Two Weeks

Two Weeks - Minho

“How long will you be this time, Minho?” You sighed as you pulled down the comforter on your bed and removed some of the extra pillows. You heard some rustling in the closet as you slid into bed and looked through your phone for all of the messages that you need to catch up on. The closet door opened slowly as Minho peered onto you, his wife, the love of his life, his angel. He smiled and leaned on the door as he watched your fingers tap against the screen of your phone. He walked over to you then he climbed into bed, crawling over to you and planting a sweet kiss on your temple. You closed your eyes and embraced the sweet, soft lips of your husband. You set your phone on the side table plugging it into its charger. Minho s his arms around your waist pulling your gently back into bed. He planted kisses on your jawline as he moved down to your neck.

“How long will your trip take, Minho?” You asked quietly. Minho stopped kissing you and dropped his head to his chest before he looked back up at you

“Two weeks. Sorry babe, I know that this is sudden and right after our month honeymoon but I have to go” His voice got sweeter and sweeter as he tried to explain himself

“It’s ok, I know you have to go” You comforted him as you slid down and pulled your comforter up by your shoulder

“Don’t be mad at me, please” He pleaded as his chin rested on your arm as you lay on your side with your back facing him.

“I am not mad. I am just worried about how much I will miss you.” A tear trailed down your cheek, Minho placed his hand on your cheek and cupped it in his hand as he gently turned you over with his other hand.

“I haven’t left yet and we can call each other and video chat. It will all be ok babe. I promise” He moved your head into his shoulder as his arm wrapped around your head and played with your hair, letting it run through his fingers like fine sand. Your fingers drew little figures on his bare chest as you laid on him feeling him breathe underneath you.

Sooner than later you fell asleep with him slightly humming your wedding song that he wrote for you those few months ago. He watched you sleep peacefully as your breathing matched his. He always knew you were an angel and this just made him be grateful for all of the memories that you had made together so far. He thought about how you were worried about how much you will miss him and that broke his heart. Tears slid from your eyes periodically throughout the night. He stayed awake to make sure that your tears were cleared from your beautiful skin. He watched over you like a guardian angel. He didn’t want to waste this time that he had with you, he wanted to keep a picture of you in his heart always, no matter where he is or how far away he is from you.

The sun broke across the horizon as the pure morning light bled through the blinds that covered your windows. He looked out the window and sighed as he looked back at his wife gently sleeping on his chest. He looked at his phone that recently started blinking its light angrily at him. He gently shifted you off of him, moving a pillow under you so that it was like that you were still sleeping on him. He pulled his phone from the charger, slowly walked over to the closet, got changed into a sweatshirt and some old jeans that you had bought for him a while ago. Minho pulled out his duffle bag and his suitcase that he had packed a couple of nights before. Walking back over to you he pushed your hair behind your ear one more time before he kissed your forehead sweetly wishing you a good morning. He walked back over to his bag; he carried them both out of the room and into the living room where he pulled out a card and some flowers that he had recently stashed away in his suitcase. He walked slowly to the front door closing it softly behind him to try and not wake you.

He arrived at the companies’ building catching a ride with the other members. Once they all arrived they all loaded into the van. They drove to the airport, most of the members slept but Minho couldn’t stop thinking about you. He looked through his phone at the pictures of you and wished that he was back with you. He played with his wedding ring as he gazed out the window. He replayed ‘your story’ in your head. Images flashed in his head of how you met up till last night. He smiled at all of the other adventures that you could be having in the future when he came back.

You stirred with the pillow underneath you. Your hand slid to the space next to you in bed where Minho should have been. You suddenly sat up causing your hair to swish around your neck. You sat up leaning on your arm and you rubbed your eyes with the other hand. You gently set yourself back down on the pillow. You hugged it with everything that you had; you wished that the pillow between your arms was Minho. You rolled over to your phone on the other side of the bed. You brought your phone to life as you read this text.

Good Morning Jagiya! I hope that you slept well, I miss you too much already. <3

A smile melted on your face as you knew that he hadn’t forgotten about you. You sat up and pulled your phone from the charger, walking into the kitchen. You walked into the kitchen unexcited at the time you had all to yourself. Turning the corner you noticed the beautiful flowers that were your favorite as well as the beautiful card that was like out of a drama. You smiled uncontrollably as you eased your nose up to the flowers. They were perfect, for they were your favorite. Next you moved to the card. He had Nae Sarang on the card cover in fancy lettering; you opened the packaging with care as you gently pulled out the handmade card. He had written a special letter for you that to this day you would never share with anyone. He had slipped some of his favorite pictures in the envelope of you and him. You sat in awe of his lovely gesture for hours. You texted your friends trying to pass the time but nothing seemed to help.

—- Two weeks later—-

You hadn’t managed to sleep for the past couple days. You knew he was coming home and you needed to see him. You had video chatted a couple times but it wasn’t the same. He kept all of his promises and you tried to keep all of yours but somehow the, sleeping every night, promise didn’t work out to plan. You really tried to fall asleep but you couldn’t. You sighed lying in various positions trying to fall asleep.

3:27 am

Your clock read as you rolled back over. Somehow you managed to cry yourself to sleep. You gently woke to the door creaking open. You slipped out of bed; you walked to your door to investigate the sound. You knew it was the door but who the door was opening for intrigued you. You walked out into the hallway as your slippers slid across the wood floor. You turned the corner and saw him.



Standing there in front of you. Rubbing your eyes vigorously to try and see if it was really him.

“Annyeong Nae Sarang” He greeted you with one arm behind his back, his voice was tired sounding as he ran his other hand through his hair.

“Minho?” You asked as you walked up closer to him. He walked out of the shadows of the entranceway as you picked up your pace. He picked up his as you both ran into each other’s arms. He wrapped his arms around you picking you up off of your feet. Your legs wrapped around him like a child as he held your head with his hand. He walked over to the counter. He gently sat you down on the granite countertop. You two kissed passionately leaving you breathless after a couple of minutes.

“I missed you” Minho pulled away hovering over your lips as his warm breath made you smile, looking into his wet eyes you knew that you had missed him as much as he had missed you.

“I missed you too” You said as you crashed your lips into his, running your hands through his perfect hair. He cupped your cheek and held you close as you embraced.

“I almost forgot. I got you a little something.” He walked away and pulled some flowers from his suitcase and you smiled as he handed you another note, but attached to this one was a little heart with your initials in it along with his. His fingers clasped the chain and pulled it away from the note and ran it against your neck as you pulled your hair to one side of your neck. He clasped it behind and held the little heart in his hand; he kissed it gently before setting it back on your chest.

“It’s perfect” You breathed out as you pushed his head up with your fingers under his perfect jawline

“No, you’re perfect”

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Chapter 1: The story is so heart warming, espicially when he was still witg her at the beginning and kissing each other so sweetly

The title reminds me of that awesome Kdrama haha but it's different
And The first paragraph made me relax, I dozed off immediately after I was done reading it all and here I woke to write this comment do don't mind spelling mistakes and such, I can't open my eyes hehe
DiarraCha #2
Chapter 1: oh god!!
it will make me faint in no time :'(
huhuhu sweeet so muuuuuuch
Chapter 1: hahahahha okay that was cute ! :D love your story ^^