Update: Attention Criminal Mind Applicants

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I plan on completing Criminal Minds so I need everyone who's character I've already made a chapter for to send me the links to their applications again. I'm trying to get everything in order and have everything connect like I wanted it to before. If I ever talked to you before, I need you to message me ASAP so I get you to look over the already written chapters and correct any incorrect grammar/spelling.  I'm still taking applications, and if you submitted one before but your chapter has yet to be published but you STILL want to be part of the story then please resend the link to your application as well. 

I know I've disappointed in the past, but as I read through the story again, I feel like  failure because I really like it! Also, I'm changing the banner and Xiaomei's face claim. Thank you everyone who's still sticking here!!! 

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