Please... don't leave me.

Please... don't leave me.



Jojo’s POV

“Jojo, come sit. We need to talk,” mum called me over to the living room.

*Uh oh. Did I do something wrong? This doesn’t sound good…* I glumly walked over to where mum was waiting with a calm expression on her face.

I sat down next to her and waited patiently for her to begin talking.

“Jojo dear, this may be both good and bad news for you.”

I cringed mentally at the ‘bad’ part. I could only assume the worst.

“The good news is that your dad has been given a higher position in work and he has been trying to accomplish that for the last five years, and now he finally has. The bad news, is that he has to work far away, and so we have to move houses.”

“Oh, is that it? Phew! I thought that it was something much bad!” I laughed at how anxious I had become. I turned to face her, and her expression told me that there was something… more.

“That is it, right? I mean, moving house isn’t so bad, it’s not like I can’t still go to school and see my friends… right?” I looked at her, scared that I might be wrong.

She just gave me a small smile. “I’m very sorry Jojo, but our new home isn’t going to be anywhere near your high school. In fact, your new home isn’t even going to be in Korea anymore.”

I stopped breathing and just stared at her. *Did I just hear her right?*

As is she could read my thoughts, she placed her gentle hand on top of mine with a small nod. “Yes Jojo, our new home isn’t in this country.”

Feeling dizzy and dazed, I gathered up all of what was left of my energy to speak. “Then, where is it?”

She gently squeezed me hand and looked me deeply in the eye. “Australia.”


- - - - - THE NEXT DAY - - - - -

Taemin’s POV

I scanned the school area, searching for her. I smiled as I looked down at the bouquet of roses in my hands. *Finally, the time has come. I’m going to do it right today.* I wiped the sweat forming on my forehead. I was so nervous and anxious, yet excited. I had developed a crush on my best friend for ever since we were little, but I was too scared to show it. I had been her friend for the past 18 years, but now, I want to be more than just friends.

Numerous students walked past, some of them staring and giggling at me. One girl walked up to me and pointed at the roses.

“Oppa, are those for me?” she asked whilst batting her eyelashes.

I smirked mentally. *Silly girl, the eyelash batting only works with her.*

I smiled back politely. “Sorry, but these are for someone else.”

She gave me an annoyed pout. “Who oppa? Who?”

I was just about to reply, when I spotted her walking in. I immediately began to grow even more anxious and nervous. There were butterflies forming in my stomach, but I just couldn’t stop smiling, but I my brain was telling me otherwise. *Stop it Taemin! You’re the school Kingka, you’ll look like an idiot if you keep smiling like that!*

She was near me now. Gathering all my courage, I was about to call out to her, but I stopped. Her shoulders were slumped and her expression was very blank, but I could tell that something was not right. She looked very sad and depressed by the way she was walking and sighing. Seeing this, I immediately felt down too, and I started to become worried. Silently, I reached out to her.

Jojo’s POV

I looked up slowly.

Upon seeing him, I felt like bursting out into tears. I had tried so hard to not think about him on the way to school, and I tried so hard not to cry, but seeing him now… I just couldn’t control my flowing tears.

“Jojo! Why are you crying? What’s wrong?!” he was becoming very panicked now as he tried to wipe away my tears with his hand.

By this simple gesture, I burst out into tears even more. If I was to leave, I would no longer be able to sense the touch of his hand in mine, or be able to hear his voice in person anymore…

Taemin, the one person whom I’ve shared my entire childhood and known my whole life, the one person I could completely trust and believe, the one person whom I’ve grown so accustomed to the point where life would be different without him… And to leave him behind was just too much for me to handle.

I had no idea how I was going to tell him about the news. And I had no idea how I going to deal with life without him…

Taemin’s POV

I started to become really panicked. I temporarily forgot about all my plans of confessing to her. All I cared about now was the fact that she was crying. Very tear that fell out of her eyes pierced a hole in my heart. And the worst thing was that I couldn’t do anything about it.

I tried to comfort her by telling her that everything was alright.

“Jojo, what’s wrong? Please, tell me. I’m begging you. Did someone make you cry? Who is it? Just tell me and I’ll make sure that they deal with me.” I balled my fists and rotated my jaws. If ANYONE was to mess with her, they’ll have to go through ME first.

However, my anger started to grow desperate. Her tears just wouldn’t stop falling. As gently as I could, I tried to wipe away her tears. I touched her chin and pulled her face so that I was level with her. I looked deeply into her eyes. I tried my hardest to not break down in front of her. The way she was crying sorrowfully, I could tell something was very wrong.

“Jojo. Please. Just tell me. What’s wrong?” I whispered.

She slowly looked up at me. I wiped away the last of her tears and beckoned her to continue.


Jojo’s POV

I took a big breath and looked him in the eye. I had to tell him, sooner or later. I could only estimate the pain that the news would bring to the both of us, but I had to tell him.


“Yes? What is it?” he tugged on my arm.

“… Let’s go talk over there. This, might take long.” I walked over to some nearby benches.

Taemin followed me and we both sat down.

Then, I held his hands, just like my mum did when she broke the news to me.

And, I told him everything.

Taemin’s POV

I can’t believe it.

No, I don’t want to believe.

Upon hearing the news from her, it felt like the world was crashing down on me.

It felt like my most precious treasure in my life had been taken away from me. It felt like my heart had just been torn into a million irreplaceable pieces. It felts as if… as if my Jojo, had just been taken away from me… which was what had happened.

The painful feeling that I felt at that moment was just simply indescribable in the worst of ways. It would have been better if she had just shot me there on the spot. At least then, I wouldn’t have felt the pain surging through my body.

After what seemed like hours of just deafening silence, I managed to break the silence first.

“… Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out. We’ve been through thick and thin for as long as I remember, and so something like this isn’t going to break us apart now. I promise you. You trust me right?”

She paused, and then nodded. I could tell that she really wanted to believe me, but we both well knew that it was just mere hope. However, against all odds, I prayed that something like a miracle would occur.

Without a word, I just pulled her into a deep embrace. We clung onto each other and silently cried on each other’s shoulders.

The roses that I had planned on giving her, lay forgotten and broken on the hard concrete ground.



- - - - - TWO WEEKS LATER - - - - -

Taemin’s POV

After hearing the dreaded news from her, for the past two weeks, we literally spent each passing minute together. I made sure that she was having the time of her life every day, and I tried my hardest to distract her from anything that might remind her of the painful truth. I wanted to spend as much time together as possible and not waste any moment of it.

However, it all passed by too fast. The two weeks felt more like two days. I took her everywhere and did everything with her. We went to theme parks, ice rink, the beach, we watch movies together and much more. Every day for the two short weeks, we had nearly every meal together.

For the whole two weeks, not one of us ever mentioned the separation that was soon to come. We enjoyed each moment together, and that was all that mattered.

However, fate had to come. And it came all too soon… and I wasn’t ready to face it.

Jojo’s POV

The past two weeks had gone by all too short. It had felt like heaven, but with an underlying layer of darkness. And that was exactly how it was. We both had a really great time, spending each day together, but we both knew all too well on what was soon to come.

I could tell that Taemin was trying his very best to make each minute enjoyable for me. He helped me from forgetting all pain, and I pretended not to notice, but in truth, whenever he wasn’t around, I would ball up and cry silently, scared that he might find out.

Taemin’s POV

It was the day before her departure. I woke up with red swollen eyes from all the crying from last night. With a heavy heart, I took a shower and dressed. I checked my calendar. I really didn’t want to do the things that I had planned for today, because that would mean that today would be the last.

During the day, I took her on a yacht ride on the Hankang River. I wanted to show her this place before she leaves. We used to come play here a lot as little kids, it really brings back lots of memories.

As always, when I was with her, time flew by like a shooting star in the dark, endless sky. It was soon night and after eating dinner, we had our last walk by a park. We just silently walked side by side. The silence was very comfortable. I really didn’t want to mention tomorrow.

She walked over to a park bench and instinctively, I followed and sat down next to her.

She leaned her head on my shoulder. This made my heart beat faster, reminding me of two weeks ago, when I had attempted to confess to her. But I guess that I’m too late.

We both remained quiet, just watching the stars shining in the night sky.

The moment was all too perfect. I wanted nothing more than time to just stop.

“Taemin-ah,” she whispered.

“Yes?” I tilted my head to lean against hers.

“I really am lucky to have a friend like you. I deeply appreciate all that you’ve done for me.”

The word ‘friend’ really made me hurt, but what saddened me the most, was how her words signalled the end.

“Aniya. You’ve been the greatest friend anyone could ask for. You’re a gift sent from God to me. If it wasn’t for you, I’d probably still be the rebel badass, getting myself into trouble all the time.”

She gave a weak laughter. “Yeah, you were quite the bad boy. I still remember all the excuses I had to give the teachers when trying to help you get out of trouble.”

A sudden flash of our high school years together flashed past me, making me cringe in pain. I promised myself that I wouldn’t show her my tears today, but I don’t know if I can keep that promise.

“Taemin-ah, no matter what happens; you’ll always be my one and only best friend. And… I’ll always love you. Don’t ever forget that.”

A tear fell down my face. Her words hurt me in two ways. One was how her simple ‘I love you’ meant something different to me than it did to her. And the second was that her words really made me realise the reality.

“Babo… I would never forget that. The same goes for me. You’ll always be my one and only….” I wrapped my arms around her shoulder. “Hey, so don’t go to Australia and make a new best friend, because your one and only best friend is right here, waiting for you. Don’t ever let anyone hurt you, if they do, call me and I’ll go right over and let me deal with them, araso? Oh, and also remember to not cry, I might not be there to wipe your tears away for you. Lastly, don’t ever replace me.”

“Okay, okay, I won’t Taemin-ah, I promise.” She held out her pinky, and I laced mine with hers.

“That’s my girl.” I held her hands tightly.

She smiled. “Ah~  I wish time would just pause right at this moment. Today has been too perfect.”

I couldn’t agree more.



“I love you… very much.”

She giggled and poked my arm. “I know, I love you very much too.”

I closed my eyes and let the last of my tears fall. I felt a drop fall onto my hand, and I could tell that she was crying as well.


- - - - - THE NEXT DAY - - - - -

Jojo’s POV

Taemin came with me and my family to the airport. We both were too sad to talk, but the presence of one another was good enough for me… His eyes were really red, like mine. We both had obviously cried last night, despite the promise to not cry.

After my parents finalised all the tickets, luggage and inspection, it was now time to board the plane. I let them board first, and I told them that I will be there soon. But for now, I had to say my final goodbye.

He was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. I could tell that he was struggling with himself to not cry. *Babo Taemin. Always trying to not show his weak side to me.*

“Taemin-ah,” I tugged on his arm.

“Hey,” he turned around. He gave me his signature smile, the same one that always never failed to make my heart flutter. His smile wasn’t the same bright one that I had always seen, instead, it was sad and being his best friend, I could see all the sorrow behind it.

I stepped forward and hugged him really tightly, and just remained that way. I failed to keep his promise, as tears flowed from my eyes.

Taemin’s POV

She hugged me with all the strength she had left in her fragile body. I hugged her back. She was crying, and this time, I didn’t stop her.

I promised that I’ll figure something out, and that it would be all okay, but it wasn’t. I didn’t manage to figure anything out. I always made her promise things with me, and yet I broke my own. I really didn’t know what I was going to do without her.

“Jojo-yah, remember to call me once you get there. Promise me that we will talk at least once every week, araso?” I managed to whisper through my tears.

“Araso, I promise. Send me lots of emails too.”

I nodded.

“Last call to all passengers boarding Korean Air Flight G710, please make your way over to the boarding area. The plane is about to take off.”

The speakers boomed and brought me back into reality.

I broke our hug and looked deeply into her eyes. This would probably be the last time I’d be seeing them in a long, long while. I had so much to say, yet my mind went blank.

“You should go before you miss your flight,” that was all I could manage to say.

She looked down and nodded. I wiped away the last of her tears. She looked up and me and strained to smile.

“Goodbye Taemin-ah. I’ll miss you a lot.” She nodded slightly and walked over to the boarding area.

I watched her getting further and further away from me. She was now really close to entering the gates.

I couldn’t stop myself at that moment.

I ran over to her as fast as I could.

Without warning, I pulled her around to face me.

I looked into her eyes for a split second. *Jojo, forgive me for what I am about to do.*

“Jojo, I will miss you very much too,” I whispered.

Then I leaned in and kissed her.


- - - - - FIVE YEARS LATER - - - - -

Jojo’s POV

“Very good Timmy!” I gently patted his back as I gave him a sticker.

“Miss, I finished too!” squealed Zoe.

“Me too!”

“And me!”

“Me toooo!”

“Ahaha! Alright everyone! I will give you all stickers, but Miss needs to file away something first, so please wait patiently.”

I raised a finger and smiled brightly. “To those of you who wait very patiently, I’ll even give TWO stickers. Would you like that boys and girls?”

“YESSSSSSSS MISSSSSS!!!!!” screamed the small children.

I couldn’t help myself but laugh. They were all so cute and they never failed to make me smile, even on a bad day.

Making sure that they were all occupied with activities, I went over to my desk. I filed away the sheets and organised folders. I turned around to open the cupboard and stopped.

The photo frame containing a picture of Taemin and I smiling with our heads together caught my attention. Smiling, I picked it up and trailed my thumb across the picture. All the memories with him came into my mind and it overwhelmed me a little. It had been five years since I had last seen him, and I missed him so much. There was never a day in these five years where I haven’t thought about him.

I was lost in my track of thoughts, when the children’s voices broke my haze.

“MISSSS!!! There’s a man at the doooorrrr!!!”

*Man? Who?* I turned around.

And I couldn’t believe my eyes.

There, leaning by the doorway, was Taemin. He had changed a lot, and his facial features were more sharper, and definitely more defined and handsome than I had last seen him, but I could still see the same Taemin behind it all.

“Hey Jojo. Long-time no see best friend,” he said with that same heart melting smile. He tilted his head and examined me head to toe. “You have gotten much prettier than the last time I saw you.”

I was still speechless.

All I could do was burst into tears, but this time with joy.

And I ran over to him and pulled him into a hug.

I cried into his shoulder, the thing I haven’t been able to do for so long.

There was so many things that I wanted to ask him, but all I wanted to do at that moment was to fully appreciate his presence.

He hugged me back and we stayed like that like old times.

I was crying and he was gently patting my back.

“Yah, babo, stop crying, the children are looking.” He laughed lightly.

I had forgotten all about the children all that mattered was him.

He bent down to match my height and gently wiped away my tears.

“Hey, stop crying, I’m here now. And I’ll always be beside you from now on.”

His last words abruptly stopped my tears. *Did I just hear right?*

As if he read my thoughts, he nodded. “Yes, I’ll always be here for you now. Right beside you.”

And just like last time, he bent down and kissed me.


- - - - - THE END - - - - -


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Chapter 1: this was so sweet, and beautiful!!! taemin was truly the bestest friend (and boyfriend haha) in the face of their distance. wonderful job!
jessi828 #2
Chapter 1: awww it was cute....long- distance relationship....
Chapter 1: Hehehe, taemin! ^^
JanMin7 #4
Chapter 1: Just, Wow... I'm speechless, I love it ! It also made me cry ...
Joyvin #5
Amazing story~ I'm always re-reading this over and over!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ sequel? Perhaps a girl tried to take Taemin away? :) I LOVE THIS FRICKEN STORY!!!!!!!! It made me cry, but the endin made me happy :)
iarese #7
Woooo I love this <33
Thanks so much guys ><<br />
I'm so happy that you liked this one-shot, it makes me so happy ;D<br />