trick and caught Chanyeol's attention so he stopped waving and quickly turned to look at his owner. "Don't laugh! I didn't know I looked like this until now." He whined. It seemed like this cat pride thing only works when the creature is a cat because Kris couldn't help but feel a little mischievous, his mouth twitching to a sleazy cat grin. I know… I shouldn't have stopped you. Go on~ He teased as he sat neatly in front of him, his tail tucked neatly beside him. "tch… You know.. You make a fine cat." Chanyeol grumbled as he took one last glance at his changed appearance before moving on to look at the mountain of clothes his master had.

"What are we doing in front of your clo…set?"

We are going to put some clothes on you. You're too… . 

"What? This isn't clothes?" Chanyeol asked as he lifted the fitted sheets he had around him high up in the air, managing to thoroughly flash himself on Kris. AHHHHH! Kris shouted, falling off on his back and rolling on the floor. That was an image that was going to burn itself in his mind for the rest of his life, cat or not. Cover yourself up again! Please! He asked in desperation as he felt his cheeks color. He didn't even know that cats could feel embarrassed but that's what he was, embarrassed… Right?


"Geez… No need to over react. You have one, I've seen it thousands of times." was Chanyeol's quick grumble as he hid his body back behind that fitted sheet. "I don't get it… You humans were born all pink and hairless and you don't want people to see you that way. It's strange! Us cats are born with fur and we all like to show it off to the world." He vainly said as he started going through all of the things he had inside the closet. "Well… You'd never be ashamed if you had MY fur. My fur is great! ….I miss my fur…" If he had the ability to change bodies as fast as his mood changed, they would be back to normal in no time, Kris thought to himself as he looked at the things Chanyeol was bringing out of his closet- some of which he never even knew he had. Were you always this vain? Kris mildly asked, not really waiting for an answer as he spotted a black sweater and jeans in his hands. There. Wear that one. He told him, placing a paw just on top of Chanyeol's foot.


One by one, he taught Chanyeol how to change. He taught him how the zipper goes to the front, and how his legs should go through each leg holes. Every step was taught with great patience that he wouldn't have normally shown to normal people. He even managed to teach him how to wear his sweater right. All of it was both frustratingly funny and amusing that there were a couple of occasions (like Chanyeol wearing his pants backwards or the sweater inside out) where he couldn't help but just murt at him, earning a glare from the poor cat-turned-human. Once they were both set, they made their way to the living room couch to think and it was only then that Kris remembered the night before in great detail.


The wine! He shouted in cat, using all deft paws to run all the way to the place they were sitting on the night before with Chanyeol heavily padding after him. We both drank the weird medicine wine our neighbor got us yesterday! Kris said, sudden excitement running through his veins as he pressed the tip of his cold nose on to the bottle of yellow wine they were given. "That's right! It had this interesting smell and my instincts were telling me to taste it…." was Chanyeol's easy reply and it was only then that Kris remembered. You. You are never allowed to drink anything alcoholic, you got that Chanyeol? Kris said, suddenly turning on his pet-turned human. You almost gave me a heart attack! Cats aren't allowed to drink alcohol because it messes up their liver. He explained only to see Chanyeol his head to the side in confusion. "li-ver?" Of course he didn't' know what a liver was. Kris berated himself in his mind as he shook his whole body in frustration. Never mind…Just… Don't drink when you're back to being a cat okay? Or just.. Don't drink at all. Drinking is bad. It's dangerous. Especially when I'm not there… Kris was walking as he talked and soon, he had found himself standing in front of the main door. "Where are you going?" Chanyeol asked, his fear of being left behind written all over his expression, pricking Kris' heart with guilt. If this goes on, his heart would have so many holes, it'll be hard to put it up right again.


I'm not going anywhere… We're both going somewhere. He begrudgingly told his cute cat. We're going to our neighbor to get an explanation… and maybe a solution for all of this. Now…. Are you going to pick me up or not? This must be the most embarrassing thing he had ever done in his life. He was a grown man, in his early twenties and he had just asked another man to carry him. The light in Chanyeol's eyes grew though as he realized that he wasn't going to be left behind this time and he eagerly wrapped his hands around Kris' waist and lifted him up into his arms. "Okay! Just tell me where to go~ nya~" He said, too happy that he had forgotten to stop himself from saying 'nya'. Kris grumbled an incoherent reply as let his furred body settle in the arms of the boy. Let's go.





I'm sorry it took me a while to update OTL A lot of things had happened in the past few days but time is more free for me in the next few weeks and I vow that I will finish this story before the year ends! Thanks to the people who subscribed and please, don't be shy to comment (because it makes my day). Thanks again to those awesome people who BETA'd for me!!! :-*



ps. I forgot to mention how i got the idea of medicine wine from this popular kroean series named "secret garden" so.. that part isn't mine! And I couldn't help but just add these gifs because they're epic orz

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Chapter 3: update please, this is interesting ><
Thank you for reading and sticking to the story (and the ship) even though it took me long to update! T^T you guys are the best!

PS. For all of those who are wondering, the gifs are from The star interview! I think there are english subs available now.
Chapter 3: I so love your update!
What show is the gif from?
Chapter 3: lololololo... this is is just tooooooooo funny for me to handle
nyaaaaaaaaa~ /crawls
Chapter 3: i love secret garden! ^^
aww... krisyeol is just adorably cute together!!!
Chapter 2: i was hoping for chanyeol to turn human but not for kris to be a cat...
but great update author-nim!!!
looking forward to the next..
Chapter 2: kyaaa update soon^^
Chapter 2: This is super cute!!!
Kris would make an awesome cat ❤❤❤
Chapter 2: Lmao.. this is so funnyyyyeh!!
Krisus 'mewling' .. asddgklllgfs