
Gas Station



      Youngjae was standing up, with his upper body sprawled out on the counter beside the cash register. He told himself he'd just rest his eyes for a bit, but he had fallen asleep, like usual. It was three in the morning, after all.  Drool trickled from the corner of his mouth, making a small puddle beside his face. 
      The door chimed, signaling a costumer, and jolting Youngjae awake. He sprung up, and scrambled to wipe the drool he quickly discovered off on his sleeve, as the man walked in the door and offered him a small smile. Youngjae smiled back slightly. When the man was behind a shelf in the gas station and out of sight, Youngjae rubbed his eyes with his fists, clearing his blurred vision, and smoothed his crazed blonde hair down. 
      He let out a quiet sigh, placing his elbow on the counter and resting his head in his hand. He reminded himself he still had a month of this crappy summer job. His uncle had offered it to him, of course making it sound at least somewhat enjoyable. However, the only reason Youngjae took the job was because he knew he was falling behind on his rent. 
      The man came into view again, hands carrying a few bags of candy and such. Maybe it was because Youngjae couldn't see properly before, but the man seemed way more attractive than Youngjae had expected. Like, way more attractive.  He had full, plump lips, and dark brown, almond shaped eyes. He had long, silky brown hair, and in addition, his simple gray T-shirt showed off his rather impressive muscles. Youngjae stared at the handsome male, who smiled again as he approached Youngjae, and placed his things on the counter. 
   "Busy night?" The male joked, rousing Youngjae from his daze. The blonde shook his head slightly, shaking off his drowsiness. 
    "Yeah, talk about it. I haven't had a single costumer in days," Youngjae replied after a moment, typing in some things into the cash register, ringing in the male's purchases. The man chuckled.
      "Six fifteen," Youngjae stated. The man, who Youngjae assumed was just a bit older than him, dug out his wallet from his shorts pocket. Youngjae managed to spot his driver's license when he opened it, and to see his name was Jung Daehyun. Daehyun pulled out a ten dollar bill, and handed it to Youngjae. He took it, and gave him back the correct change. However, Daehyun pushed Youngjae's hand back.
       "Keep the change. When's your shift over?" Daehyun inquired, surprising Youngjae just a bit. 
     "Um, not until the morning, unfortunely," he replied. Daehyun hummed in response.
     "Well, have a good night, then," Daehyun said with a chuckle, and even winked too. Then, to Youngjae's dismay, Daehyun left. 
      Youngjae grinned, relieved, when his replacement walked through the door, the bell chiming. It was six thirty; the grand time when his shift was over. 
        "Good morning, Youngjae!" Christine chirped, with a tiny wave. Youngjae never had understood how the teen was so happy all the time, especially working in a place like the gas station.
       "Good morning. Thank god, too," Youngjae responded, walking around the counter, towards the door. Christine and Youngjae both shared a small laugh. 
       "Are you expecting someone to pick you up?" Christine asked, her smile never faltering. Youngjae stopped in his tracks, frowning a bit.
        "No, I'm not. I'm driving home, like usual."
         Christine frowned a bit as well. "Are you sure? There's someone outside waiting for you, I think." She gestured to the car parked at the far end of the empty parking lot outside. Youngjae could only guess who that was. 
         "Oh, yeah, thanks. Have fun today," the male said, as he pushed the door open. A gush of hot muggy summer air greeted him, as he marched his way over to the black car. When he was close to the vehicle, the window rolled down, and to no doubt, it was Daehyun.
        "Looking for a ride, there...?" Daehyun trailed off, expecting Youngjae to fill him in with a name.
       "Youngjae. But I have my own ride, thanks," he responded, smiling. 
        "Oh, come on, Youngjae~ just hop in, and I'll drive you home," Daehyun insisted.
        "How do I know you're not some sort of bloodthirty murderer, or psychopath?" Youngjae countered. Daehyun laughed. 
       "Good point. But I guess you're just going to have to trust me on this." Youngjae took one last look at his own ratty car across the parking lot.
     "Hm, okay Daehyun. But you'll have to prove you're not going to kidnap or kill me," the blonde declared. 
      Daehyun raised an eyebrow, "and how am I going to do that?"
       "Get out of the car," Youngjae demanded. 
      Daehyun chuckled at what he thought was a joke, "yeah, alright." However, Youngjae stubbornly stood there, arms crossed. 
       "Wait, you actually want me to?" Daehyun asked, sounding a bit surprised. Youngjae nodded once, maintaining a intimidating glare. Daehyun hesitantly opened the car door, making Youngjae back up a tiny bit to give room for the brunette to get out. 
       "Now give me the keys," Youngjae stated, holding out a hand, when the elder male was out of the car. Daehyun raised an eyebrow, questioningly. However, he handed the blonde the keys anyways. 
        Youngjae then got into the drivers seat, and slammed the door closed. He put his seat belt on, then put the car keys in the ignition and started it up.
       "Woah! What are you doing?" Daehyun cried, shocked Youngjae would actually take his car.
        "Are you gonna get in or not?" Youngjae inquired, smirking up at the brunette. Daehyun made an o with his lips and scrambled to the other side and got in the passengers side. 
        "Youngjae, you know how to drive, right?" Daehyun asked with concern, buckling up his seat belt and shutting the door. 
        Youngjae scoffed, "of course I do." Truth was, Youngjae did know how to drive some what, but only ever his manual, beat up car; never a car such as nice as Daehyun's. 
       He put the car in drive, and suddenly spun it around in a u-turn, and went speeding out of the parking lot and down the country road. 
       Daehyun gripped the car seat desperately, his eyes wide open. 
        "Youngjae! Slow down!" Daehyun cried, shocked at how crazy Youngjae's driving was. The younger male swerved down the road, going way past speed limit. Youngjae simply laughed at Daehyun's frantic behavior, and even pressed the gas pedal down further.
      "Youngjae, seriously! This is a new car!" Daehyun screeched. 
        "I know! I like it," Youngjae called back, over the wind coming in through the open windows and sun roof. 
         "If anyone's going to be the murderer here, it's going to be you! You're going to get us killed!" Daehyun cried. Youngjae laughed again in reply.
       Daehyun grew accustom to Youngjae's maniac driving, but still was tensed up, chewing nervously on his bottom lip. His eyes were glued to the road, and he tightly gripped the handle above the door for dear life. 
         Youngjae drove into a near by town, which made the brunette just a bit more nervous. However, the car ride was soon over when Youngjae took a sharp turn into a parking lot of a small apartment building and stopped abruptly in front of it.
       Youngjae put the car in park, and hopped out. Daehyun let out a tiny relieved sigh, and shakily opened the door, and stepped out as well.
       "Thanks for the ride, Dae. It was fun." The blonde smiled. 
       "Yeah, remind me to never let you drive again," Daehyun mumbled. 
        "Let's do some thing another time, alright?" Youngjae suggested, grinning. 
        "Okay, as long as I get to drive."
        Youngjae agreed, saying he looks forward to it, and walked off, into the building. Daehyun sighed once again, and smiled slightly. There was something defiantly to like about Youngjae. He knew he'd be appearing at the lonely gas station more often.
A/N: I have no idea what this what this was, I'm sorry ;-; 
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Chapter 1: youngjae could have been a pro racer ><
Chapter 1: haahaha so Funny!! seriously!! sequel please!! :D
yolly77 #3
Chapter 1: Haha cute story I want more lol
Chapter 1: awwww that was really cute lol poor Daehyun his life flashed before his eyes LOL hahahaha
crossing_by #5
Chapter 1: Well daehyun got his unforgetable impression of youngjae with that

Chapter 1: wow that was cute~
more pls? lol
Chapter 1: I Iike this story is really funny. Thanks,
Chapter 1: wowowowow.. Nice one author.. I can imagine it.
Chapter 1: hahah so cute! I can imagine Dae's face turning green from Jae's driving!