Don't Rain on my Parade

Blanket Forts

It was raining. Minho wanted to curse the gods for all of his bad luck. Of course, tonight was his and Taemin’s first anniversary and of course he had planned to take him on a picnic under the stars. Of course. He wanted to cry tears of anger and frustration, because what if Taemin didn’t want him after this? What if Taemin was disappointed? He wouldn’t be able to stand it if Taemin cried. His little blonde had only cried once in front of him, and it was not a feeling he’d liked. He’d felt crushed, and sad that he couldn’t cheer Taemin up. The look of anguish in his boyfriend’s eyes was one he vowed to never let happen again. Sighing, he picked up the phone and dialed.

Taemin picked up only a few seconds after with a soft “Minho?”

The brunette felt a sad smile flit across his lips. “Hi baby, happy anniversary.” He heard the blonde heave a sigh of relief. So Minho hadn’t forgotten, then. “I’m sorry it’s raining. I was going to take you on a romantic picnic and surprise you, but the weather-” He was cut off by a chuckle from the other end of the line.

“I’ll be over in five minutes. I hope you still have that picnic prepared.” With those words, he hung up. Minho put down the phone and put the picnic basket filled with delicious food onto the table. Taemin, true to his promise, showed up soon after. He carried a grocery bag filled with what looked to be movies and snacks. “I brought ‘The Mummy’, ‘Breakfast Club’, ‘Anchorman’, ‘Batman Forever’ and ‘The Pink Panther’. Take your pick.” Minho smiled and pulled the shorter male into a tight hug.

“I love you. Let’s watch ‘Pink Panther’.” He whispered. Taemin giggled and shook his head.

“First, let’s make a blanket fort!”

So they did just that.

Blankets were hung across Minho’s make shift clothesline which stretched from wall to wall. Taemin had filled the fort with pillows and declared it their ‘love nest’. The blonde brought the picnic basket out to the living room and into the fort, had put on the movie and snuggled up to the man he loved. They did the things that cheesy lovers did. They fed each other, held hands, snuggled, stole kisses and exchanged ‘I love you’s every so often. All in all, they’d had an amazing night. Minho wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

Taemin had decided to stay the night, and had stolen a shirt from Minho. The brunette stole looks at him every chance he got, loving the way that the shirt hung off the blonde’s lithe body. By the time they had put the fort away, it was nearly three o’clock in the morning and both men were exhausted. Taemin snuggled up against Minho in the twin sized bed, and both were out as soon as their head’s touched the pillow. 

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kara224 #1
Chapter 1: that was really cute :)
Chapter 1: Awww so adorable ^^
CloudieSky27 #3
Chapter 1: Fluffy and cute. I love it!