I annoy you because i love you~

I annoy you because i love you~

“WONSSIIIIIK” N cried as he ran into Ravi’s room and giggled as he saw the other bopping his head to the beat from his headphones, not even knowing the other was in the room.

Totally clueless to the fact that N was even calling him, Ravi who was still lost in his own little world, payed no attention to what was going on around him and continued  staring blankly at the wall, still listening to music

*Aish, this kid*  N sighed and suddenly pounced on the latter, startling him “RAAVIIIIIII”

“Oh god, hyung. You gave me a friking heart attack just now!” Ravi cried, playing his hand on his chest. His heart was beating madly from the sudden jump

“Well, it’d been better if you actually heard me call you” N pouted cutely, putting on his most innocent face “You were in your own wooorrld~” he sang

“Seriously though. You startled me so bad; I swear” Ravi sighed but smiled a little at the older’s immaturity “Why’d you call me anyways?”

“I’m boooored~ let’s play something?” N asked, turning his aegyo on to full blast

“What, now?” Ravi asked “Cant you ask the others?”

“They’re all too busyyy, or so they said” N said in a fake hurt voice “No one wants to be with meeee~” he faked a sniffle

“..Sometimes I wonder if you’re really the oldest”

“I AAAAM~” N chirped, in a half-scream, smiling widely

“I doubt it you know” Ravi giggled “I can’t play right now though, I want to finish a new song I’ve been writing for a while”

N’s smile faded into a frown “aww, now? Can’t you do it later? Pleaaaase?” he begged clinging onto the other’s shoulder

“Gosh, you are really annoying, hyung” Ravi said in slightly rude tone “But I’m busy so how about later, ok?”

N sighed “fine fine.” He replied pouting and walked out the room

Ravi watched as N sulked his way out of the room and couldn’t help but to smile. His hyung was always annoying but it seemed he was especially annoying to him. It was irritating but then again, N wasn’t himself if he wasn’t annoying.

He grabbed his lyrics book and started writing down some lyrics while listening to some songs on his phone.

“RAAAAVIIII” a very familiar voice suddenly sang from the doorway, making Ravi mess up the lyrics a little.

Wincing at his mistake, he looked up to find N poking his head through the crack in the open door. “You done yet?” he asked innocently

“Hyung, it hasn’t even been 5 minutes. Heck, not even a minute has passed” Ravi exclaimed, sighing

“..When will you be done?”





“..I’m not going to kill you hyung, please go away for now. I’m busy”




“…Sorry Leo”

“Ravi started it”

“Shut up hyung”





“Leo, you scare me a lot

“I know Ken. Now if you don’t mind, please let go of my hand. I need it to cook for you guys”


Sulking, N plopped onto the couch and watched Ravi as he slammed the door to his and Hyuk’s shared room close and lock the door in place.

N was way hyper than normal so he didn’t intent sitting there idle for long. Jumping up, he went to Hongbin’s room to see what he was up to.

He poked his head in to find Hongbin lying on the bed, reading a book and Hyuk on Hongbin’s tummy. They looked like a couple out of a romantically sappy movie. The moment was too cute that N decided not to disturb those two and made his way into the kitchen to see what KeO was up to.

~At le kitchen~

N walked in and sat on the nearby chair and observed the very love-bird like duo from there.

Leo was trying to make some rice for dinner while Ken was back-hugging the older and resting his head on his shoulder.

“Gosh Ken, let go right now or I punch you face or something” Leo glared evilly at the blonde-haired male who just made a face in response

“Nop~ I love you too much” Ken cried as he tightened the hug and kissed the other on the cheek, making the older go a bright shade of red

-wack- “Ouch~ Why’d you hit me hyung?”

“You-kissed-me. That’s what” Leo gritted

“But but. I-I’m sorry hyung. I went too far” Ken apologized, his eyes becoming teary

Leo sighed “gosh, you pabo. Go set the table would you, Jaehwan?” he said calmly, flashing a rare smile at Ken

N, who was still observing what was going on, was slightly shocked to see the usually stone-faced Leo smile. Ken on the other hand was more ecstatic than ever.

“OMG HYUNG YOU JUST SMILED AT ME YAY. This is the best day everrrr” Ken suddenly embraced the other in a hug, causing Leo to freeze a little

“Ken, let go or I smack you with the spoon again”


N giggled at the cuteness, yet felt slightly jealous that all his other band-mates were so lovey-dovey with one other. He decided to leave Ken and Leo alone and go to the sofa again

N plopped onto the sofa for the second time that day and took out his phone and began texting to Ravi, despite the fact that he was in the room nearby because the door was obviously locked

~At Ravi’s room~

Ravi felt his phone vibrate and opened it up to see an SMS from N

From: N-Hyung~
To: RaRaRaVii
RAAAAVI? Are you done yet? Are you are you? *~*

From: RaRaRaVii
To: N-Hyung~
Gosh hyung. NO IM NOT. Sheesh. Stop textin im busy rn

From : N-Hyung~
To : RaRaRaVi
*cries* but but im loneeelyyyyyy~ T_T

From : RaRaRaVii
To : N-Hyung~
..This is why I ask myself if you’re really older than me

From: N-Hyung~
To: RaRaRaVi

From: RaRaRaVii
To: N-Hyung~
what type of question is that, sure I do-wait, in what way do you mean? *strares*

From : N-Hyung~
To : RaRaRaVi
You knowwww, in that that way. -3-

From : RaRaRaVii
To : N-Hyung~
…And If I say yes?

From : N-Hyung~
To : RaRaRaVi
Then I will hug u in the biggest hug everrrrr <3
btw tell me what ur working on pls :3

From : RaRaRaVii
To : N-Hyung~
Sheesh hyung..
Oh I only got the chorus down. It’s about love conquering all feelings (cheesy, no?). I’m not sure what the main concept actually is. Somehow, my mind is blank urg

From : N-Hyung~
To : RaRaRaVi
Can I help? /puppy eyes

From : RaRaRaVii
To : N-Hyung~
Ahaha sure~ shoot

From : N-Hyung~
To : RaRaRaVi
I wiiil~ if you let me in -3- pleaaase?


From: RaRaRaVii
To: N-Hyung~
*sigh* fine fine. The door's unlocked btw, you can come it.



N happily put his phone away and practically skipped into Ravi’s room and sat next to him.

“Ok, so what do you got?” Ravi asked

“Urm, well. How about this person who likes this other person and only expresses his feelings by being annoying and caring?” N suggested, slightly blushing

“Hey that’s pretty good!” Ravi exclaimed as he wrote down the idea on a blank page. He stopped half-way and looked up at N “hey, hyung. This is just curiosity asking but, do you like someone?”

N looked at the ground and nodded his head. “Yeah. The song idea is basically my situation. Heh”

“Really? And who is this lucky person?” Ravi teased, poking his hung’s side

“Someone” N muttered “someone whom I constantly annoy with texts and pokes and pouncing and honestly just want to hug and even kiss at times. Someone who is so oblivious to my feelings that sometimes I want to punch him or something”

“Oh-wait. Did you just..him?” Ravi asked

N sighed “Gosh, you’re an idiot you know?” he finally looked up to Ravi’s eyes and leaned in so close that their noses were basically touching. “this is why I want to punch you” he smiled sheepishly and kissed the tip of Ravi’s nose before suddenly getting up and walking away, leaving the younger in a slight daze, slightly hurt from the form of rejection

From: RaRaRaVii
To: N-Hyung~
I’m naming the song “Love you hate you” okay?
And I added a little bit of my situation into it too. It’s about the other person saying that has a complete fool for not realizing the love he was getting from him hyung and wishing to apologize and wanting to hug him and kiss him and tell him this; I love you too. Hyung. <3

From: N-Hyung~
To: RaRaRaVi
Gosh, you’re so cheesy <3
I love you too. From a very very long time <3. And I accept ur apology :3 /virtually hugs
So does this mean now we’re an actual couple?

From: RaRaRaVii
To: N-Hyung~
I’m cheesy because of u, babeh <3
Yes, we are now a couple, I guess ^^ and why just a virtual hug? Can’t you come here to my room and hug me instead of texting? >3eyebrows.

From: N-Hyung~
To: RaRaRaVi
Omg ur so sappy and erted :P jkjk <3
I’m on my way theeere~ /I just wanted to charge my i-pod lol

From: RaRaRaVii
To: N-Hyung~
you idiot lol.
Oh, and I do love you a lot okay? <3

N entered Ravi’s room again just as the other’s phone set off a beep

From: N-Hyung~
To: RaRaRaVi
I love you too <3

Ravi smiled sheepishly at the now blushing N and walked closer to him boldly. He placed one hand on N’s chest and used the other to close the door behind him.  N felt Ravi’s breath ghost over his lips as the other leaned closer and closed the gap between their lips in a sweet and passionate kiss.

N, who had been wanting to kiss Ravi for so long was mesmerized to the state his knees gave in slightly, but Ravi caught hold him before he fell. The break for air, both panting heavily

“Damn, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that” Ravi said as he looked deep into the others’ eyes

“and you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to make you mine” N commented and he pulled Ravi in for another kiss, deepening it by moving so close to each other that they could feel the others’ body heat clearly.

They let go for yet another moment and was about to lean in again but was stopped by a sudden call from outside

“GUUYS. DINNER’S READY” Leo called from the kitchen

Ravi smiled slightly at N and caressed his cheek before intertwining their hands together “let’s go eat now, kay? We’ll continue this later” he winked, making the older blush and only nod in response

They left to the kitchen and sat down, facing the other, at the table and silently played footsie with each other from under the table and smiling shyly at one another from time to time, oblivious to the smirks from the other members

N suddenly took out his phone and started rapidly texting someone. Before Ravi could sneak a peek at what he wrote, N press “send” and his own phone began to beep

Rummaging through his pocket, he opened the SMS and couldn’t help but giggle

From: N-Hyung~
To: RaRaRaVi
...btw, I top -3- choose;
a) yes
b) yes
c) all the above

From : RaRaRaVii
To : N-Hyung~
Hmm, only one way to find, no? ;)

Oblivious to what was going on then, the members cheerfully are their food in a non-awkward silence while the Navi couple texted one another from time to time, still managing to play footsie and catch the other staring at them from  time to time~

Omg that was longer than expected
cute? Yes? No?
Random? Yes? Lol
I am currently sleep-deprived and have a head-ache but you hafta make sacrifices like this for your ships, you get what I mean,ne?
Yes, this was weird I know
and bery y in the end but yeaaah. My fangull mind got the best of me woop xD
hope you all enjoyed :v
/gives out cookies <3

p.s. please tell me if they're any grammer mistakes. i still have a big headache rn and am too lazy to re-read lol 

and remeber to subscraaaibe <3

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Chapter 1: help im having a heart attack from cuteness
this is literally me and my boyfriend though omfg i mean we never get to see each other because long distance and neither of us drive but when we do see each other we are this yup i am ravi and he is n we are best boyfriends yup yup yup
I have a little brother named navi. Omg hahaha. <3
Chapter 1: Love it keep on writing navi fanfics
MinhosLover #4
Chapter 1: Yes, lol!<3