Later that night..

Save me...

The drive back to Eluna's home was silent. Lay was still fuming behind the wheel and Eluna was having mixed feelings about the whole situation. She was extremely nervous about being alone with him, but she was scared to say anything because she thought he might yell again. Finally, they reached the house and Lay silently went to open her door and help her into the house like a gentleman. Eluna was extremely flattered but still scared. She felt like her heart was about to burst at any moment. When they reached the front door, Lay broke the silence first. "Can I come in for a while?" his voice raspy from all that shouting earlier. Surprised, Eluna weakly nodded and fumbled with her keys to open the door. Once inside, they took seat on the couch next to each other after getting some medicine supplies from the medicine cabinet. Silently, Lay applied some medicine on her cheek with shaking hands. He kept pausing to take deep breaths in an attempt to control his anger.
Finally, Eluna took his hand and gently lowered it. "Thats enough now Lay, thanks." she smiled softly.
"No you're not, I'm not done. There's still a spot that I havent applied medicine to." he responded gruffly.
"No no I'm okay now Lay th-"
"HOW ARE YOU OKAY?!" Lay suddenly shouted, making Eluna jump.
"You just got beaten up and now you tell me you're okay?! And why did you stop me from beating up all her cronies? WHY?! What's wrong with you?!" he shouted. Eluna could not handle his rage any more and finally burst into tears. "What wrong did I do? Why are you treating me like this? Did I do something wrong?" she choked out in between sobs. "How can you be so stupid to follow her there?! What were you thinking?" he yelled, getting up from the couch.
But what Eluna didnt know was that Lay's heart broke seeing her cry, and it was just that he didnt know how to fix it. And the thought of Eluna getting injured was killing him inside. Hearing renewed sobs, Lay turned around and approached her quickly to try to comfort her. "Eluna..? Eluna I'm sorry.. Please dont cry.. I am so sorry!" Lay's voice shook as he reached out to comfort her. Seeing him come closer, Eluna quickly moved back on the couch, trying to avoid him.
Panicking, Lay quickly sat down on the couch and caught Eluna's flailing hands and held them tightly. Despite Eluna's sobs of protest, Lay pulled her close and hugged her tightly, burying her head in his chest. Slowly and unsurely, he her hair and continued whispering words of comfort to her. He himself had tear tracks down his cheeks seeing her cry like that. "Shh no Eluna, sweetheart, please dont cry.. I'm right here, please dont cry Eluna sweetie.." Lay whispered.
The two of them laid on the couch for hours into the early morning. Somewhere along the line, Eluna fell asleep but Lay stayed up all night, making sure that she stopped crying. Even after she fell asleep, Lay stayed up and kept her sleeping soundly. Soon, morning came and sunlight filtered through the windows and shone softly on the couple. By then, Lay had already fallen asleep and was breathing slowly, his chest rising and falling gently. Eluna twitched in her sleep and blinked drowsily. Subconciously, she snuggled even more cosily into Lay.
To get more comfortable, she started punching what she thought was the couch. "Since when was my couch so hard and firm..?" she thought drowsily. "Ow.." Lay groaned in his sleep. Wait a minute...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Eluna shouted and jumped out of Lay's arms, hitting his stomach in the process. "AUGH!!" Lay groaned, clutching his stomach in pain. Gathering her wits, Eluna breathed deeply and spoke more calmly this time. "I-i-I mean.. Lay what are you doing here?" Eluna asked shakily. She completely forgot about falling asleep in Lay's arms the nigt before. No wonder she slept so well and she didnt feel sore any more. It was as if Lay was able to heal her (heheheh). "Eluna.. Come here. " Lay called softly, beckoning her. Eluna couldnt help but oblige. She stepped forward quietly, eyes fixed on her shoes. At the same time, Lay stepped forward as well and cupped her cheeks. Eluna flinched in surprise and froze. Slowly, Lay leant forward and pressed his forehead against hers. "I really like you Eluna. You dont know how much I think about you everyday. I almost went insane when I saw you get hurt. And.. I am pretty sure you feel the same way about me too, Eluna." he whispered and smiled his sweetest smile.
"B-b-but Lay.." Eluna stammered, unable to sound coherent because she was so happy.
"Be my girlfriend, Eluna, sweetheart. Please?" he asked and gave her his most dazzling smile.
"Y-yeah.. I mean.. Yes. Yes, Lay oppa I will be your girlfriend."
"So I'm your boyfriend now, huh?" he grinned, showing his famous dimples.
"Yes you are, oppa." Eluna cheekily grinned back. The two of them sat and cuddled for a while more on the couch and were about to drift back off to sleep, when Lay broke the content silence once more, as he held Eluna in his arms and cuddled her to sleep.
"I love you Eluna. I always have; and I always will."

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krockit13 #1
thank you for reading! I'll try and post up more stories soon :)
Chapter 2: Such a sweet fluff... I really love this story.. >_<